Cucumber and cabbage salad for the winter - a simple and low-calorie snack. What are salads from cucumbers and cabbage for the winter - a selection of the best recipes


Make a salad of cucumbers and cabbage for the winter under the force of any, even the most inexperienced hostess. Such an appetizer will help out when guests unexpectedly arrived or there is nothing to serve for the cooked dinner. In this case, the preparation with the observance of technology turns out delicious, juicy and crispy.

Cucumber and cabbage salad for the winter - general cooking principles

Cabbage and cucumber salads for the winter are different from pickles and pickles in that they undergo heat treatment. It allows vegetables to survive until spring.

The main ingredients:
• cabbage;
• cucumbers;
• butter;
• salt;
• vinegar.

As additional ingredients, carrots, peppers, garlic, herbs and various spices are most often added.

Cabbage. For the preparation of salads, heads of cabbage need to be chopped or chopped. Since the workpiece undergoes heat treatment, you can use any cabbage, even that which lay. But tastier salads are obtained from juicy and fresh heads.

Cucumbers Cut into strips, sticks, you can grate. The salad will be tastier if there are no seeds or they are very small. Cooking cucumbers for a long time is not necessary, in many recipes they are added at the end of cooking, brought to a boil and the salad is removed by banks.

Butter. Gives the salad richness, nutrition and improves taste. It can be added directly to the total mass, but is sometimes used to roast some vegetables, such as onions or carrots. Also, oil, like vinegar, can be poured directly under the lid.

Salt. You can add to salads in any quantity, focusing on your taste.

Vinegar. Serves as a preservative, gives the dish an additional flavor. Usually added at the end of cooking. The most commonly used essence. But you can pour in and vinegar of any concentration. Delicious salads for the winter from cucumbers and cabbage are obtained with apple and wine vinegar. But we must not forget to calculate the concentration.

Recipe 1: Cucumber and cabbage salad for the winter with carrots and onions

A simple snack that is easy to make from affordable vegetables. This salad of cucumbers and cabbage for the winter is well stored until spring, the vegetables remain juicy and crispy.


• 0.7 kg of cucumbers;
• 1.8 kg of cabbage;
• 500 gr. Luke;
• carrots 500 gr;
• 3 tbsp. l salts;
• 3 tbsp. l vinegar;
• 300 ml of vegetable oil.


Vegetables should be immediately placed in the dish, which will boil the salad. It may be a large pot or basin. The first shred cabbage. Then salt, sugar, oil is added to it. To mix everything.

While the rest of the ingredients are being prepared, the cabbage will give juice and settle slightly.

Cucumbers and carrots need to be cut into strips and sent to cabbage. Onions clean and chop into half rings.

Mix everything and put on the stove, vegetables will emit a lot of juice. As soon as the mass boils, you need to reduce the heat, boil for 5 minutes.

It is advisable to try on the salt and add if necessary. Arrange in sterile jars and immediately screw on the lids.

Recipe 2: Cucumber and Cabbage Salad for the Royal Winter

Fragrant snack, which is not ashamed to serve the most expensive guests. And all thanks to bell pepper, which gives a simple salad of cucumbers and cabbage for the winter a noble taste.

Required ingredients

• Cabbage 3 kg;
• 0.8 kg of pepper;
• 1.2 kg of cucumbers;
• 500 gr. Luke;
• 4 tbsp. l salts;
• 4 tbsp. l vinegar;
• 0.25 liters of oil.

Cooking salad

Chop the onion in half rings. Pepper free from seeds and cut into straws. Pour the butter into a large saucepan and put on the stove. Pour the prepared onion and lightly fry, add the Bulgarian pepper and simmer. At this time, chop cabbage, cut into strips cucumbers. When the pepper becomes slightly soft, add the cabbage and salt, put the salad out for 3-5 minutes over low heat. Then add the prepared cucumbers and vinegar, mix and boil for a couple of minutes and put in a sterile container.

Recipe 3: Salad of cucumbers and cabbage for the winter "Village"

A very tasty appetizer, which is prepared with the addition of black pepper and apple cider vinegar. But lovers of spicy dishes in the salad of cucumbers and cabbage for the winter can add red pepper, ground or chilli. The pods will need to be chopped. From this, his taste only benefits.

Required ingredients
• head of juicy cabbage;
• 0.8 kg of cucumbers;
• 0.5 kg of carrots;
• 1 tsp black pepper;
• apple vinegar;
• 10 cloves of garlic;
• butter.


Rinse carrots and grate. Cucumbers can also be grated or cut into strips. Cabbage nashinkovat. Peel and chop the garlic into thin slices, no need to finely chop. Put all the vegetables in a bowl, salt, pour pepper and leave for a while so that they let the juice out for about an hour. Then mix the mass again and place in prepared sterile jars. On top of each liter jar you need to pour 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 4 vegetable oils. Sterilize for 25 minutes under the covers. Then cork, cool under a blanket.

Recipe 4: Salad of cucumbers and cabbage for the winter in a honey fill

A spicy vegetable snack, in which honey marinade is added. If you replace honey with sugar, then the salad of cucumbers and cabbage for the winter will turn out differently and lose in taste. All vegetables can be taken in about the same amount. For salad it is better to use one-liter jars.

Required ingredients

• cabbage;
• cucumbers;
• carrot;
• sweet pepper.

