Classic pickle - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook classic rassolnik.


Classic pickle - general cooking principles

Is there such a dish as "classic pickle"? Admittedly, no. Rassolnik is a somewhat modified dish that has come to modern cuisine from time immemorial. The hostesses of Ancient Russia prepared homemade kalyu — soup based on kvass or pickle with fish and vegetables. Also known was the “brine cake”, the filling for which was prepared from meat and eggs with the addition of brine. A modern pickle soup is prepared with different ingredients, but always with the addition of lightly-salted cucumbers or pickles.

Classic pickle - preparation of food and dishes

Classic pickle prepare according to one scheme. Repeating it, you cook a delicious dish, even changing the ingredients to your liking.

The first thing is to prepare the meat base, if it is, of course, non-vegetarian soup. Meat, poultry or fish should be washed, boned and cut into pieces. After that, you need to put the ingredient to boil until foam forms on the surface of the water.

Removing the "noise", we turn to the second part of the preparation of the dish - in the classic pickle you need to add vegetables (potatoes) and cereals, which are cooked for a long time. Then the vegetables are added. Frying vegetables is not necessary, it is appropriate to do if you are not worried about the calorie content of the dish. Fry the onion in sunflower oil first, then add the carrots, and, if desired, a spoonful of tomato paste.

Classic pickle is prepared 40-50 minutes, but you do not need to serve it immediately. Let the soup infuse properly. It is best to treat guests with a slightly chilled dish, adding sour cream to it.

Recipes classic pickle:

Recipe 1: Classic pickle

Most of us have the first association that occurs when the phrase “classic pickle” is mentioned - a delicious kindergarten soup. This dish is nourishing and high in calories, but because children often cook it. As a rule, for pickle, cooks take pickles, not pickles, otherwise the soup will be very sharp. From cereals prefer rice - it cooks quickly.

Ingredients Required:

  • Clear water for pickle - 2 liters
  • 2 potato tuber
  • Rice - 60 grams
  • 350 grams of pork
  • Pickled cucumbers - 3 pieces
  • Carrot
  • Vegetable oil
  • Spice
  • Bulb onion

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the meat base for soup.
  2. While the water boils, cut into cubes potatoes. Rinse rice until clear.
  3. After removing the foam, put potatoes, grits, bay leaf into the pan and add salt.
  4. Fry the carrots and onions, add them to the pickle 15 minutes after the rice.
  5. Cucumbers need to chop finely. Dip them in the soup 7 minutes after the frying has been added.
  6. After 3 minutes, remove the pan from the heat.

Recipe 2: Classic pickle diet

What does not allow rassolnik called dietary dish? There are three components - fatty meats, vegetables fried in butter, and high-calorie cereals. You can successfully replace these components and get the same classic pickle, but dietary. Fatty meat can be replaced with chicken fillet - the broth will turn out no less rich, but it will not be fatty. Carrots and onions, we will not fry, and not very useful white rice will replace brown. Note that brown rice is cooked a little longer than white, and therefore we will boil it in advance.

Ingredients Required:

  • Water for pickle - 2 liters
  • Brown rice - 5 tablespoons
  • 1 carrot
  • Chicken fillet - 300 grams
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pieces
  • Spice

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the rice and put it to boil for 25 minutes. Water drain.
  2. Add water to the soup pot and put the chicken fillet into it.
  3. When the water boils, add brown rice to the saucepan.
  4. After 10 minutes, add grated carrots to the pickle.
  5. Add chopped pickles in 5 minutes, after 3 you can turn off the soup.

Recipe 3: Classically pickled pickle on pearl barley

Pearl barley is not often added to pickle - it is boiled for a very long time. However, there is one secret how to cook soup with this cereal faster. All you need is to fry it a little in the pan before adding to the broth. Prepare a classic pickle on pearl barley with beef.

Ingredients Required:

  • 2 liters of mineral water for pickle
  • Pearl barley - 45 grams
  • Carrots - 1 piece
  • Meat - 350 grams (neck)
  • Sunflower oil
  • Potatoes - 2 pieces
  • Onion
  • Salted cucumber - 3 pieces
  • Spice

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the cereal. To do this, you need to rinse it, after drying it with paper towels. Heat the frying pan, pour a spoonful of sunflower oil and fry the cereal to a smooth golden color for 7-8 minutes.
  2. Prepare the meat base for pickle. As soon as you remove foam with a slotted spoon, add roasted cereals, spices and bay leaf to the pan.
  3. Cut the potatoes and put them in the pan half an hour after the cereal.
  4. Cook the fry. Add it to the pan 10 minutes after the potatoes.
  5. After another 7-8 minutes, add chopped cucumbers to the soup. After 3-4 minutes, remove the pan from the heat.

Recipe 4: Classic pickle with buckwheat

In many regions of our country, the words "classic pickle" mean soup, cooked with the addition of buckwheat and pickle. Grecha is a croup with a small glycemic index, its doctors allow diabetics and those who lose weight to eat. Rassolnik with the addition of buckwheat will turn out tasty and not very high in calories, especially if you do not add zazharka and cook it on the basis of chicken meat.

Ingredients Required:

  • Mineral water for pickle - 2 liters
  • Buckwheat - 55 grams
  • Chicken fillet - 250 grams
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Potato - 1 piece
  • Cucumber pickle - 300 ml
  • Spice

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the foundation with chicken fillet. While the water boils, peel and chop the potatoes, rinse the grits.
  2. Add these ingredients to the soup as soon as you remove the froth. Salt it.
  3. Grate the carrots and grate them in a saucepan 7 minutes after adding buckwheat. Boil the soup for another 10 minutes.
  4. 3 minutes before being ready, pour in pickle pickle and cover with a saucepan.

Recipe 5: Classic pickle with pickled mushrooms

Another tasty interpretation of classic pickle is a soup with the addition of salted mushrooms. The dish turns out moderately sharp, salty, refreshing. Serve it best chilled.

Ingredients Required:

  • 2 liters of water for pickle
  • Pork - 310 grams
  • Salted mushrooms - 200 grams
  • Potato - 1 piece
  • White rice - 45 grams
  • Fried carrots and bulbs
  • Vegetable oil
  • Cucumber pickle - 160 ml
  • Spice

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the base for the soup. While the water boils, cut the potatoes and rinse the rice.
  2. After removing the foam from the surface of the water, add rice and potatoes to the pan, add salt.
  3. Make a fry and add it 15 minutes after the rice is put into the pan.
  4. Cut the salted mushrooms and add them together with the pickle 6 minutes after the fried vegetables. Boil the soup for another 5 minutes and turn off the heat under the pan.

Classic pickle - secrets and tips from the best chefs

  1. Classic pickle has no strict cooking scheme. So, you can experiment and add capers or olives instead of traditional pickled cucumbers. There are also no strict guidelines regarding the used cereal for soup. This may be barley, millet, buckwheat, rice, oats.
  2. How much salt to put in the soup? Since pickle and cucumber contain enough salt, in theory, salt is not necessary at all. However, add spices to your taste.
  3. If you have already prepared pickle, but it seems to you not very saturated, you can fix it as follows: in a separate container, bring a glass of pickle to the boil, and then pour it into the pickle. If the brine is poured in without pre-boiling it, the soup can sour.
  4. To make the dish more aesthetic and pleasing to the eye, do not forget to add chopped greens.


Watch the video: Pickle Juice Salad Dressing. Easy Homemade Salad Recipe by Forkly (June 2024).