Johnny Depp is being treated for alcoholism.


As usual, most people from the New Year want to start a new life. Hollywood actor Johnny Depp, who decided in the coming year to get rid of alcoholism, was no exception. The artist realized the perniciousness of his bad habit, which traumatizes his loved ones, and turned to a narcologist. Depp is extremely serious, he even promised journalists that from the New Year he would never touch alcohol.

Friends of Johnny claim that every day his Los Angeles mansion is visited by doctors who control the actor's well-being. Their visits are necessary, because Depp is simply not able to cope with his addiction on his own.

Recall that not so long ago, the actor made an unpleasant scene at one of the events, where going out drunk, foul language. This was the last straw for the bride of Johnny, actress Amber Heard, who decided to break the engagement. Upon learning that the beloved is going to get rid of alcohol addiction, Hurd forgave him and agreed to the wedding, to be held on December 31.


Watch the video: Dealing With Anxiety: Johnny Depp and Drinking (July 2024).