Lung cancer is rapidly killing European women


For a long time, the main cause of death for cancer patients in European countries was breast cancer. It was he who always stood on the first line in the list of malignant tumors that were most often found in women. But now the leading positions are confidently moving towards lung cancer.

Physicians explain the status quo by the following fact: In the 1960s – 1970s, the peak of smoking was in fashion and many women picked up a cigarette. That is why a surge in the incidence of lung cancer is expected in the coming years. Doctors hope for some decline in the trend, because now in European countries, people quit smoking massively.

According to calculations by oncologists, a reduction in fatal outcomes from malignant lung tumors can be expected only in 2020-2025. This year, lung cancer will kill 82640 women. For comparison - 88886 women will die from breast cancer. By 2015, the proportion will shift to lung cancer. Statistics clearly shows that in Europe the number of cancer patients is steadily increasing.

The standard of living of modern people is constantly growing, and the chances of surviving cancer patients today are much greater than before. Despite this, mortality from lung cancer in women is increasing. For women and men, mortality from pancreatic tumors remains stable. The causes of this cancer in most cases are diabetes and smoking.


Watch the video: European Cancer Congress 2013: Lung Cancer (July 2024).