Is it possible to get rid of pain without pills - yes! Effective ways to get rid of pain without pills: doctor's advice


The appearance of painful sensations of any intensity and location does not cause a person to doubt the presence of health problems.

At such moments, any other feelings fade into the background, and there is an irresistible desire to take an anesthetic.

But whether such a decision is always correct, and the medicine can relieve pain without causing additional harm.

Is it worth it to hurry with taking medications, if there are many ways to get rid of pain without pills.

Pain: Causes

The fact that pain is associated with certain malfunctions in the body is absolutely clear to every person. But where does the sensation of pain come from? Why pain in some situations permeates, overshadowing all other feelings and thoughts. And in others it is tolerant, but exhausting with its constancy.

Any sensations in the human body are controlled by the brain. Pain is no exception. A person begins to feel pain when irritating pain receptors that transmit specific signals to the brain. In this way, the body responds to any danger and allows a person to avoid negative consequences. So, it is thanks to the appearance of pain that a person pulls his hand at an injection or burn. On this side, pain is clearly beneficial.

However, with pathological failures in the body, pain loses its information ability. In such situations, pain reduces the body's resistance, it provokes disorders of an emotional and mental nature. Pathological pains provoke a violation of blood flow, the development of inflammatory reactions and a weakening of immunity.

The appearance of pathological pain is associated with exposure to nociceptors - specific nerve endings. There are two types of similar receptors.

The so-called fast receptors are located in the skin, in all joints, as well as in the digestive tract. The painful sensations arising from the irritation of these receptors are associated with strong mechanical as well as thermal effects. The pain associated with such exposure disappears immediately after the elimination of irritating factors. This type of pain is rarely associated with prolonged pain.

But the irritation of slow receptors, which are located throughout the body and are able to respond to any kind of exposure, causes familiar exhausting and prolonged pain of varying intensity.

Irritation of these receptors occurs:

• under the influence of increased pressure on them of liquids that accumulate in tissues with puffiness;

• with direct pinching of nerve fibers;

• with the chemical nature of the effect, such as the release of histamine or an increase in the synthesis of prostaglandins associated with inflammatory reactions.

It should not be forgotten that pain is closely related to rational activity. Therefore, personal perception of pain is quite subjective and may depend on various circumstances and life experiences.

How to get rid of pain without pills: distracting and local remedies

The mechanism of pain is quite complicated. The participation in this process of various provocative, concomitant and controlling factors allows the use of completely different methods for pain relief.

Distractions include various substances that can irritate the skin or cause other reactions that can reflexively affect internal organs that have undergone inflammation or other painful reactions.

The action of distractions is based on a reflex effect aimed at improving blood circulation and breathing. Under the influence of distractions, skin irritation occurs. In this case, there is a reduction in blood vessels and an improvement in heart activity, an increase in temperature.

However, with severe irritation by distracting means, the opposite effect may occur. Under the influence of strong influences of such funds breathing quickens and the condition worsens.

With such a physiological effect, a therapeutic effect occurs. Vasoconstriction and respiratory arousal helps with pathologies of a neurogenic nature and helps to reduce headaches.

A distracting agent is often used to treat joints, muscle and nerve pathologies. As distracting agents, you can resort to the use of mustard, iodine, ammonia, pepper, especially red, terpentine, as well as various alcohol tinctures, camphor, menthol, bee venom and snakes.

Local painkillers can have not only a distracting effect, but also a therapeutic one. Any ointments, compresses, lotions with a warming, cooling, or irritating effect are primarily distracting from pain. In addition, the action of these agents improves blood flow, reduces swelling, and eliminates inflammatory reactions, which in turn helps to reduce pain.

Local remedies containing analgesics or anti-inflammatory drugs have an analgesic effect. But the effect of such funds is not as swift as that of distracting means.

How to get rid of pain without pills

For toothache You can use a rinse with soda, salt, a decoction of onion peels. With a bruised tooth, oak bark or sea salt will help. If an infection is present, rinse your mouth with sage with chamomile or use garlic. With pathological tooth sensitivity, calendula with plantain and valerian with motherwort will help.

For decreasing headaches simple means of distraction can help. Listen to calm music, relax, calm down or just sleep. Also, with headaches, cold washing, a contrast shower, a compress with vinegar, a walk in the fresh air can help. A good analgesic effect of headaches has tinctures of valerian, motherwort, and mint. Charging or eating something tasty helps to cope with a headache.

For joint painUndoubtedly, thermal procedures in the form of baths with the addition of salt, mustard, coniferous extract, turpentine, bischofite help. Good and warming compresses, for the preparation of which you can use pepper, mustard, horseradish, radish, honey. Alcohol tinctures of various healing herbs will also help here.

For pain caused by inflammatory diseases You can apply local compresses that help relieve inflammation and reduce pain. For this, cabbage leaf, plantain, celandine, badger fat, lard are suitable.

If it hurts throat, first aid will have rinses with sage and chamomile, eucalyptus, salt, soda. Help with sore throats resorption of honey, baked onions, lard. To reduce pain, inhalations can be carried out with tea tree oil, coniferous plants, juniper, decoctions of chamomile, thyme, lemon balm, sage, and seasonings in the form of cloves, rosemary, cinnamon and ordinary boiled potatoes.

How to get rid of pain without pills: step-by-step instructions

It should be remembered that pain is directly related to neurogenic reactions. Therefore, a person is able to regulate his feelings himself and, by simple methods, reduce the severity of pain.

Try simple recommendations that do not require the use of any medication or folk remedies.

Listen to nice music. The nerve centers that are responsible for the perception of pain are also able to respond to music. Do not be surprised if the pain subsides after 10-15 minutes of listening to good music. Just in this way, the nerve fibers are distracted, and the pain signal does not have time to reach the brain.

Play and have fun. At the same time, endorphin is produced - a specific molecule that delivers happiness and has an analgesic effect.

Have sex. During sexual pleasures, oxytocin and the same endorphins are produced, which helps to relieve pain. Interestingly, the brain responds equally to both pain and orgasm.

Self-hypnosis and auto-training. Surprisingly effective ways to deal with pain. Having tuned in to positive emotions, a person helps to improve his own condition. And do not forget that sometimes we just want to get sick, and this causes emotional pain.

Do simple breathing exercises. A few deep exhalations and breaths, which must be repeated up to 10 times, contribute to oxygen saturation, restoration of breathing and pressure.

What pain can I get rid of without pills?

If any pain occurs, a person tries to find quick and effective ways to get rid of it. However, not with every pathology improvised and emotional ways can improve the condition.

Without the use of tablets, you can try to relieve the pain:

• head;

• earloop;

• dental;

• articular;

• muscle;

• emotional.

It is dangerous to engage in any type of self-medication in case of abdominal pain or chest pain. Such pain can signal a serious danger. Anesthetics taken at the time of exacerbations can smear the clinical picture and prevent the doctor from promptly making a preliminary diagnosis.

In some situations, pain is a signal of the need for urgent medical attention or hospitalization.

It is urgent to call an ambulance if you join the pain:

• loss of consciousness;

• problems with speech, hearing, eyesight;

• urinary or fecal incontinence;

• problems with motor abilities;

• severe diarrhea and vomiting.

In such situations, picking up painkillers does not make sense, because prompt medical attention is required.
