Does your throat ache during pregnancy - a symptom of a cold or a sign of pathology? How and what to treat a sore throat during pregnancy?


The first signs of a sore throat, when it starts to hurt, pain appears on swallowing, the voice changes, many ordinary people do not even attach importance. And some stubborn patients "heroically" suffer the disease "on their feet," ignoring the recommendations of doctors about bed rest. But not always such banal symptoms speak of a simple cold.

Behind these signs can be dangerous diseases for humans. This does not mean that every throat requires deep diagnosis and hospitalization. But, when a sore throat in pregnancy, in order to eliminate the negative effects of the disease, and to select an effective treatment for a woman and a safe treatment for the baby, consultation of physicians is required.

Sore throat during pregnancy: the causes of malaise

Pregnancy significantly affects the immune abilities of a woman’s body. No matter how strange it sounds, a new and so dear piece in the stomach is half alien for the organism. After all, the child inherited half of his father's genes. Therefore, nature has found the easiest way to enable new life to develop in the maternal organism. She significantly reduced the immunity of women during pregnancy. Physiologically, this process is explained by the production of certain hormones that inhibit the activity of leukocytes.

But the changes do not occur selectively, and the woman loses the ability to actively resist the elementary viruses and bacteria, which in the normal state would not pose a threat, but would be promptly destroyed by immune cells.

Rarely what diseases are asymptomatic. External signs and manifestations are able to tell a lot, and allow you to make a preliminary diagnosis. A sore throat during pregnancy may indicate both the infectious nature of the disease, and external irritants and other internal pathologies.

Infectious origin of sore throat during pregnancy

Predisposition to various infectious diseases during pregnancy is higher. Woman does not dwell in an isolated world. She communicates with people, goes on public transport, visits clinics, and nobody canceled her work for a certain period of pregnancy. These factors significantly increase the chances of contracting an infection, because many viruses and bacteria are easily spread by airborne droplets.

A simple handshake or contact with infected objects in the form of a handset, a doorknob, a handrail on a bus can happen to pick up an infection by a tactile way. And now, after only a few days, depending on the incubation period of the infection, the throat of the pregnancy begins to hurt, the general state of health worsens. These symptoms may be the first signs of not only colds.

Cold. The most common cause of sore throat during pregnancy. With a weak immunity can only manifest pain in the throat, when the cough and fever is absent. But the bacteria that provoked the disease are present in the body and without treatment can cause complications in the form of bacterial bronchitis.

Flu. The disease is caused by various viruses. Often, except for sore throat during pregnancy, the temperature rises. Influenza is able to absorb the immune system and significantly weaken the body. In addition, the disease can cause various complications in the form of pathologies of the joints, the heart, and affect the health of the fetus.

Pharyngitis. Inflamed throat mucosa. Sore throat - the main symptom of pharyngitis during pregnancy.

Tonsillitis. Sore throat is associated with inflammation of the tonsils. Concomitant symptoms of tonsillitis: general malaise, headaches, swollen lymph nodes. There are various types of sore throats. There are catarrhal, lacunar, follicular, ulcerative-membranous sore throats. Special forms include viral, fungal and syphilitic.

Chronic inflammation of the tonsils. Associated with unfair treatment of tonsillitis. It may have a sluggish appearance, expressed by periodic relapses of the disease, triggered by the slightest hypothermia. As well as chronic purulent, when the tonsils are significantly enlarged, covered with bloom, have a loose appearance. In some cases, it requires washing in the hospital, and even the removal of the tonsils.

Streptococcal sore throat. Often confused with the common cold. When sore throat enlarged lymph nodes, fever appears and trailing mucus in the throat. Sore throat are intense.

Intestinal diseases. Some types of E. coli can, apart from fever, dehydration, cause sore throat during pregnancy.

Measles. Scarlet fever. Rubella. Signs of intoxication, fever and skin rash are accompanied by lesions of the respiratory tract, which cause pain in the throat. Diseases are very dangerous for the fetus, the further fate of pregnancy will depend on the complexity of the pathology and the period of pregnancy.

Genital infections. Sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis, gonococcal pharyngitis, respiratory tract chlamydia cause throat problems.

Non-infectious origin of pain in the throat during pregnancy

Sore throat during pregnancy can be triggered by external stimuli or chronic and hereditary diseases that are exacerbated by weakened immunity.

Allergies. Swelling and pain of the larynx is associated with the body's response to certain allergens.

Dry, polluted air. Sore throat and sore throat during pregnancy can occur due to irritation or inflammation of the mucous membrane under the influence of dirty air, the content of chemical elements or tar in it, as well as lack of moisture.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia. The psychological component of the pathology can aggravate during pregnancy and provoke feelings of a lump in the throat, pain and a feeling of suffocation.

Gastro-food reflux. Pathologies of the gastroesophageal sphincter, located between the esophagus and the stomach, cause the penetration of gastric juice into the esophagus, which causes a burning sensation in the throat.

