Air travel is dangerous for obese people.


Fat people suffering from alveolar hypoventilation, that is, the inability to breathe deeply and quickly, as a result of which insufficient amount of oxygen enters the blood, should be extremely careful when flying. Due to the decrease in pressure in the cabin of the plane, people with obesity may experience a sharp drop in oxygen in the shelter.

Some doctors believe that people with a history of alveolar hypoventilation are required to pass a hypoxia test before flying. Also, if necessary, they should be given the opportunity to receive additional oxygen on board.

It has been observed that air travel can severely threaten the health of people who are overweight. And it is not even a matter of trivial swelling of the legs, but also of vein thrombosis. In addition to obese people, pregnant women and smokers are also at risk.


Watch the video: Should Overweight Passengers Be Charged More To Fly? Good Morning Britain (July 2024).