Pancreatitis: treatment of folk remedies helps in the recovery process. How to treat pancreatitis with folk methods?


Pancreatitis - This is a disease characterized by inflammation of the pancreas.

For reasons of occurrence distinguish the following pancreatitis forms:

• traumatic injuries of the abdominal cavity

• use of large quantities of meat dishes, alcohol, fatty foods

• endocrine disruption

• various infections

• a long course of hormonal drugs

• severe poisoning

Pancreatitis is subdivided into acute and chronicbut, regardless of the form, disease, the patient has the following symptoms:

• discomfort in the stomach

• belching

• nausea or vomiting

• loss of appetite

• possible slight fever.

When a patient is diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis, he should follow a certain diet, which should be followed by people suffering from acute pancreatitis.

Pancreatitis: folk remedies - diet

Such a diet completely excludes from the diet the following products:

• alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee

• baking of pastry

• soup, mushroom, dairy, fish soups, as well as cabbage soup

• ice cream, chocolates

• eggs in any form

• grape juice

The diet of a person suffering from pancreatitis should include various cereals, pasta. It is preferable to cook steamed dishes. And also to eat various soups cooked in vegetable broth.

If a person has pronounced symptoms of pancreatitis, then a visit to the doctor is inevitable. But outside the phase of exacerbation or during its subsiding, you can use traditional medicine to maintain a normal state of the body or prevent recurrence of exacerbation.

Treatment of pancreatitis folk remedies with the help of herbal

Recipes, in which there are various herbal, act as a choleretic agent.

To prepare choleretic herbal infusion it is necessary to take the fruits of anise, grass of celandine, grass of the bird highlander, dandelion root and tricolor violet. Mix all in equal quantities, pour two tbsp. spoons of the resulting mixture of 600 milliliters of boiling water and boil, boil for several minutes. Then cool the mixture and consume 200 milliliters three times a day before meals. The duration of treatment with this agent should be at least 14 days, then you should start taking another decoction.

For cooking choleretic broth it is necessary to take dill seeds and peppermint leaves of 30 grams each, hawthorn fruits and immortelle flowers of 20 grams each, and chamomile flowers 10 grams. A mixture of herbs is necessary to pour 1/2 liter of boiling water, cool, then strain. It is necessary to use this remedy for half a glass three times a day, an hour after eating. The course of taking this broth is one month.

One of the most popular and effective means is herbal decoction using corn stigmas, calendula, chamomile, peppermint and plantain. It is necessary to mix all these herbs in equal proportions, then take one teaspoon of the collection and pour boiling water, the amount of about 800 ml. Put the mixture in a water bath for 15 minutes, then allow to cool and infuse for about an hour, strain through gauze. This tool must be consumed before meals three times a day for a quarter cup, diluted with warm water.

Also used collection of calamus rhizomes (50 grams), dandelion roots (50 grams), thyme grass (25 grams), hop cones (25 grams) and nettle roots (25 grams). All herbs need to mix and grind in a coffee grinder, then mix five tablespoons of the mixture and 200 grams of honey. This tool is taken one by one - two teaspoons twice a day. The course of treatment must be at least one month. In addition to the choleretic effect, this remedy is also antispasmodic, analgesic and sedative.

A good recipe is tincture of the centaury. It is necessary to pour one teaspoon of the thousandth with one glass of boiling water, then let it brew for thirty minutes. Take this tool should be at least two weeks, consuming the third part of a glass for half an hour before meals.

In chronic pancreatitis, a good remedy is tincture of barberry root. It is necessary to take 100 grams of barberry root and mix with 1.5 liters of vodka. Leave this mixture for ten days in a dark place so that it is present, it is necessary to mix it periodically. Then the mixture must be rubbed through a sieve and consumed with a teaspoon three times a day, before meals.

There is an old recipe that helps in the fight against pancreatitis rather well. This is a spirit tincture, for the preparation of which take half a liter of vodka and add it mullein grass and yellow immortelle, one tablespoon. This mixture is infused for at least three days in a dark place. Take this medicine with ten drops, diluting with one hundred milliliters of water, three times a day.

