Anatoly Kashpirovsky is outraged by the TV show "The Wonderworker"


An incredibly popular psychiatrist Anatoly Kashpirovsky, a psychic who was extremely popular in the 90s, reacted extremely vigorously to the “Wonderworker” series broadcast by the First Channel, in which Philip Yankovsky and Fyodor Bondarchuk played the main roles.

The film tells about the confrontation of two psychics, whose prototypes are easily guessed by Anatoly Kashpirovsky and Alan Chumak. In fact, the film is far from historical realities. Actually, the authors of the series claim that the main characters only resemble celebrities of the past. In particular, the image of Bondarchuk coincides with the image of Kashpirovsky only the hairstyle and style of clothing. Despite all this, Anatoly made a real scandal.

In particular, Kashpirovsky said that he always sympathized with Bondarchuk, however, the current role of the actor he was greatly embarrassed. Anatoly believes that Fedor himself is greatly discouraged by participation in such a project. After all, nothing like its prototype. Given the complete unreliability of the film, Kashpirovsky is convinced that he is doomed to complete oblivion.


Oleg Yakovlev 11/20/2016
I will say honestly that the series of A.Kashpirovsky helped me and my family to overcome difficulties. It's so hard to live and work without faith. It's a pity that the series have ended. Chumak did not help, but aggravated bad days. Oleg, a former company officer, with Bama, and he’s broken on Miller’s pipes. Now there is no strength in the treatment and work intensively.


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