Cream of pigment spots on the face, which are sold in a pharmacy


The appearance of age spots on the skin due to various factors. Suffer from excessive pigmentation on the face and body of both women and men. You can fight with the enhanced production of melanin cells with the help of pharmaceutical bleaching creams, folk remedies or salon procedures. Before taking any action, you should consult with your doctor.

The causes of pigment spots

What color your skin will have is determined by melanin. This pigment is produced by special cells called melanocytes. Its main task is to protect the skin from the harmful effects of solar radiation.

Under the influence of various factors, cells sometimes produce less or more melanin. Ultimately, the pigment spots of a pale or dark shade appear on the face or body, respectively. The use of bleaching creams is possible only after identifying the source of the problem.

Causes of dark markings on the skin:

  • Ultraviolet. In a small amount of UV rays cause tanning. However, a long stay in the sun or the abuse of a solarium causes a violation of the pigmentation of the skin. As a result, melanocytes intensively produce melanin;
  • Change hormonal levels. Admission of contraceptives, pregnancy, menopause can affect the work of the cells, which leads to excessive pigmentation of the skin;
  • Hereditary factor. Pigment spots on the skin of the face, namely birthmarks, can be inherited from generation to generation;
  • Mechanical damage to the skin. Burns, improper treatment of acne and boils lead to darkening of the epidermis. To whiten this type of pigmentation is quite difficult;
  • Age changes. With aging, melanocytes begin to produce more melanin. As a result, the pigment is distributed unevenly on the skin, which leads to the appearance of pigment spots (lentigo);
  • Diseases of the internal organs. Problems with the liver, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys or gallbladder cause the appearance of marks on the skin of different shades;
  • The use of poor quality or inappropriate cosmetics. Getting rid of the side effect will help a complete rejection of the use of harmful cosmetic products;
  • Avitaminosis. The lack of vitamins and minerals in the body prevents the synthesis of melanin from tyrosine. The solution to the problem will be maintaining a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, taking vitamin complexes;
  • Reception of medicines. The work of melanocytes is influenced by long-term and often uncontrolled medication treatment. The reaction in the form of dark markings on the skin is noted after taking antibiotics, cytotoxic drugs, etc.

In most cases, the pigment spots are easily removed with special whitening creams. You can buy a therapeutic cosmetic in a pharmacy.

Types of pigment spots

Pigmentation on the skin of the face or body is not always the same. Dark markings vary in shape, color and size. This allows you to identify their affiliation to a species and find out the cause of the appearance.

Freckles or scientifically ephels usually represent a cluster of small, with jagged edges of the spots on the skin. There are light and dark yellow. Freckles suffer mainly red-haired and fair-haired people. Pigment spots of this species are localized on the face, neck, hands, or body. Their appearance is due to prolonged exposure to the sun.

In summer, the freckles darken, and turn pale in the winter. With age, their number significantly decreases. You can try to whiten pigment spots using special creams.

Another type of pigment spots are moles. They are also called birthmarks or nevi. They are a collection of melanocytes that produce melanin in excess.

Some moles are on the skin from birth, others appear over time under the influence of various factors. May be flat or convex. Their appearance provokes ultraviolet light, changes in hormonal background, or injury.

There are various shades: light beige, dark brown, black, etc. Most of them are not dangerous, but they can degenerate into melanoma (malignant neoplasm). Remove such age spots on the skin with whitening creams is impossible.

As a prophylaxis, moles should be periodically checked for malignancy by a dermatologist (at least once a year).

Lentigo - This is a benign skin lesion, most often triggered by ultraviolet radiation. On the skin of the face usually appear flat, dark brown pigment spots of small size. Dark markings have clear boundaries.

Most often, lentigo is affected by older people. Pigmentation occurs due to increased production of melanin pigment by melanocytes. Such pigmentation is difficult to whiten.

Melasma or Chloasma- This is a large flat dark pigment spot with an uneven outline. Dark markings often appear in groups and are arranged symmetrically on the face. There is a tendency to merge with each other.

Chloasma is usually called a disorder of skin pigmentation caused by pregnancy. Another reason melanin production of more melanin is ultraviolet. Sometimes the appearance of melasma provoke serious diseases: cancer, liver pathologies, helminthiasis, etc.

