Prune for constipation - one of the most effective means in the fight against illness. How to apply prune from constipation?


Prunes in its composition contains all the nutritional components possessed by many favorite fruit - plum. Prunes are famous not only for their unique aroma and taste. It is a real medicine that is used in the treatment of many diseases.

The benefits of prunes

Prunes have almost all the beneficial substances that are necessary for the human body for normal life. It has a lot vitamins and trace elements, as well as organic acids, pectin, fiber, etc.

Exactly cellulose plays a huge role in the fight against constipation. Its useful properties were actively studied after the Chernobyl accident in the hope of obtaining a tool that would help avoid the negative effects of radiation on people living near the nuclear power plant.

It turned out that fiber binds and removes toxins and harmful substances from the human body, which, accumulating over the years lead to serious diseases.

In addition, fiber improves the digestion process, promotes good bowel function. It is a lifesaver for people suffering from constipation, hemorrhoids and other intestinal problems.

But back to the prunes. The product, thanks to the substances contained in it, is so useful that it can completely replace expensive, having side effects, medicines for constipation.

The benefits of prunes from constipation

1. Prunes are extremely tasty. It retains all the beneficial substances contained in the plum.

2. Cellulose - the main advantage of the product. Thanks to it, the violation of bowel movement is eliminated.

3. Another plus of prunes is the normalization of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Dried fruit has a beneficial effect on metabolism, helps to lose weight.

4. Unlike medical preparations, prunes are easily tolerated. With proper use does not cause rumbling, abdominal pain. It acts gently and sparingly. After all, this is a 100% natural product!

5. In addition to combating constipation, it acts fortifying the whole body.

6. Virtually no contraindications. Recommended for pregnant women and children. However, do not use prunes in large quantities, so as not to provoke a stomach spasm, gas, diarrhea.

Prunes contain oxalic acid, which in some cases can lead to the formation of kidney stones and gall bladder. Therefore, it is not recommended to use prunes for diseases of these organs.

Prune for constipation - simple recipes

1. In the evening, pour 5 fruits in a glass of warm water (pre-wash them). Let it heal overnight. And in the morning, immediately after waking up, drink the infusion and eat the prunes. Treat before breakfast. Cleanse your intestines in this way for at least 2 weeks.

2. Prepare fresh yogurt or kefir, which can be done like this: boil 3 liters of milk, cool it. Pour the dairy product into a clean bowl and add 12 teaspoons of the finished kefir (sour cream) to it.

Put the infusion in a warm place for 10 hours. The result will be a quality thick kefir, which you have prepared with your own hands. It also needs to be used with prunes from constipation.

So, combine the home-made lactic acid product with prunes, which must first be washed and chopped a little (chopped with a knife). Add oatmeal to the mixture. Give the dish a little brew and eat it as a breakfast.

3. Combine prunes with raisins and figs (100 g each). Grind pre-washed dried fruits with a meat grinder. The result is a healing mixture, in which you should add olive oil and good liquid honey (100 g each), senna grass (50 g).

Keep the product in the refrigerator and consume it for a week on a teaspoon before a morning meal.

Figs - champion in fiber. Its use leads to prolonged satiety and relief from constipation.

Do not use figs for people suffering from pancreatitis, diabetes, and also with acute intestinal inflammation.

Raisinswhich is dried grapes is no less useful. Due to its fibrous structure, it perfectly cleanses the intestines from various accumulations.

Olive oil promotes the dissolution of fecal stones, as well as soft emptying.

Honey, as is known, has antibacterial, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effects. It contains substances that are beneficial for the human body as a whole.

Senna or the Alexandrian leaf has long been used in the treatment of constipation. The plant has a pronounced laxative effect. Thanks to him, the intestines are freed from fecal blockages, and the kidneys are freed from sand and stones.

Senna should be used with caution in pregnant and lactating people with acute gastrointestinal diseases.

4. Another recipe: combine (50 g each) the following components: prunes, dried apricots, raisins, honey, senna, vegetable oil.

All dried fruits pre-wash and chop. Mix the healing mixture thoroughly and take it as a remedy for constipation in the evening with a dessert spoon. In the morning you can be guaranteed to empty.

5. Tea has a slight laxative effect, where the main component is prunes. Wash and chop the fruit (you can whip them with a knife). In a cup of dry tea leaves of black tea, drop a few fruits and boil boiling water, as usual. Cover the container with a lid and let it brew.

After that, drink healing tea warm. A mild laxative effect, lowering blood pressure - this is the result of regular use of this drug.

6. Soak prunes in warm water (10 pcs.). Eat the fruits before setting out for Morpheus. The next morning, a soft chair is guaranteed.

7. Oats and prunes do an excellent job with the disease. Combine oats (200 g) and dried fruits (5 pieces). Pour boiling water over all (2 cups). Put the container with the medicinal composition on the stove and boil for half an hour over a very slow fire.