Pancreatitis, folk treatment with buckwheat and oats

It is necessary to take a glass of boiled buckwheat and pour it with kefir. Leave overnight in the refrigerator. Then you need to divide this mixture into two equal parts and take it in the morning and evening, replacing breakfast and dinner. Continue the course for ten days, then take a break of ten days and start over.

No less effective recipes are the means in the recipe of which is oats. Need to take one glass of oat grains and rinse thoroughly, then grind in a meat grinder and pour one liter of water. Put on the fire and boil, boil this mixture for ten minutes, then allow to cool. Take half a cup in small sips 30 minutes before eating, three times a day.

You can also use sprouted oats. To do this, soak the grains of oats and put in heat. About a month later, the grains will begin to germinate, they need to be washed and dried. After the oats dries, you need to grind it in a coffee grinder. The resulting flour is diluted with cold water and boiled for several minutes. After this, the broth must be cooled and filtered. This tool should be taken before meals, two to three teaspoons. This broth cannot be stored, it needs to be prepared just before reception.

Pancreatitis: juice therapy

There is a fairly simple recipe using carrots and potatoes. You need to take two - three large potatoes and one - two carrots. You must cut the eyes of potatoes, but you do not need to remove the peel. Then skip the vegetables through the juicer and take the resulting juice half an hour before meals. The course of treatment should last at least a week, then you should take a break of at least seven days. For maximum effect, it is necessary to repeat three cycles of treatment.

The following also help well. juice mixtures. You can take a glass a day such fresh juice: mix the juice of several carrots, cucumbers and beets in a ratio of 10: 3: 3. You can also squeeze the juice from carrots and spinach and mix them in a ratio of 5: 2.

Equally effective is sauerkraut juice. But when cooking sauerkraut, which is planned to be used as a remedy, you can not use spices and add carrots.

You can also use pomegranate juice. It has astringent properties, so it helps to fight the discomfort caused by pancreatitis. Pomegranate juice should be drunk at least three times a day, half a glass at a time. For a positive effect, treatment should be carried out for at least two months, but you can extend the course to four. After that, you need to take a break for at least a month and repeat the course.

Efficiency also has radish juice Root crop should be well washed and squeezed juice from it. Mix one glass of the obtained juice with one hundred grams of buckwheat honey. It is necessary to use such means on 100 ml three times a day before meal. The course of treatment with this tool must be at least a month.

Pancreatitis: folk treatment with lemon and golden mustache

It is necessary to take One kg of lemons and grind with a meat grinder. It is better to grind lemons with a peel, but it is necessary to pull out stones. Also chop 300 grams of garlic and parsley as much. Put all this in an enamel pot. Take one teaspoon three times a day, before meals. Then you should drink a quarter glass of tincture: crushed leaves of strawberries, lingonberries and blueberries are mixed with bean pods and corn stigmas in equal proportions, take one table boat of the resulting mixture and pour water, insist at least 12 hours in a thermos.

A great way to alleviate the symptoms of pancreatitis is with a prescription golden mustache. Take a few leaves of this plant (3-4 pieces) and pour a liter of boiling water and put on low heat, boil for about fifteen minutes. This mixture should then be put in a dark place and allowed to stand for at least 12 hours, while the container should be wrapped in a towel. Use this tool, preheating in a water bath. Regarding the dose, it is difficult to say something definite; each person must choose it individually for himself, on average, it is usually about 50-70 ml.

When using folk remedies for the treatment of pancreatitis, it is important to combine and alternate them correctly.

Because, for example, with constant phytotherapy, the patient becomes addicted to the herbs used, as a result, the remedy ceases to produce a positive effect. Also, each person must determine for himself which folk remedy is suitable for him personally, as well as the dosage of the medicine used.

All presented folk remedies are sufficiently effective, but they can not be used in the period of exacerbation. Also, do not neglect the medical treatment prescribed by your doctor.


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