What do we know about the benefits and dangers of onions: onions and green. What are the beneficial properties of onion and whether it can be harmful


More than five thousand years ago, mankind discovered the useful properties of onions.

During this time, ancient and modern scientists and physicians have established what benefit and harm onion brings to a person.

But not all the beneficial properties of this vegetable are known to the general public, but anyone will call it the most harmful property - an unpleasant odor.

Onion. Composition and calorie content

In the XII century, onions appeared on the territory of Ancient Russia, although Afghanistan and Iran are considered its homeland. Since then, onions are present in many recipes and are actively used in traditional medicine.

To date, about 400 species are known, with more than half of them being grown on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Why is onion so unique and what is its health benefit? The answer to this question will be the information presented in this article about the composition of the onion, which is the secret of its popularity.

The rich vitamin and mineral composition of this vegetable is the main reason why even our ancestors attributed miraculous properties to it. In the bow, whose beneficial properties have been confirmed over the centuries, contains:

• cobalt;

• copper;

• zinc;

• iodine;

• manganese;

• nickel;

• vitamin C;

• vitamin B;

• essential oils;

• flavonoids.

Due to its rich composition, onions, the benefits and harms of which cannot be underestimated, are not only a leader in cooking, but also in medicine and even in cosmetology.

Onion has a lot of iron, the amount of which is not affected in any way by the method of preparation of the vegetable. During cooking or frying, iron does not evaporate anywhere, therefore, with iron deficiency anemia, moderate use of a vegetable in any form will only benefit a person.

Potassium, which is part of onions, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Carotene, biotin, and folic acid are found in green feather juice. In addition, onion juice is rich in essential oils and carbohydrates. However, to call it high-calorie, the tongue does not turn, because for 100 g of onion, only 41 kcal.

What is the use of onions for the human body?

First of all, onions are one of those vegetables that cleanse the blood and have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. It is recommended as a prophylactic that can prevent a heart attack, as well as overcome insomnia.

In addition, all vitamins known to science are contained in this vegetable, therefore, its regular use will save a person from vitamin deficiency and helps to improve the state of the immune system.

In addition to vitamins, it contains ascorbic acid, the lack of which is one of the main causes of scurvy, anemia, cardiovascular and infectious diseases. Therefore, onions, the benefits of which can hardly be overestimated for the body, should be present in the diet of everyone who cares about their own health.

Everyone knows from childhood that the onion helps to overcome a cold, because thanks to its disinfectant properties, it kills the infection. For these purposes, onions can be eaten, inhaled with onion juice, prepare healing mixtures with honey and lemon. Tampons soaked in onion juice help quickly get rid of a cold. To overcome colds, it is recommended to apply rings of raw onions to the heels at night.

The high phytoncide content in onions allows doctors to recommend it for intestinal infections. The pathogens of other diseases do not resist onions, because he destroys pathogens:

• tuberculosis;

• diphtheria;

• dysentery.

Streptococci are also afraid of volatile, which provide antibacterial properties of the vegetable.

In addition, doctors recommend eat onions in the following cases:

• to enhance metabolism;

• to improve appetite and digestion;

• to increase the tone of the body and improve the general condition;

• with hypotension;

• with diabetes;

• with constipation;

• for cancer prevention.

Traditional medicine, for the treatment of patients widely uses onions, the beneficial properties of which are confirmed by centuries of experience in use. It is recommended to introduce it into the diet for patients suffering from chronic fatigue, with general exhaustion, for the treatment of respiratory tract diseases, fungal infections of the mucous membranes and skin integuments. Eating onions helps to get rid of giardia and roundworms.

Onions are also indispensable for the treatment of neurological and dermatological diseases, because its use helps to overcome a number of serious problems:

• dermatitis;

• rheumatism;

• papillomas,

• corns;

• warts;

• trichomoniasis;

• corns;

• hair loss;

• purulent acne;

• boils;

• fistulas.

