Caviar with garlic mushroom - the basic rules of cooking. Proven recipes of mushroom caviar with garlic and the right ingredients


Garlic caviar with garlic is a tasty and unusual preparation that allows you to stock up on mushrooms for the winter. Mushroom appetizer can be used for cooking different dishes. For example, it is perfect as a filling for pies, pancakes and pies, it can be added to a pizza or served with baked meat, and you can also simply spread on a slice of bread.

Mushroom Garlic Caviar - General Cooking Principles

For the preparation of a universal snack of mushrooms, in addition to the main ingredient, the following are used: onions, vegetable oil and spices to taste. But in many recipes, other products are used to improve the taste.

Mushrooms are cleaned, cut and boiled in lightly salted water. Then the liquid is drained, and the mushrooms are crushed using a blender. The remaining ingredients are fried in a griddle, and then combined with mushrooms. Everything is thoroughly mixed, spices are added and caviar is ready. It is stored in the refrigerator, it will not deteriorate for 5 days.

But if you want to prepare a delicious snack for the winter, then the principle of cooking is a little different. Mushrooms are also cleaned, washed and cut, then they are boiled for 40 minutes. After that, onions, carrots and garlic to grate and fry in a skillet for 10 minutes.

All ingredients are mixed and ground using a blender. Then vinegar is added to the mixture. Caviar should be poured into sterilized jars, but first put greens and garlic in their bottom, and horseradish leaves are placed on top. Banks roll in and out for storage.

Recipe 1: Caviar from garlic and garlic


- Freshly harvested mushrooms - 1 kg;

- onions (medium) - 2 pcs .;

- garlic - to taste;

- sunflower oil -100 ml;

- salt and pepper.

Cooking method

To start, the mushrooms must be cleaned of debris and thoroughly washed. Then they need to boil for 10 minutes, the water should be drained, pour a new one and continue to cook for another 15 minutes. Once the mushrooms are ready, you need to cool and chop them with a blender or meat grinder.

Next, fry the onion, as soon as it acquires a golden color, add the mushroom mixture to it and simmer on low heat until the excess moisture is evaporated. Once everything is ready, you can add garlic, salt and spices. Then everything is thoroughly mixed, stewed for a few more minutes and the caviar with garlic is ready.

Now it needs to be transferred to a sterilized jar, and pour hot sunflower oil on top so that the appetizer is better kept. Keep it in a dry and cool place. It is very tasty and has a pleasant garlic flavor.

Recipe 2: Mushroom Caviar with Garlic


- Oyster mushrooms - 300 g;

- onions (red shallot) - 100 g;

- carrots - 200 g;

- garlic;

- sunflower oil.

Cooking method

Before cooking, any mushrooms are cleaned and washed. Oyster mushrooms should be cut into small slices. Red onion is cut into half rings, and carrots should be grated. Do not add too many carrots to the caviar with garlic, or the appetizer will be sugary.

You need to take a deep griddle and put all the ingredients in it: carrot and onion mushrooms, but without mixing them together. They need to fill with sunflower oil, and only then stir. It is necessary to extinguish the mixture until its constituents acquire a golden crust. Mushrooms, of course, difficult to spoil, but you should still stir them so that they are not burnt. All ingredients should be juicy and soft, not overdried.

Fans of spicy can add to this dish not only garlic, but also chili pepper. As soon as the caviar with garlic will be ready, it must be removed from the pan, and the excess oil is preferably drained. Chopped greens are perfect as a decoration. Mushroom caviar is ready, it can be decorated with hot peppers or greens and served to the table.

Recipe 3: Caviar from winter bread with garlic


- Fresh mushrooms - 1 kg;

- carrots (medium) - 1 pc .;

- onions - 2 pcs .;

- sunflower oil;

- garlic - to taste;

- Vinegar 9%;

- spices: salt, black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method

Mushrooms need to be thoroughly washed and sorted. Then they should be dipped in boiling salted water and brought to readiness. It is determined so that the mushrooms are considered ready if they are lowered to the bottom of the pan. Onions need to be cleaned, chopped, it is desirable to finely, grate carrots better.

Onions and carrots should be slightly fried until they have a golden hue, and then cooled. After cooking, the mushrooms are removed from the pan and transferred to a colander so that excess liquid can drain.

Then, both vegetables and mushrooms should be minced, preferably twice, to obtain a mushy consistency. Garlic and spices should be added to the obtained gruel to taste, and then it should be fried in oil, which is left after steaming the vegetables for 15 minutes.

It is possible to consider that the caviar with garlic is ready, it must be hot unfolded in clean sterilized cans "to the shoulders", and then it should be put into boiling water for 40 minutes for sterilization. Next, add one spoon of table vinegar to the mushroom appetizer and roll it up. Banks with caviar need to put the top of the bottom and wrap them with a blanket until they cool. Then the mushroom harvesting should be put in a cool and dark place.

Recipe 4: Mushroom caviar with garlic for the winter.


- boiled milk mushrooms - 3 l;

- onions - 1 kg;

- carrots (medium) - 1 kg;

- sunflower oil;

- Tomato juice - 200 g;

- garlic, black pepper and salt - to taste.

Cooking method

Mushroom caviar with garlic is very easy to harvest. First you need to clean and rinse milk mushrooms, cut out all damaged places. Then they should be thrown into boiling water for 40 minutes, then removed and rinsed in cold water. Cooked mushrooms are passed through a meat grinder.

