Watermelon diet - a detailed description and useful tips. Reviews on the watermelon diet and examples of the diet.


Watermelon Diet - Description and General Principles

Watermelon is not only a pleasure, but also a huge benefit! The buzzy striped berry, which we used to consider a vegetable, is also unique in that the juice contains almost no natural salts and acids, unlike other fruits and berries. But alkalis are present in it. Therefore, it is surprisingly useful for the urinary system. Nephrologists recommend watermelon to people who are systematically tormented by kidney stones (urate and oxalate). It will also benefit from exacerbations of pyelonephritis, nephritis, cystitis. Popular nutritionists, with the support of doctors, are advised to consume up to 2 kg per day of this medicine. To easily endure the hardships of the diet, you can diversify it with watermelon juice (2 glasses of juice and a teaspoon of honey).

Watermelon diet can safely be considered a cleansing mono-diet. It perfectly cleanses from excess fluid and toxins, thanks to a pronounced diuretic effect. With its help, you can lose about 3 kg of weight, and with subsequent special watermelon nutrition - about 4-5 kg ​​more. The term of its use is no more than 5 days, watermelon food - 10 days. For a diet, it is strictly forbidden to use early watermelons. They may contain nitrates, which can provoke severe intoxication of the body. You can even check the watermelon for the presence of nitrates at home: dip a piece of pulp into the water, leave for a while. The pulp containing nitrates will dissolve a little and color the water, while a normal watermelon will retain its shape.

It is also advisable to choose watermelons weighing about 7-8 kg. Fruits with a large weight most often contain chemistry, and with a smaller one - unripe. Be sure to wash the watermelons before drinking warm soapy water. The watermelon diet is well tolerated and especially enjoyable in hot weather.

Watermelon diet - what foods can I eat

If you follow a diet, you should eat only the pulp of watermelon throughout the day at the rate of: 1 kilogram of product per 10 kilograms of weight. Nevertheless, eating more than 5 kilograms per day is not recommended. It is necessary to monitor your condition. Sometimes the body can react with bloating, flatulence and other disorders. If such a reaction did not follow, then you can continue the diet for 5 days. To consolidate and continue the result after a diet, it is recommended to adhere to watermelon nutrition for 10 days. This will help lose another 5 kilograms.

Watermelon diet - which foods should not be consumed

We can say that watermelon remains the only means of nutrition these days. Mono diets are complicated precisely because you have to deny yourself in almost everything - from bread, hot dishes, and ending with drinks with sugar and milk. But it’s worth it - in just a few days the waist will decrease, lightness will appear in you, as the body will begin to free itself from toxins and excess fat that is not useful for well-being. The results of the diet will surely please you - be patient and empty your refrigerator the day before from temptations. The principle of such a diet is similar to similar methods of losing weight on juices. There, the main role is played by fluid, and a diuretic effect is also observed.

Watermelon Diet - Menu Examples

During the day, use watermelon pulp (not more than 5 kilograms per day). If hunger is severely tormented, you can use a couple of slices of black bread with each meal.

The menu of a non-strict watermelon diet is softer - for breakfast, 150-250 grams of low-fat cottage cheese is added to 3 medium slices of watermelon. For lunch, only a slice or two of watermelon, for lunch you can already add a plate of rice porridge. You can even slightly add salt to it. Next is an afternoon snack with low-fat cottage cheese and dinner with rice porridge. The main ingredient is consumed in all meals.

Menu for subsequent watermelon nutrition:
Breakfast: unsweetened oatmeal and some cheese.
Lunch: a piece of fish, poultry or meat, a vegetable salad with low-fat dressing.
Dinner: a portion of watermelon pulp at the rate of 1 kilogram per 30 kilograms of weight.

Watermelon Diet - Useful Tips and Reviews

According to reviews of people who have gone through all stages of the diet, we can conclude that the resulting diuretic effect is stronger than that of any other plant. This property has not only pulp, but also a crust. A decoction of crusts will relieve edema in diseases of the heart and kidneys. After drying the crusts in the oven, you can use them at any time of the year. To prepare the broth, dry crust is poured with water (1:10), boiled for about 5 minutes. The cooled and filtered broth is taken 3-4 times a day for half a glass. Also used for rheumatism and gout. Watermelon seeds of at least pumpkin seeds are effective against helminths. Dried seeds are crushed in a coffee grinder or meat grinder and mixed with milk (1:10). You need to take such a natural medicine 2 glasses separately from food, 2 times a day.

And more about the beneficial properties of Watermelon

Watermelon is attractive for people who want to lose weight. 100 g of pulp contain only 38 kcal. This product quickly saturates and also reduces appetite. Folic acid, which is part of it, normalizes the metabolism of fats. Watermelon is also used in cosmetology. A pulp mask applied for 20 minutes rejuvenates the skin.

This unusual berry is a pantry of magnesium. Only 150 grams of pulp is enough to meet the daily needs of a healthy person in this trace element. It is recommended for people with arterial hypertension and must be included in the diet. In addition, watermelon removes cholesterol, which is important for cardiovascular diseases. Watermelon juice has the ability to dissolve and remove toxins from the liver. With its chronic diseases, watermelons should be included in the diet. It is also recommended to eat watermelons after taking antibiotics.

Contraindications watermelon diet

People with chronic bowel disease should not get carried away with watermelons. They can cause bloating. It is also better to refrain from watermelons in diabetes, with edema in the last trimester of pregnancy. In terms of iron content, they are second only to spinach and lettuce.

Watermelon iron is organic and therefore very well absorbed by the body, which helps a lot in the prevention and treatment of anemia. Some caution should be exercised when eating unripe watermelons. Fluid retention in the body provokes salt, this leads to the formation of edema. Therefore, before starting a diet, try not to eat highly salted foods first, and you should also abandon salted nuts, chips, and vobla after eating it.

How to choose a ripe fruit

If you tap on the peel, a sound is made that determines the maturity of the watermelon. Too sonorous watermelons are overripe, and with a dull sound they are immature. You should choose something in between. In addition, a mature watermelon has a sluggish, darkened tail, elastic peel. The natural ripening period is August-September.


guest 08/31/2016
Thank you for the information! We are sitting on this food and are glad for YOURSELF! Now the main thing is to exit the diet correctly.

Marina 03/22/2016
Watermelon - a berry, perhaps this is a big berry itself. It's just a pity, the figure must be put in order by spring, by summer, and watermelons ripen only by the end of summer, the beginning of autumn. But sitting on it will be a pleasure.

Marina 03/22/2016
Watermelon - a berry, perhaps this is a big berry itself. It's just a pity, the figure must be put in order by spring, by summer, and watermelons ripen only by the end of summer, the beginning of autumn. But sitting on it will be a pleasure.

Angelica Ryazan 03/22/2016
Wow, the load on the bladder is incredible. But then the girlfriends said that it was effective. and most importantly a “delicious" diet. I’ll wait for the season and try it too.

Chris 03/22/2016
It is a pity that you can not eat watermelons now. I would really like to sit on such a nice diet. But you have to wait, the month of June, then only watermelons appear on our shelves.


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