The lack of melanin in some areas of the skin called vitiligo. The nature of this kind of age spots is not fully understood. The disease is characterized by the appearance on the skin of white markings of various shapes and sizes. Often, pigment spots merge with each other, forming large lesions of the epidermis.

Vitiligo does not pose a health hazard and is a purely cosmetic defect. The disease can be inherited.

When is whitening required?

It is not difficult to whiten the pigment spots existing on the skin with the help of pharmacies. However, before proceeding with the cleaning of the face, it is necessary to understand the causes of pigmentation disorders. Before carrying out procedures it is better to consult a dermatologist.

It is possible to use whitening creams from pigment spots if:

  • There are no contraindications;
  • Pathology is not caused by diseases;
  • Pigmentation on the face gives a strong aesthetic discomfort;
  • Dark marks appear in large numbers.

Freckles and lentigo are easy to whiten at home with pharmacy tools. Other types of pigment spots require treatment or removal in the beauty salon. For example, you can get rid of nevi or moles using peeling, laser or cryotherapy. The method of removal is chosen by a beautician. However, you should make sure in advance that the tumor is not melanoma.

If there are wounds or inflammations on the face, whitening creams are prohibited.

The absence of a positive result and pigment spots remaining on the face of the skin are a reason to change the brand of the used pharmaceuticals. Usually, it is possible to judge the positive effect of the ointment after 2-3 months of treatment. To choose the right cream, you should consult with a dermatologist.

How to choose a pigment spot cream?

The appearance of excessive pigmentation in certain areas of the skin brings discomfort to its owners. You can get rid of cosmetic defect with the help of pharmaceutical bleaching agents.

Creams of pigment spots on the face have two ways to affect the skin: some ointments peel off the top layer of the epidermis, others affect melanocytes that produce melanin in a large amount of pigment. The latter are more preferable for use, since they prevent the appearance of new pigment spots.

Rules for choosing a good cream from pigmentation on the skin of the face:

  • The tool must have a certificate of quality;
  • The following components must be present in the composition of creams from pigment spots:
    • Hydroquinone - prevents melanin production of melanin in large doses. However, the substance is very toxic and its use is limited;
    • Glycolic acid - acts as a keratolytic, has a pronounced exfoliating effect. Also, the substance enhances the effect of other components that make up creams from age spots;
    • Tretinoin - accelerates cell renewal, promotes peeling of the skin of the face and early regeneration;
    • Arbutin - prevents the production of tyrosinase, which plays an important role in the synthesis of melanin. In this regard, it has a powerful whitening effect. The natural source is bearberry leaves;
    • Beta-carotene and retinol - block the work of melanocytes, have a positive effect on the regeneration of the skin of the face;
    • Salicylic acid - exfoliates the upper layer of the epidermis, makes pigment spots slightly noticeable;
    • Fruit, lactic acid - act as keratolytics;
    • Ellagic acid - protects against solar radiation and helps to whiten pigment spots;
    • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - fights against fading of the skin of the face and the harmful effects of sunlight, has a regenerating effect. Application in creams is associated with a bleaching effect;
    • Kojic acid blocks the production of tyrosinase, thereby reducing melanin production. As a result, age spots become less pronounced;
    • Rucinol - reduces the amount of melanin produced by the cells of the face;
    • Tocopherol (vitamin E) - is the prevention of the appearance of new pigment spots;
  • The choice of means is made taking into account the type of skin.

Properly selected whitening cream quickly eliminate pigment spots. In order to achieve a positive effect, you must correctly apply the pharmacy. Improper procedures will increase the risk of side effects.

The best pharmaceutical creams from pigment spots on the face

Bleaching agent is required not only to choose according to the criteria, but also to use it correctly. To minimize side effects, you must strictly follow the instructions. A dermatologist or cosmetologist can help with the choice and technique of use.

General rules for the use of creams from age spots:

  • Before applying the tool should be tested for an allergic reaction;
  • Apply the cream is required exclusively on cleansed skin;
  • The best time for the procedures is before going to bed, in the evening;
  • During the day to protect the skin should be sunscreen;
  • The course of treatment of pigment spots with whitening ointments should last at least 21 days;
  • With the appearance of adverse reactions should reduce the number of daily procedures.

It is recommended to use pharmaceutical preparations for cleaning the skin of the face during the autumn-winter period.

