Plot of luck in the casino


Gambling is almost the most ancient games invented by mankind. For centuries, people have been knocked down in search of the answer to the burning question: how to attract luck? This question is important to this day. Why do some people lose the last for the covered with green cloth tables, while others go with pockets full of money?

The answer is in the hands of modern white magic. Plots on the favor of Fortune have long been used by players in various fields: casino, poker, lotteries. With their help, the lucky ones always know when to bet and how to hit the big jackpot.

Plot for good luck in gambling

Are you a fan of blackjack, do you know billiards, do you like to gather for friends with poker on weekends, this plot will help you catch the tail of luck in any game.

It is done on the subject of any game you love, from which you came out the winner. It can be a die, a card, a ball or a chip. Do not steal it from the casino, - such activity is punishable not only by law, but also by higher powers. Buy a special set and invite your friends to participate in the game of interest. Try to win - and the perfect subject for the conspiracy in your hands. Such an amulet must be created individually, no one better than you speak it for good luck.

The ritual is performed on the growing moon, on Thursday. This day is the most pure and favorable for witchcraft for luck. All you need is moonlight, a candle, a metal dish and a small banknote. A candle is better to take a yellow one, this color symbolizes financial well-being.

The first step is to light a candle, strengthening it on the window sill. Next, place the dish and place the item you have chosen for the talisman. With your right hand, take a paper bill and, bringing it to the fire, say:

“I give money to the flame, I feed the flame with income, as the flame increases, so the income will increase. As the money falls ashes, so I dip them (the name of the item for the talisman), I put ashes in them, and good luck with ashes. ”

Throw a lit bill on the dish. Wait until she turns to ashes. Roll a talisman in ashes, and then say:

“My ash amulet will sanctify, luck will overshadow me. From now on and forever, while I carry it with me, the winnings are waiting for me at any moment! Amen!"

Now you have a personal talisman that attracts good luck in gambling.

Lottery win spell

Lottery - the most ancient test of luck. The first mention of it appears in the Bible and ancient Greek myths. With the help of the lottery, Moses divided the land on the banks of the Jordan River between the sons of Israel, and the soldiers tried their luck to fight Zeus.

To this day, one can see unnoticeable booths standing in different places of the city, in particular, near markets and squares. They can buy a paper rectangle with a number of numbers, a good choice of the sequence of which can bring you a lot of money.

In order to attract luck, use a variety of plots. One of the strongest is the plot on the peel of citrus.

Also, on the growing moon, on Thursday, take a vessel of dark material with a lid. One should put the rind of one citrus (mandarin, orange) in it, three yellow coins that are now in circulation, three bones of the same fruit and close the jar.

Read the plot three times and put the bank in a secluded place.

“The child ran away behind the flowers,” came running with a basket of flowers.

For water came to the spring, - found a coin at the bottom.

How it will turn around - there will be one more!

How to find one more - so it will bring together.

In the garden planted - will grow in the morning.

As the harvest will reap - so a new plant.

Let me get lucky like that child! ”

Feel free to go for a lottery ticket and choose any numbers.

Mages, specializing in attracting good luck, argue about when a plot should be carried out for luck in the lottery: before buying a lottery ticket or after. After examining the arguments of both sides, one can conclude that it would not be superfluous to read the plot two times.

More information about what other conspiracies to win the lottery can be read here.

Prayer to win poker

Poker is one of the few gambling games that require more than luck from the player. Poker also requires the ability to play, control over emotions, knowledge of the psychology of people, basic combinatorics. For poker, the appropriate attitude before the game is important and the strongest prayer will help you.

It is necessary to read it just before the game, secluded from everyone.

Stand on your knees, facing east, and with your arms folded, say:

“Lord, with a bright face, Jesus, his son, hear the call of God's servant (your name). Not from evil and not from greed, I bear the burden of the player on an urgent evening. I am looking for funds with a view (briefly tell me why you need to win), consume them for the benefit of them immediately, I swear. Diminish to me the powers of heaven and bestow divine good fortune! Amen!"

The plot only works once in a lifetime. Remember, Christianity does not approve of gambling. A good reason can be extremely urgent need. Self-interest will call for even more failure.

If in this game you could not win - do not despair. Come back home and quite possibly, in the shortest period you will have another opportunity to receive a large amount of money without being involved in gambling.

The plots cited above are taken from the arsenal of white magic and do not bear harm in themselves. However, if you want to continue, when you are lucky, to feel the support of Fortune, you should separate a part from each win and give it to the needy as a thanks to the higher forces. Then luck will never turn away from you!


Watch the video: 4 People Who Beat The Casino (May 2024).