Advantages and disadvantages of the oatmeal diet


People who are overweight, as well as those who have problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract, doctors often recommend to resort to an oatmeal diet. According to them, this is a miraculous way not only to lose those extra pounds, but to normalize the bowels. Let's see, is it all so rosy? Is it true that the oatmeal diet is a panacea for the problems described?

Oatmeal is an unusually useful product. It contains a huge amount of useful for the body substances that improve the body. The composition of oatmeal includes vitamins B, magnesium, calcium, manganese, zinc and copper. Moreover, containing fiber in itself, oatmeal very quickly creates a feeling of satiety.

The essence of the oatmeal diet is that for one or two weeks, 80% of the diet consists of dishes made from or on the basis of oatmeal. This may be milk porridge, oatmeal desserts with fruits and berries, casseroles, etc.

On the day, the body can be eaten up to four times, with a total volume of not more than ½ a two hundred gram glass. If you exclude from your diet any other food, then your menu will come out extremely low-calorie, albeit monotonous.

Of course, during this diet you will have to limit yourself to salty, fried and sweet.

There is a natural question about the safety of such nutrition. Indeed, is simple oatmeal really able to saturate the body with all the necessary nutrients? Unfortunately, the answer is no. One oatmeal to complete the work of the stomach is not enough. Moreover, the constant use of oatmeal can lead to a deterioration in the assimilation of such important elements as calcium and iron by the body.

It is also important to remember that milk, which is undoubtedly part of the oatmeal diet, is perceived differently by people. For those who do not tolerate lactose, an oatmeal diet is contraindicated.

What conclusion can be made? An osvyana diet is not for everyone. And even those who do not suffer from lactose intolerance, does not have obvious contraindications for this diet, should resort to it with a certain degree of caution.


Watch the video: What Will Happen If You Start Eating Oats Every Day (July 2024).