A tooth ache: how to relieve pain at home? The most effective remedies for toothache: how to help at home


Toothache is a rather insidious thing.

It can overtake a person no matter where he is - at work, at school, on vacation.

Quite often there are situations when it is not possible to go to the doctor at the moment, and the pain is so strong that there is no strength to endure it.

What to do in this case?

Toothache: reasons

Perhaps the most unpleasant sensation that people have to endure is a toothache. Often pain sensations reach unusually great strength. As a result of this, you can not fully eat, as well as sleep and relax. The main cause of pain is irritation of the sensitive receptors that are located in the pulp of the tooth.

Depending on the type of tissue affected, toothache can develop due to the destruction of dentitis or developing pulpitis. Moreover, pain can be felt in those parts of the oral cavity where the teeth are absolutely healthy. The tooth always hurts in different ways, the pain can gradually increase, be aching or dull. But regardless of this, for a person she is always terrible and hard to bear.

The main causes of pain

Finding out the cause of the pain is worth a visit to the dentist. But conditionally they can be divided into two types - not dental and dental. The dentist can help you identify the causes of pain, even if they have nothing to do with your teeth and mouth.

Dental reasons include the following:

1. The presence of injuries in the tooth, it can be cracks, bruises.

2. The teeth are affected by cariosis.

3. Your teeth are hypersensitive.

4. Gingwit.

5. Pulpitis.

6. Periodontitis.

And now it’s worth characterizing each reason.

Carious lesions - This problem is genetic in nature. Many believe that it is all about eating too much sweet, yes, this also affects, but is only a secondary factor. Toothache is not felt due to a crack in it, but because cold or hot liquid gets into it. Therefore, it will be more accurate to say that it is not a tooth that hurts, but a nerve.

Pulpitis - there is inflammation of the soft tissues of the tooth. In the acute phase of the disease, severe pain may resemble an attack.

Periodontitis - Inflamed tissue surrounding the root of the tooth. During chewing, pressure on the tooth occurs, the pain is felt much stronger. Possible increase in temperature. Every day the pain will become stronger. The painkillers you take to eliminate the pain will no longer be effective.

Tooth sensitivity. A painful sensation can occur in every tooth after you drink or eat too hot (cold food. Often appears due to thinning of tooth enamel.

Each of these causes should always be treated by a dentist.

Causes of toothache not related to dentistry:

1. The presence of migraine, as a result of which severe pain is felt and is given to the teeth.

2. Heart disease, otitis media.

3. Sinusitis or ethmoiditis.

4. Trigeminal neuralgia.

Toothache: relieve pain at home - medication

If your tooth hurts, you can relieve pain at home with painkillers. The choice of such drugs is wide enough. Almost all of them are based on nimesulide (nise, aponil, nemesulide), ibuprofen (abalgin, nurofen, faspik), sodium metamizole (baralgin and analgin), ketorolac (adolor, ketanov, ketorol).

Well-known aspirin can help, although doctors say this is not the best choice. In no case should you put a tablet on the gum, the mucous membrane can be burned. You can take aspirin only inside.

Unfortunately, these drugs are not always at hand. Or you can’t take painkillers for health reasons, because they have a large list of contraindications and side effects. The most common diseases that are an obstacle to their intake are high blood pressure, pregnancy, ulcers, impaired renal and hepatic function.

Therefore, before you are going to take this or that medicine, you should definitely consult with a specialist, if this is not possible, study the instructions attached to the drug. It is better to use painkillers in order to relieve toothache for a while, before a visit to the dentist. With prolonged use of the drug, it will cease to act, and each time you will have to take an increasing dose, and this is fraught with consequences even for a healthy body.

Toothache: relieve pain at home - folk remedies

Surely every adult has had toothache. And the first thing that everyone does is to look into the medicine cabinet in order to take an anesthetic. But what if there are none, and the pain continues to intensify?

And, probably, the most interesting thing in this case is that we don’t even know the recipes of traditional medicine, as we are used to going to the pharmacy right away. But there are many really effective remedies that can relieve toothache at home. Naturally, many ingredients may not be at hand, so for the future you need to insure yourself and purchase them in advance.

