Pain in the joints of the right and left hands are the causes. Why hand joints hurt and what to do - which treatment is the most effective.


Did you know that about 80% of people who have reached the age of 50 experience quite uncomfortable sensations while moving? It is very sad that completely young people begin to feel such ailments. Let’s figure out why pain in the joints of the right and left hands pester us so often and how to cope with it.

Causes of pain in the joints of the right and left hand

Often terrible pains in the joints of the hands appear due to the development of rheumatoid arthritis. This disease of the connective tissue begins to affect small joints. And although the causes of the disease today are not exactly established, doctors believe that rheumatoid arthritis develops due to infections that undermine the immune system.

In addition to the infectious factor that provokes the disease, several more can be distinguished. For example, such a disease occurs not only due to exposure to the body of herpes viruses, retroviruses or hepatoviruses - its appearance can provoke stress, hypothermia, mutagenic drugs, intoxications. The hereditary propensity for similar autoimmune reactions is also significant.

Rheumatoid arthritis can suddenly kill any of the joints. But still, more often he begins precisely with small joints on the fingers, wrists. The defeat usually occurs symmetrically - after a certain joint on the left hand is ill, the same joint will begin to disturb in speed, but on the right upper limb. If you do not start treating the disease with the appearance of pain in several joints of the left and right hands, then the disease will advance further, affecting new areas.

Of course, pain in the joints of the right and left hands provokes not only rheumatoid arthritis. The reasons for the appearance of such uncomfortable sensations are great. They can occur due to congenital underdevelopment of the joints, be a consequence of age-related changes. Joint pain often causes various inflammatory arthritis and systemic diseases. Pain in the joints of both hands can be hereditary. It can cause bad habits, such as smoking, excessive alcohol addiction. They can destroy joints in a few years. Lack of calcium also affects the health of the joints of the hands.

Pain in the hands sometimes speaks of the development of epicondylitis of the elbow joint. It occurs due to pathological overstrain of the muscles of the forearm, which are attached near the elbow joint. These muscles stretch the periosteum, causing pain in the joints. Of course, pain appears in the elbow joints, not only in the case of the development of epicondylitis. Throbbing pain in the joint, fever in this area, redness of the elbow may indicate inflammatory diseases. These ailments affect the joint or ligaments. These include synovial chondromatosis, synovitis, tendonitis, reactive arthritis, etc.

The cause of pain in the hands can be neuritis of the ulnar nerve. It causes monotonous aching pain, which is accompanied by a violation of sensitivity, numbness of the fingers. Degenerative changes in the elbow joint also cause pain in the hands.

Often young people begin to overcome pain in the shoulder joints. They may indicate the development of a shoulder-shoulder periarthritis. It is characterized by inflammation and swelling of all the muscles located near the shoulder joint.

Joint Pain: Diagnosis

Since pain in the joints of the hands can be a consequence of the development of severe ailments, the patient will not be prevented from being diagnosed to determine the primary source of the occurrence of uncomfortable sensations. A thorough examination will help doctors establish a diagnosis and conduct immediate treatment. This will provide an opportunity to protect the patient from disability and prevent the onset of death due to untimely treatment.

Severe complications can await people who suffer joint pain, which appeared due to rheumatoid arthritis and who did not bother to undergo diagnosis, as well as treatment. For example, to diagnose rheumatoid arthritis, it is usually enough to do a biochemical blood test and an x-ray that will show changes in the joints. The doctor still has to conduct a physical examination of the patient, not forgetting the use of the main clinical markers.

Testing: let's palpate our hands on our own. Such an examination will help determine if rheumatoid arthritis affects the joints of the hands. Its presence will be indicated by pain, swelling, any changes in the wrist and interphalangeal joints. If there was pain during palpation of the fingers, the wrists of the left and right hands are absent, then you most likely do not have rheumatoid arthritis of the upper end.

Joint pain treatment

Do not delay the treatment of pain in the joints, because if the cause of its appearance is rheumatoid arthritis, then the likelihood that the patient will become disabled, reaches 70 percent. And when the patient has infectious complications or kidney failure develops, he may soon die if he does not go to a good clinic.

To eliminate the pain in the joints of the right and left hands, which caused rheumatoid arthritis, you need to find out the cause of its development. If it is infectious, the patient is prescribed antibiotic therapy. When a person does not have pronounced extra-articular manifestations, such as fever, then non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be prescribed to the patient. After the detection of severely inflamed joints of the hands, corticosteroid drugs are injected into them.