The use of baked bulbs for food is indicated for those who suffer from obesity, urolithiasis, fluid congestion, and also lead an inactive lifestyle.

Onion: what is the harm to health?

Not only bad breath is a negative result of eating onions inside. In some cases, this vegetable causes an increase in acidity of the stomach and irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive organs, so people with similar problems should limit their use of onions.

You should not get involved in cores, because it can change heart rhythms, and in large quantities increases pressure and can trigger an asthma attack.

Phytoncides, which are in the vegetable and in moderate doses, are beneficial for the person, with prolonged contact with the mucosa, cause burns.

Despite the many beneficial properties of onions, before using it for medicinal purposes, it is necessary to consult your doctor. This will help to avoid many health problems.

The benefits of onions for pregnant and lactating women

In the absence of an allergy to onions, during pregnancy it must be present in the diet. It is not only possible, but also needs to be eaten by pregnant women, especially since you can buy it at any time of the year, and it costs very little.

Due to its unique composition, because onion has nicotinic acid, vitamin C and B vitamins, onions will not hurt women expecting a baby. It not only increases the body's defenses, but also improves hemoglobin. For pregnant and lactating women, this is very important, because the food that the mother eats, one way or another, enters the body of the child.

Doctors recommend increase onion consumption during pregnancy planning and in the first trimester. The folic acid that it contains plays an important role in the process of fetal formation, and its lack often causes congenital anomalies and premature birth of the child.

Since onions can harm the mucous membranes of the digestive system, its use should be moderate.

Onions perfectly increase appetite, and the chlorophyll that is contained in it contributes to blood formation.

It is much better to sleep after onions pregnant, therefore, when used, no insomnia for a woman expecting a baby is scary.

If during pregnancy a woman does not deny herself the use of a healthy vegetable, she will provide herself and her baby with reliable protection against viruses and bacteria, the effects of which on the female body during pregnancy are highly undesirable.

In the second half of pregnancy, even in the absence of any complications, it is better to eat this vegetable less. There is an opinion that the development of diathesis in a child may be associated with it.

Inflammatory processes in the digestive system, tachycardia, diseases of the liver and urinary system are a contraindication to the use of onions during pregnancy and lactation.

Is onion good for children?

Many parents, for a long time can not decide whether to give the child a bow? Benefit or harm to the child’s health? and therefore they are in no hurry to introduce their child to this vegetable. According to pediatricians, the introduction of raw onions into the children's diet should not be earlier than after 3 years.

Starting from 7 months, provided that the child has already tried zucchini, potatoes, carrots, he can be given boiled onions.

Although onions have a lot of useful properties, children of any age in raw form need to be given in small quantities. At the same time, it must be combined with other products (add to salads, give with bread, soup). In this case, all its beneficial properties are preserved, and beneficial substances are better absorbed, and the irritating effect of onions on the digestive organs is reduced.

In addition to eating, for medicinal purposes, children use onion juice. It is used as a proven remedy for cough, runny nose and inhalation, but only after consulting a pediatrician and not earlier than the child turns 3 years old.

To reduce the irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, onions, for medicinal purposes, give the child after eating and always with milk and honey.

The same recommendations regarding the treatment of cough with boiled onions: it is also taken orally with a large amount of liquid, and to improve the taste, honey or sugar is added to the medicine.

Onions, diced and left indoors, are an excellent prophylactic for children during epidemics. Thanks to essential oils, the mucous membranes are moisturized, nasal breathing is facilitated. They are harmful to germs on the surface of mucous membranes. However, they are absolutely not effective against microbes that have already entered the baby’s blood. In addition, such inhalations give a rather short effect.

To prevent the onion from harming the child, parents must control the process of eating it. First of all, you need to remember that being an acute product, it can irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa, provoke digestive disorders and cause abdominal pain. Only a child who can chew can eat onions. Otherwise, onions must be carefully chopped.


Watch the video: After Eating Onions for 7 days , This Is What Happens With Your Body (July 2024).