For marinade:
• water 1,5 l;
• 2 tablespoons of salt;
• honey 3 spoons;
• 50 ml of vinegar 9%, you can apple.

Cooking method

Chop the vegetables arbitrarily, put them into prepared jars in layers: cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, pepper. Repeat to the top of the container. There is no need to tamper tightly. To fill, boil all the ingredients, carefully fill the cans of the future salad and put to sterilize for 15 minutes, covered with lids. Roll up, cool and put in storage.

Recipe 5: Salad of cucumbers and cabbage for the winter "Nezhensky"

A forgotten recipe for Soviet snacks that once flaunted on store shelves. It was prepared simply from cucumbers, with onions or tomatoes. But the most delicious was the salad with cucumbers and cabbage. And to make the appetizer look more appetizing, you can add a little carrot to it.

List of ingredients

• 1.5 kg of cabbage;
• cucumbers 1.2 kg;
• 0.3 kg of carrots;
• 2 tbsp. l vinegar 70%;
• salt 3 tbsp. spoons;
• 6 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar.

Cooking salad

Rinse the carrots, peel and grate.

It is better to use Korean to get a neat straw. But can be cut manually. Chop cabbage as usual. Cucumbers cut into circles of 2-3 mm thick.

Put all the vegetables in a bowl, mix with vinegar, salt, sugar. Leave for an hour to give juice.

Then add vegetable oil, stir again and arrange in prepared liter jars. Add a little boiling water on top to fill the voids.

We put the cans with salad in a saucepan on a cloth, pour water and sterilize after boiling for 20 minutes. Twist.

Recipe 6: Salad of cucumbers and cabbage for the winter "Spicy"

This appetizer is very aromatic and spicy due to its Korean spices and a large amount of garlic. Spicy salad of cucumbers and cabbage for the winter is more tasty if the vegetables are cut the same.

Required ingredients

• cabbage head about 3 kg;
• 1 kg of cucumbers;
• 0.3 kg of garlic;
• 0.3 kg of carrots;
• Korean spices 2 tablespoons;
• 3 tbsp. l vinegar 70%.

To fill in each jar will need to add vegetable oil. At the rate of 2 spoons per half liter of salad.

Cooking method

First of all, you need to peel the garlic and cut each clove into 4-6 parts. Cucumbers and carrots should be cut into neat straws. Chop cabbage on a grater or cut with a knife.

Mix all vegetables, except garlic, salt, add sugar with Korean spices. To prevent vegetables from drying on top, cover the basin with a future salad lid. Remove for 2 hours to insist.

Vegetables this time will give juice and soaked in fragrant spices.

Now you need to add vinegar, chopped garlic and mix the salad thoroughly. Arrange in sterile jars, tamp tightly.

At the end, distribute the juice remaining at the bottom of the container. Pour in vegetable oil, cover with lids and send for sterilization. Liter cans cook after boiling for 15 minutes, two-liter 25.

Fans of savory foods can add red ground pepper and any other spices to the cucumber and cabbage salad for the winter.

Recipe 7: Salad of cucumbers and cabbage for the winter with tomatoes

This salad is quite simple to prepare, but at the same time it turns out delicious, juicy. The amount of cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes can be taken to your liking, but it is better if they are evenly divided. If desired, you can add garlic instead of onions. But one thing, otherwise the flavor of vegetables will be lost.

Required ingredients

• cabbage;
• tomatoes;
• cucumbers;
• a pair of bulbs.
• water 1 liter;
• 2 tablespoons of salt;
• 5 tablespoons of sugar;
• 2 tablespoons of vinegar.

Cooking method

Wash vegetables and cut them into large enough pieces. Cabbage in squares, tomatoes for 6-8 parts, cucumbers in circles of 1.5 cm. Peel and chop the onions with ordinary half rings.

Vegetables mixed together in banks. Between the pieces should remain void for brine.

Cook the marinade of the above ingredients. Pour prepared cans with salad, put into a pan with water, cover with lids and put on sterilize. Liter need 15 minutes, two-liter enough 25 minutes.

Then the cans with a salad of cucumbers and cabbage for the winter you need to carefully pull out and roll up the lids with a key.

Salad of cucumbers and cabbage for the winter - tricks and useful tips

• It is better to add unrefined oil to salads of cucumbers and cabbage for the winter. So the workpiece will be much more aromatic. You can use not only sunflower, but also olive and mustard oil.
• If there are no young cucumbers, then you can use any. But with mature vegetables, you need to cut off the hard skin and remove large seeds.
• Salads are tasty with white cabbage and red cabbage. And you can mix both kinds, the snack will only get tastier. If desired, you can add a little cauliflower, sorted into inflorescences. She will make the snack more tender.
• If tomatoes are included in the recipe for a salad, then it is better to take dense fruits, preferably slightly unripe ones. Otherwise, in the process of cooking, the pieces will lose head start, the snack will turn out not very beautiful.
• In many recipes for cucumber and cabbage salads, there is a bay leaf for the winter. But in the process of prolonged sterilization, he gives the appetizer a not very pleasant taste and bitterness, so many housewives exclude it. But if you want to add, then no more than half a leaf per liter jar. Better put on the bottom.
Cooking cucumber and cabbage salad for the winter is a creative activity. You can add any vegetables and spices, create new flavor combinations. The main thing - to observe sterility and use only high-quality ingredients.


Watch the video: 3 Easy Healthy Salad Recipes (June 2024).