Next, proceed to the vegetables, onions need to be cleaned and finely chopped, and carrots should also be peeled and grated. Then you will need to take a cauldron or a large thick-walled pot. It is necessary there to fry the onions first, and then the carrots and stew them until tender. Then in the cauldron should lower the milk mushrooms, add tomato juice, salt and pepper. Cooking eggs should be ready for another 30 minutes. Be sure to stir it, and then the mushroom snack will burn. While the caviar is cooking, you need to peel a few cloves of garlic and chop them, it should be added at the very end, when the eggs have to be removed from heat.

As soon as the appetizer is prepared, you need to arrange it in clean jars and put them in a container with boiling water for sterilization for 40 minutes. The fire must be slow. After that, we take out the cans and roll them up with lids, set them upside down, wrap them in a warm blanket, and let them cool. Then the mushroom preparation should be stored in a dark and cool place.

Recipe 5: Caviar from mushrooms with garlic and vegetables


- honey agarics - 1 kg;

- carrots - 1 pc .;

- tomatoes - 2-3 pcs .;

- onions - 2 pcs. (average);

- sunflower oil;

- garlic - to taste;

- spices - to taste.

Cooking method

For cooking caviar with garlic, you can take not only fresh, but also dried mushrooms. But before cooking, they need to be soaked. If fresh agarics are taken, they must be cleaned from the ground and rinsed thoroughly. Then they need to be put in a pan, it should be deep, pour water and boil for about 20 minutes.

As soon as they are ready, you need to drain the water and cool the mushrooms and pass through a meat grinder. Then the mixture should be put on a griddle, preferably preheated, and fry for 15 minutes.

We start preparing vegetables, onions should be chopped into half rings, finely chop the tomatoes and grate the carrots. All ingredients are mixed and fermented on a griddle until golden brown appears. Next, mix the vegetables and mushroom mixture, add the chopped garlic and simmer a little more in the pan. Mushroom caviar with garlic is ready, it can be served at the table.

Recipe 6: Mushroom Caviar with Garlic Mushrooms


- white mushrooms - 1 kg;

- garlic - to taste;

- Tomato - 4 pcs .;

- vegetable oil;

- butter - 50 g;

- salt and black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method

To begin, we select the largest copies and clean them. Next, the mushrooms should be finely chopped and put on the pan, you first need to pour back the vegetable oil and add a little cream. Roast mushrooms must be about 20 minutes to medium readiness.

Next, take the tomatoes and peel them, and then twist in a meat grinder. Cooked mushrooms must also be minced. Mix all the ingredients and send to the pan for a few minutes to evaporate excess moisture. Do not forget to add finely chopped garlic and spices to taste. We can assume that the mushroom caviar with garlic is ready, to serve it better chilled.

Recipe 7: Caviar from winter mushrooms with garlic and tomatoes


- honey agarics - 1 kg;

- onions - 2 pcs .;

- tomatoes - 3 pcs .;

- vegetable oil;

- garlic - to taste;

- pepper and salt.

Cooking method

To cook mushroom caviar with garlic and tomatoes, you need to take the mushrooms, carefully clean and wash them. Then boil them in water until done.

Give the mushrooms cool, scrolling through the meat grinder.

The resulting mushroom mass should be lightly fried in vegetable oil.

We start cooking vegetables: we take onions and finely cut them, the tomatoes need to be cut into small circles.

Vegetables, too, fry and add to the mushrooms. Finally, finely chop the garlic and add to the billet, and then add spices to taste and fry for about ten minutes.

Caviar with garlic - ready. It is necessary to decompose the sterilized jars and put them in boiling water for 40 minutes, and then you can close the lids. We wrap the banks, let them cool, and then we shift them to a cool and dark place.

Recipe 8: Mushroom caviar with garlic for the winter.


- mushrooms (any) - 2 kg;

- onions - 3 pcs .;

- carrots - 3 pcs. (average);

- vegetable oil;

- Art. spoon of vinegar 9%;

- garlic and spices.

Cooking method

Mushrooms clean, wash and finely chop, and then boil. As soon as they are ready, you need to rinse them and let the water drain, otherwise the mushroom snack will be watery and tasteless.

Next, proceed to the vegetables: clean the onions and carrots and finely cut, it is better to grate the carrots. Then they need to fry in vegetable oil until they get a golden hue, and then you can add to the vegetables mushroom preparation. Caviar should be salt and pepper, add a little more vegetable oil there and leave to stew on a slow window for an hour and a half. Do not forget to stir it so that the ingredients are not burnt. Lastly, you can add chopped garlic and vinegar. Ready snacks need to decompose on sterilized banks and roll up. Keep it recommended in a cool and dark place.

Garlic caviar: tips and tricks

Practically any mushrooms, for example, champignons, russules, boletus mushrooms, are suitable for caviar with garlic, but usually plate-like species are used, for example, chanterelles and honey-mushrooms, the latter are favorites.

Fresh mushrooms are mainly used, but you can also experiment with frozen, salted or dried mushrooms. You can try to make an appetizer of different mushrooms, but most housewives still choose only one type of mushrooms.

As a rule, recipes for caviar with garlic from mushrooms do not differ much from each other, usually ingredients such as tomatoes, carrots, onions and garlic are added to the appetizer. For example, if you make mushroom caviar with eggplants, zucchini or beets, then with a different combination of vegetables in a dish you can achieve the perfect taste.

And finally: you need to remember that mushrooms can be poisonous. If you do not understand them, then it is better not to cook. You also do not need to eat mushroom blanks if you are not sure that they are cooked according to the rules. Children can not give these canned food.


Watch the video: Ming Tsai: "Simply Ming in Your Kitchen". Food at Google (July 2024).