Created a miracle cure that can cure any disease


Scientists from the UK claim that they have discovered a miracle method that allows you to "turn off" the enzyme, which is the source of the development of many serious diseases. According to experts, the NMT enzyme found in proteins causes a number of changes that prevent the damaged cells from dying. Instead, they begin to share, causing such terrible diseases as, for example, cancer. It is NMT-enzymes that are “guilty” of the fact that malignant tumors are resistant to the effects of chemotherapy.

Guilty data proteins and the development of Alzheimer's disease. However, what is the mechanism in this case, scientists can not yet say.

Experts have identified more than one hundred proteins that interact with a harmful enzyme, and also discovered a molecule that plays the role of a sort of switch of this process.

According to scientists, the discovery can be the basis for the search for a cure for all diseases, which will certainly become a new era in modern medicine. When the miracle medicine appears on the shelves of pharmacies is difficult to say. The authors of the study state that full-fledged clinical trials, which usually take place in several stages, will take at least ten years.


Watch the video: Church says miracle water cures disease (June 2024).