Then let the drug brew for about 2 hours, then strain. Take a healing decoction of prunes from constipation twice a day for a glass.

Oats widely used as an anti-inflammatory agent. It not only improves the gastrointestinal tract, but also contributes to the normalization of metabolism, increase immunity.

Oats are not recommended for heart and kidney failure, with the gall bladder removed.

8. Infusion of constipation. Crush convenient for you prunes (100 g). Add to it a natural laxative - senna herb (50 g). Mix well and pour half a liter of boiling water (in a thermos). Insist means a couple of hours, then use for its intended purpose.

9. Among other things, prunes from constipation can be used in the composition of delicious and healthy dishes:

• Wash prunes, dried apricots and feijoa with hot water thoroughly. Crush and add a little olive oil to the salad. Use the dish whenever you sit down at the table.

• Grind beets (200 g), pine nuts (100 g), prunes (pre-washed with hot water). Season the salad with olive oil and eat throughout the day.

10. Mix the washed and chopped prunes and figs in equal proportions. Add coriander (1 teaspoon) to the mixture. Mix everything thoroughly and take a teaspoon of constipation remedy three times a day.

Prunes for constipation during pregnancy

As you know, a pregnant woman often suffers from a delayed stool, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. At this time, the body is undergoing a major restructuring and therefore future mothers, for the most part, experience discomfort, nervousness and other “charms” of an interesting position.

Constipation provokes the delay of harmful substances, which, being absorbed into the blood through the intestinal walls, are carried throughout the body and can harm the baby. In addition, constipation leads to the formation of cracks, as well as serious inflammation. Therefore, the fight against the delay of the chair - one of the main tasks of a pregnant woman.

As a rule, expectant mothers are prescribed medications in such cases. But not the fact that these funds are safe for the baby. Prune from constipation for a pregnant woman - the best solution.

Recipes for the preparation of medicinal natural mixtures based on prunes:

1. Decoction. Combine 100 g of washed dried fruit, hercules flakes, beets (peel and grate). Fill the mixture with water (2 l) and, putting on the stove, boil for an hour.

Allow the drug to infuse a little before cooling, strain it and take 1 cup before bedtime.

2. Proven composition of constipation for future mothers. Rinse and grind prunes, dried apricots, raisins (100 g each) using a meat grinder (blender). Add quality honey (2 teaspoons) to the mixture. Take the tool every night (some healers advise to use the composition at 18.00) a couple of teaspoons.

Tip: Start with 1 tsp. This amount will be enough for someone, and someone will need 1 tablespoon.

Although senna is not recommended for pregnant women, yet it greatly increases the effectiveness of this drug. There are many cases when senna (within reasonable limits) was used in this composition for pregnant women and no relapse was observed.

A prune-based product is so effective that you can forget about constipation for the entire period of pregnancy by using it. It eliminates swelling, discomfort in the intestines, promotes gentle emptying. In addition, a woman does not suffer from nervousness, anxiety, irritation - the constant companions of problems with stool in pregnant women.

3. After the bowel emptying process is improved, for preventive purposes, you can eat several pieces of prunes daily, as well as use compote cooked from it, which is quite simple to prepare:

Fill a glass of prune with hot water. Leave for a while. Then pour sugar (about a quarter cup) into an enamel container and pour water (1 l). Add the washed prunes and place the pan on the stove. Cook as a usual compote, which, after cooking, needs to be cooled, filtered and drunk throughout the day.

Such a drink can be given to young children suffering from constipation. 1 tablespoon of the infusion several times a day is the recommended dose of this drug for babies.

How to choose prunes - useful tips

In order for a tasty and healthy cure for constipation to help get rid of the problem, you need to know how to choose the right prune.

1. Beware of unnaturally black fruit. Such prunes are treated with glycerin and must be thoroughly washed before use.

2. Buy sweet fruit with slightly noticeable sourness. It is in this prune a lot of vitamin C.

3. It is not recommended to choose a brown product. Most likely, it was treated with boiling water and does not have those useful substances for which it is so appreciated.

4. The best prune - the one that is prepared with your own hands. It is dried in a natural way, using the most ripe fruits. And always with a bone.

As a rule, when experiencing difficulties in emptying the intestines, many try to quickly solve the problem with the help of drugs. However, first you need to understand the causes of constipation by reviewing your lifestyle and diet.

Excessive consumption of refined foods, insufficient fluid in the body, a sedentary lifestyle - the most common cause of the problem. Eliminate it, in the absence of serious pathologies - easy.

Prunes, as an addition to the correction of nutrition and lifestyle, is indeed the most effective remedy for constipation.


Watch the video: Constipation and the Colon - Mayo Clinic (June 2024).