Pigment bleaching is recommended from October to March. It is at this time that solar activity is reduced to a minimum and it will be easier to achieve a positive result. The use of pharmaceutical creams in the summer is prohibited.


Skinoren Cream has established itself as an excellent remedy for acne and increased skin pigmentation. It is a white matting agent. A positive effect is achieved due to the presence of azelaic and benzoic acid. Suitable for bleaching pigment spots of the type of melasma or chloasma.

The principle of applying the cream is simple. A thin layer of the agent is applied on the previously cleaned and well-dried skin. Treat face is recommended twice a day. During treatment, sunscreen should be used to prevent the appearance of new pigment spots. The duration of bleaching procedures - at least 3 months.

From side effects emit a slight burning sensation, itching, peeling, redness. Usually, the negative symptoms pass quickly and do not bother the patient. The cost of the cream varies from 700 to 1000 rubles.


Whitening cream "Akhromin" effectively fights with all pigment spots on the skin of the face: lentigo, freckles, chloasma. In addition to mild cleansing, protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Substance of white color with a pleasant light smell.


  • Salicylic acid;
  • Lemon acid;
  • Vitamin B3;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Licorice root oil;
  • Lactic acid.

Earlier in the composition was part of hydroquinone. It is an effective, but highly toxic substance. For this reason, manufacturers have decided to exclude the component from the composition.

The application of the cream should be made regularly to achieve the best results. To whiten age spots, apply the product to the skin twice a day. Already after 14 days you can see a positive effect. The course of treatment is determined in each case individually.

Cream "Ahromin" included in the list of funds with a low price category. Its cost is about 100 rubles, which is an incomparable advantage. Pigment spots on the skin of the face become barely noticeable and completely disappear after a month of use.


To bleach existing pigment spots and prevent the appearance of new helps cream Melanative. The tube contains 15 grams of active substance, which is enough for 1.5 months. The use of this tool for cleansing the skin is justified due to its unique composition.

Active components of the cream "Melaniativ":

  • Acids - glycolic, kojic, stearic;
  • Alpha arbutin;
  • Vitamin E.

Use cream "Melaniativ" is recommended once a day, only at bedtime. The tool is applied with massage movements on the skin of the face. The first 7 days of application of the ointment is carried out in a day. Of the side effects note itching and tightness.

The cream fights well with any types of pigment spots, including lentigo and postacne. From freckles ointment ineffective. The cost of funds is about 700 rubles.

Snow White

A sufficiently low-priced “Snow White” bleaching agent is manufactured by Biokon. The price is from 100 rubles. For complex removal of pigment spots, it is recommended to purchase a cream for day and evening use, as well as a scrub and gel for washing. The manufacturer guarantees 3 levels of skin whitening.

Active ingredients:

  • Acids - koic, ascorbic, fruit, dairy, stearic;
  • Extracts of bearberry, licorice, white lily, boa;
  • Daily remedy has UV filters.

The cream is well absorbed into the skin and has a dense texture. The remedy fights pigmentation such as freckles or post-acne. Ointment for evening use is applied to the face before going to bed. After half an hour the remains are removed with a paper napkin. Day cream needs to be applied 30 minutes before going out in the sun, it can be used as a base for make-up. To get rid of age spots, you should strictly follow the instructions.

Badyaga Forte

Cream mask "Badyaga Forte" with Indian cress well affects pigmentation and post-acne. Due to its composition, the agent suppresses the production of melanin on the skin of the face. Among the active ingredients are extracts of Indian cress, succession, wheat germ, essential oil of grapefruit and badyaga.

The cream is applied to pre-cleansed skin with light rubbing movements. In 20 minutes. face rinsed with water. It is not recommended to go out for the first 2-3 hours after applying the mask. This may cause irritation.

In parallel, you should use sunscreen to prevent the appearance of new pigment spots. Apply the cream on the skin to achieve the effect 1-2 times a week. The procedure is best done at night.

The cost of a whitening agent for age spots varies from 100 to 300 rubles.


For whitening pigment spots on the skin of the face in a pharmacy, you can buy Pharmacos cream from the company Belita-Vitex. In a silver tube contains 50 ml. facilities. The tool applies to creams with a low price category. The price is about 170 rubles.