1. The simplest tool to relieve toothache and relieve it for a while is a clove of garlic. Take one slice and cut in half. After this, attach one half with a cut to the wrist, in the place where they feel the pulse so that it does not sleep, you can fix it with a band-aid. But there is one caveat, you should choose the hand opposite to the side on which the tooth hurts. Many still cannot understand how all this works, but the result really becomes noticeable after 10-20 minutes, gradually the pain subsides.

2. Another old way to relieve toothache is to massage the earlobes from the side where the pain is felt. Just hold the lobe or top with two fingers and start rubbing, stretching in different directions. It is enough to do this for 10 minutes and the pain will go away.

3. The third method is rinsing the oral cavity with a solution of potassium permanganate. But the concentration of its dilution cannot be advised precisely, since everything depends on the degree of destruction. You need to rinse constantly, until the pain goes away completely. Moreover, there is an opinion that potassium permanganate is able to kill a nerve. The main thing is not to swallow it inside, otherwise you simply cannot avoid problems with the esophagus.

What else can you relieve toothache at home

1. Available to all means - is a mouth rinse solution of rock or sea salt. To get started, try diluting one tablespoon of the product in a glass of warm water. If after 5-10 minutes the pain does not subside, add a little more salt. In order to enhance the effectiveness of the product, it is recommended to add a few drops of iodine to the glass.

2. If you have a healing plant like Kalanchoethen you are just lucky. Tear off one leaf and finely chop it, then wrap it in a bandage and attach it to the gum, where the tooth hurts. After some time, the inflammation will be relieved, and the pain will pass.

3. The following method may seem a little strange, but, despite this, it is effective - attach to the cheek magnet. No one has yet been able to explain the principle of its action, but it is proved that after 30 minutes there will be no trace of pain.

4. You can relieve toothache seasoning - cloves. Take a few twigs, grind well, and fill in the hollow of a diseased tooth.

5. If the toothache is not strong and only begins to appear, then you can remove it at the same stage, take slice of raw potatoes and chew. Also, this will remove a slight inflammation on the gums. Naturally, once will not be enough, you need to repeat the procedure several times a day. Moreover, if at this time you also swallow juice from potatoes, then you can eliminate many problems in the stomach.

6. If the cause of the pain was a dropped seal, then you can put in this place small piece of propolis. It has good disinfectants.

7. Helps mummy. Take one tablet and dilute in warm water. After that, moisten a bandage or cotton wool in the liquid, put on a sore spot and hold for 15 minutes. After you remove it, for 30 minutes do not take anything into your mouth, neither water nor food.

8. Take one tablespoon sage and brew boiling water. Wait until the tincture has cooled to a warm state, strain and start rinsing your mouth, do it more often.

A tooth hurts - you can actually relieve pain at home in almost any medicinal plant. Indeed, almost every one of them has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. The main thing is to prepare the right medicinal tincture.

Toothache: relieve pain at home - warm or cool?

Many, after the first symptoms of toothache occur, are in a hurry to quickly apply heat to the sore spot, but few know that it is by no means possible. In just a few hours, it will greatly increase in size, and you will have to go to the doctor with a wry face. You can not put a heating pad on your face, do not tie warm scarves, it is better to rinse your mouth with a warm solution. And the more often you do this, the better for you.

If you don’t have any tinctures on hand, you can use ordinary warm water or warm tea.

After the problem is resolved and the tooth ceases to hurt, you should not forget about it. Visit your dentist as soon as possible.

As for the cold, it is impossible to answer the question unequivocally. Since it is he who can provoke pain after getting on the tooth. But if you apply something cold to your forehead or earlobe, then there will be no trace of pain.

A tooth aches - it’s really possible to relieve pain at home, but only for a while. It will occur and bother you until you visit the dentist and get rid of the problem. Therefore, do not waste time and go to your doctor as soon as possible.


Watch the video: How can I prevent tooth pain? (July 2024).