Injuries to the throat. The cause of injury to the upper respiratory tract can be as foreign objects, accidents, and exposure to hot food, burning mucous membranes.

The less common, but still occurring causes of sore throat during pregnancy include pathology in the form of:

• angina pectoris;

• osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, neuralgia;

• Vitamin A or B2 deficiency;

• chronic kidney and blood disorders;

• pathologies of the endocrine system.

Pain in the throat during pregnancy: diagnostic methods

Treats pain in the throat during pregnancy otolaryngologist. In case of uncomplicated colds, consultation with your therapist will be sufficient.

The survey includes first history of the disease. For what the doctor interviews the patient about the previous pain in the throat during pregnancy events, subjective sensations and accompanying symptoms.

The following is immediate primary examination of the throat, allowing to find out the condition of the mucous membrane, the presence of inflammation, swelling, plaque, enlarged tonsils and lymph nodes.

Based on the data, the doctor outlines the subsequent tactics of the survey.

Additional survey methods include:

• blood tests for general indicators and the identification of indicators of inflammation;

• swabs from the pharynx, nose on the identification of pathogenic microorganisms.

In the absence of pronounced symptoms of colds and the suspicion of non-infectious nature of the pathology, the doctor may refer you to a specialist for consultation.

Since any infectious disease can adversely affect the development of the fetus, if you confirm the infectious nature of the disease, a gynecologist's consultation is necessary.

Some types of infections that cause sore throats during pregnancy, such as measles, rubella, scarlet fever, flu, can cause fetal death, miscarriage, or trigger developmental pathologies.

A female doctor will assess the condition of the fetus with an ultrasound scan and a general examination, as well as assess the degree of threat to the baby.

Sore throat during pregnancy: treatment guidelines

Throat treatment during pregnancy is aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease. The treatment of exacerbations of chronic diseases is carried out by specialized specialists, applying specific methods of therapy.

In case of viral and bacterial ailments associated with sore throat, therapy during pregnancy includes:

• gargling;

• lozenges and pills resorption;

• spray irrigation;

• treatment with medicinal solutions of tonsils;

• use of antiviral drugs;

• treatment with safe antibiotics.

Remember, to treat the throat during pregnancy is not always possible with familiar drugs. Some of them are contraindicated in this period.

Recommendations about bed rest, abundant warm drinking, frequent rinsing of the throat are more relevant than ever with a sore throat during pregnancy.

From medication during pregnancy for the treatment of sore throat are suitable:

• sprays and aerosols in the form of Ingalipt, Givalex, Bioparox, Kameton, Orasept;

• Faringosept, as a well-proven drug for resorption;

• rinse solutions such as Furacilin, Chlorophyllipt, Givalseks, Rotokan.

The treatment of the throat, as well as the use of sprays and lozenges, is effectively carried out after rinsing. It is necessary to gargle as often as possible, up to 10 times a day. At the same time apply freshly prepared solutions at room temperature.

In addition to the use of pharmacies during pregnancy, a sore throat rinse:

• salt or iodine solutions;

• diluted juices of lemon or beet;

• decoctions of chamomile, sage, calendula.

But experimenting with thermal procedures for the treatment of throat during pregnancy is risky. The habitual mustard plasters or foot baths are capable of provoking a miscarriage in the initial periods. Such procedures are prohibited both at high temperature and in case of problems with pressure.

Remember, any herbs and essential oils are also medicines., they have their pharmacological properties, and this is due to their therapeutic effect. Overdose or the wrong combination of these drugs are dangerous, especially during pregnancy. Some herbs can provoke uterine tone and even bleeding.

In any case, treatment methods, however safe they may seem, are consistent with the doctor. Pregnancy is not the time to experiment. Incompatible or dangerous remedies can cure the throat, but it is not known how they affect pregnancy.

Sore throat during pregnancy: recommendations for prevention

If practically no one is immune from exacerbations of chronic diseases, then prevent infectious diseases and eliminate external stimuli by the strength of every pregnant woman.

1. Avoid crowds of people, especially during periods of exacerbations of viral diseases.

2. Constantly air the room and do wet cleaning.

3. Moisten the air with additional methods, especially during the heating season.

4. Avoid contact with allergens.

5. Frequently walk. What is important is not the duration of the stay in the air, but the frequency of walking.

6. Saturate the diet with foods rich in vitamin C.

7. Do not forget about the usefulness of fruits and vegetables during pregnancy.

8. Use natural antiseptics in the form of lemon, essential oils of lemon, rose, lavender, eucalyptus to disinfect the air.

9. Do not forget about the rules of hygiene. The health of your baby depends on the purity of your hands, especially after walking and visiting public places.

From pain in the throat, even during pregnancy, no one is immune.

And even if, despite all precautions, you are sick, do not start intensive home therapy without consulting a doctor.


Watch the video: Know the common symptoms of flu (June 2024).