How to learn to wake up quickly and cheerfully


Not everyone is able to wake up in the morning with ease. Many barely open their eyes, try to sleep for a minute, in the end either wake up or stand up in a bad mood. Both are equally harmful for both career and emotional control. It is especially difficult to wake up after weekends or holidays. In fact, waking up with ease is not so difficult. But how to learn this, so that the morning was really good?

Quickly get out of bed can not, it can harm the body. It is much more pleasant to stretch a few times and take a couple of deep breaths that will saturate the brain with oxygen and tune it into mental activity.

At the edges of the auricles are many important points, massaging which you can awaken the internal organs and adjust them to work.

No need to put on the alarm loud, albeit fashionable, melody. This day it can sound without damaging your hearing. For awakening, it will not work, only add more irritation. It is better to pick up a quiet, calm melody that allows you to wake up gently from sleep. Another important tip: the alarm should be placed away from the bed. Firstly, it will save you from harmful exposure, and secondly, it will not allow you to reach out and turn off the melody while continuing to inspect dreams.

On how much to go to bed on the eve of the morning awakening depends entirely. You should know that the best sleep is before 12 at night. Therefore, you should try to go to bed so that you can sleep a little until midnight. Of course, the number of "sleepy" hours is also important. It is advisable to sleep for about 8 hours. In less time, the brain and the human body as a whole simply will not have time to fully recover. And in the morning, when you need to wake up, you will desperately demand more sleep.

An important role for a comfortable and easy waking up is played by the room temperature. If it is too cold, simply do not want to get out from under a warm blanket. And since it is still necessary, the mood will immediately deteriorate. Therefore it is worth getting a thermometer for the room, and try to keep the temperature favorable for the awakening.

It is useful to perform a simple complex of morning exercises. Only 5-10 minutes daily will help to fill the body with strength and recharge your batteries for the whole day.

After one such awakening, you can see that getting up has become much easier.


Watch the video: Upbeat music to wake up with energy. Cheerful morning music to start the day with joy (July 2024).