The cream is dense in texture, milky color and has a pleasant, unobtrusive aroma. The composition of the funds from age spots include citric acid, an extract of a leaf of Waltheria Indian, ferulic acid, shea butter, bearberry, wheat germ, vitamin E acetate, safflower oil, and UV filters.

Apply ointment on the face is recommended every day. Due to the presence of UV filters in the composition, it is ideal for daytime use. The cream is universal and suitable for all skin types.

Cream active

Means against sunburn and various kinds of pigmentation “Krem-Aktiv” is produced by the firm “Best traditions of Russia” Over 100 ml. will have to pay about 100 rubles. Despite the low cost, it has a pronounced effect and quickly relieves pigment spots on the skin of the face. With regular use whitens freckles, lentigo, postacne.

Cream white, with a light texture. It is well absorbed and does not leave a greasy film on the skin. Panthenol, linolenic acid, arbutin, vitamin E are present in the composition of the pigment spot remedy. In addition to bleaching pigmentation, it protects the face from ultraviolet radiation (SPF 50).

The cream is required to be applied on the skin with a thin layer before going out. Means waterproof, which is an incomparable advantage. Производитель рекомендует обновлять периодически защитный слой после купания. Пигментные пятна при длительном применении мази становятся еле заметными.


Отбеливающий крем «Skinolight» относится к средней ценовой категории. Примерная стоимость за 75 мл. средства составляет 2000 рублей. Регулярное применение мази способствует уменьшению пигментных пятен на коже лица и является профилактикой их появления в будущем. Также крем защищает от вредного воздействия солнечных лучей, увлажняет и отшелушивает верхний слой эпидермиса.


  • Азелаиновая кислота;
  • Экстракты толокнянки и корня солодки;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Комплекс Липосентол-гидро: пантенол, гликолевая, лимонная, молочная кислоты;
  • Масло макадамии, авокадо, арганы;
  • Экстракты толокнянки и корня солодки;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Пальмитат витамина А.

Обрабатывать пигментные пятна на лице мазью «Skinolight» требуется 2 раза в сутки. При чрезмерной пигментации кожи советуют использовать средство в качестве крема для дневного времени суток. Перед применением стоит сделать тест на наличие индивидуальной непереносимости компонентов.


Крем «Неотон» отлично справляется с лентиго, хлоазмой, пигментными пятнами от акне. Стоимость составляет около 1000 рублей. Средство выравнивает тон кожи, матирует ее и увлажняет.

Способствующие отбеливанию кожи лица активные компоненты включают салициловую, гликолевую, молочную, аскорбиновую кислоту и экстракт корня солодки. Чтобы осветлить пигментные пятна на лице, следует запастись терпением. Входящие в состав крема вещества способствуют отшелушиванию верхнего слоя кожи и защищают ее от воздействия солнца.

Способ применения средства прост. На предварительно увлажненную и просушенную кожу лица равномерным слоем наносят крем. Через 10 минут масса должна впитаться полностью. Излишки следует убрать бумажной салфеткой. Для достижения нужно эффекта процедура проводится единожды в сутки, например утром.

Крем, отбеливающий пигментные пятна, может использоваться в качестве основы под макияж. Его применение подойдёт в особенности людям с жирным и комбинированным типом кожи лица.


Крем «Elure» блокирует выработку меланоцитами пигмента меланина. Это способствует осветлению существующих пигментных пятен. Чтобы кожа лица стала чистой и гладкой, специалисты рекомендуют использовать все отбеливающие средства линейки «Elure». В комплекс входят: средство для умывания, лосьон и ночной крем.

В состав входят руцинол, меланозим, бета-каротин, аскорбиновая и лимонная кислота. Отбеливающий эффект достигается за счет ежедневного применения средств линейки «Elure». Активные компоненты мягко воздействуют на пигментные пятна, постепенно их осветляя. Раздражения и другие побочные эффекты после применения крема не присутствуют. При использовании стоит избегать попадания средства на слизистые участки кожи или в глаза.

Стоимость чудо-средства от пигментных пятен варьируется в пределах 2000 рублей. Такая высокая цена оправдывает себя положительным результатом после процедур. Если финансовый бюджет не позволяет приобрести крем «Elure», можно воспользоваться более дешевыми аналогами.


Watch the video: 100% remove dark spots, hyper pigmentation, brown patches,melasma Bellissa lite cream हनद म (June 2024).