If the disease has an immunocomplex nature, patients can be assigned plasmapheresis, phonophoresis, electrophoresis. They are prescribed calcium and vitamin D preparations (for the prevention of osteoporosis). To maintain joint mobility, patients perform therapeutic exercises developed by specialists. In addition to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, patients who feel pain in the joints of the right and left hands due to the development of rheumatoid arthritis are often prescribed glucocorticosteroids, as well as basic antirheumatic drugs, muscle relaxants.

With age-related arthritis that causes pain in the joints of the right and left hands, warming is practiced as one of the treatment methods. In this case, warming, like various warming compresses, is contraindicated in a number of diseases that make themselves felt by severe pain in the joints of the hands. Of course, the treatment of any ailment should be approached comprehensively, age-related arthritis is no exception. To alleviate the condition of the patient, one must not forget about the use of physiotherapeutic methods of treatment. Elderly people with pain in the joints of the hands cannot be evaded from systematic physical therapy. The correct and regular implementation of specially designed exercises for patients with pain in the joints of the hands often produces a better effect than taking expensive medications.

But the pain in the right and left hand caused by epicondylitis of the elbow joint can be eliminated without the help of medications. In this clinical case, attention should be paid not so much to the elbow joint as to the muscles of the forearm, which need relaxation. Specialists find places of greatest excitability, after which they relax the muscles with the help of manual therapy or osteopathic techniques. Some experts claim that coping with epicondylitis of the elbow joint is easy and without a doctor. For this, the patient needs to buy Chinese balls and, having studied the instructions, learn how to rotate and click them correctly. Performing rotational movements will help balance the muscles of the forearm. After that, the tensing effect of the tendon on the poor periosteum of the elbow joint will significantly decrease.

Patients with a shoulder-shoulder periarthritis should definitely do exercises from physiotherapy exercises to develop inflamed and broken muscles. Otherwise, the muscles may atrophy. It is still advisable to develop hands under the supervision of a specialist on simulators. During training, it will not hurt to apply cold to the inflamed area. When exercising, do not forget to exhale correctly. This will help relieve intrathoracic pressure, relax muscles and reduce pain. You can make your muscles work at home by lifting a dumbbell. When you do not have dumbbells, and you want to do it now, as weighting materials you can really use ordinary plastic bottles filled with water.

Pain in the joints of the right and left hand: treatment with folk remedies

You can get rid of pain in the joints of the hands for a while using simple traditional medicine. For example, some healers remove pain in the joint using a compress of honey, cinnamon, propolis and lard. We select each component in a tablespoon and mix in one bowl. After this, the mixture is applied to pieces of natural tissue and applied to the diseased joints of the hands. A plastic bag should be placed on top of the compress. And so that he does not slip, he needs to be wound with a bandage to his hand.

Important: A dressing that soothes joint pain should be carried on the arm without removing it for about a day.

Caution: temporarily relieving pain is not the same as curing joint disease. If you lose time by postponing a visit to a doctor with the same rheumatoid arthritis, then there is a great chance that you can get rid of the disease and the complications caused by it only through surgical treatment. In general, it is worth treating folk remedies only when a competent specialist has given permission to use them.

Prevention of pain in the joints of the right and left hand

To avoid pain in the joints of the hands, especially those that cause rheumatoid arthritis, it is necessary to increase immunity, beware of infectious diseases, drink vitamins, eat a balanced diet, avoid stressful situations, do not self-medicate various ailments, taking strong medicines uncontrollably. It is also necessary to measure the loads exerted on the hands during playing sports, and consult a doctor in case of injuries to the extremities, as a result of which pain, swelling appeared, joint mobility decreased.

If you do not want to treat joint joints in the future, it is better to completely abandon those sports that, overloading the limbs, cause pain in them. You can reduce the likelihood of developing problems with the joints by regularly and wisely swimming, water aerobics.

Exercises for the prevention of pain in the joints of the right and left hand

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hands need to be joined in front of the palms together, setting them aside from the body. Open your palms and begin to make them smooth rotational movements on themselves. At a certain point (when the fingers look down), the palms will touch the backs. Continuing the rotation, you must exit to the starting position. After that, turn your open palms away from you. Doing the exercise is necessary eight times in each direction. Exercise is ideal for the prevention of pain in all joints of the right, left hands.


Watch the video: What is Causing Your Shoulder Pain? Tests You Can Do Yourself. (June 2024).