Haircuts lunar calendar for November 2017: favorable and unfavorable days for cutting, curling and hair coloring


Women's health and beauty are associated with moon cycles.

This feature must be used so that the hair always looks flawless and gives mental health.

In November, the Moon grows twice: at the beginning of the month from the first to the third, and at the end: from the 19th to the 30th.

It’s good to plan the beginning of some important things on the growing moon, get to know the right people and take care of your hair.

It is believed that during this period, hair, like the whole body, is saturated with energy, vitality, and therefore active procedures will not harm them.

The November full moon and new moon fall on the fourth and 18th of November, respectively. Difficult days when you need to be extremely careful in handling your hair and yourself, your beloved. The full moon passes under the sign of a good-natured Taurus, which means that almost all hair treatments will be successful. But the new moon falls on the zodiac of Scorpio, which makes the situation in the star house unstable, and the result of haircuts or curls is unpredictable.

In November, the moon decreases from the fifth to the 17th. in spite of a gradual breakdown, weakening of the immune defense, it’s not worth it to lose heart and cancel all hair care procedures. The situation can be remedied by benevolent zodiacs.

November 2017 haircut lunar calendar - hair waving

Perm refers to very aggressive methods of exposure to both the roots and the hair itself. Of course, the locks are particularly affected, therefore, the procedure should be carried out only by experienced craftsmen who are well versed in the structure of the hair and are able to select the most gentle compounds.

Of course, you need to make up the curl and the right days from the point of view of the lunar calendar. This will help to save nerves and literally protect the curls from death. Walking with a dead bud of burnt hair will take a long time, so it is best to prepare for the procedure as much as possible.

For owners of thick, naughty, straight, hard strands, a good time will be the period of the passage of the moon through the house of Leo on November 10 and 11. These two days will give your hair more wavy, so the “Khimki” will last a long time. But there is hair already prone to curling, it is better to refuse from additional winding: the curl will turn out to be excessively tight.

The Virgin periods are much more favorable for curling - November 12.13. The heavenly young lady will protect her curls from the adverse effects of chemicals, preserve their shine, elasticity, and health.

The company of Aquarius (24, 25th), Cancer (8, 9th) and Scorpio (16, 17) is not suitable for the curling procedure. These watermarks will do everything to spoil the work of even an experienced hairdresser: the curls will be irretrievably ruined, they will disastrously break, lose their shine, and it will turn out to be healthy to return them health.

Tip: after doing “Khimki”, do nothing with your hair for at least two days. The rule is simple: do not twist the curlers, do not pull wet hair with a frequent comb (a large comb without stretching strands - you can), do not twist the tail. Professional chemistry continues to work for at least two days, and until the process is complete, the condition of the hair column is unstable.

Haircuts lunar calendar for November 2017 - hair coloring

Women dye their hair willingly and often. Almost all of us, in search of ourselves, tint, repaint, experiment, or correct something. You need to do this wisely, that is, listening to the advice of the lunar calendar of haircuts.

You can and should dye your hair on the growing moon: this is the period of active hair growth, when it is strong and will quickly recover after the aggression of a chemical dye. The pigment will lie flat and expected 1,2,3, 19-30. Applying oil masks, balms will help minimize the effects of exposure, and the shine of curls will not be lost.

The energy of the lunar days in a special way affects not only the results of staining, but also what is happening in life. Under the gunpoint of both favorable and unfavorable energies are the main areas of human life: love, work, communication.

Here are some favorable events that can occur when staining on certain days of November:

• 1,2 - tinting the roots or a slight change in color will attract success;

• 3, 4 - dark shades are favorable for finding harmony;

• 5 - coloring in red and light colors will improve relations with relatives and colleagues;

• 6 - if you are in trouble, on that day you need to dye the color that you wore during the period of fatal luck and happiness;

• 7 - natural paint will help establish business relations;

• 9 - light dye will attract useful links to life;

• 10, 30 - the procedure will strengthen welfare, raise money;

• 13 - dark tones will help you find a new job or make you more attractive in the eyes of your superiors;

• 16 - a complete change in the color image will strengthen health and attract finances;

• 20, 21, 22 - it is better to use natural dyes. Natural energy will increase efficiency, improve well-being, keep calm at home and at work;

• 23 - natural paint to increase business acumen;

• 25 - will make attractive, increase self-esteem and confidence.

The thirteenth lunar day is November 1. Dyeing your hair on this day is not worth it if you are not sure about the master.

Negative consequences of staining can be if the procedure is scheduled for the following days:

• 8th (will lead to emotional instability);

• 14 (will cause communication problems);

• 18 (bad effect on financial affairs;

• 24 (provokes a major conflict);

• 26 (deprive of self-confidence).

Tip: if the color turned out to be very dark, it can be “pulled” from the hair with lemon juice. You only need to use this tool immediately, until the processes in the structure of the column are completed.

November 2017 haircut lunar calendar - favorable haircut days

For quick growth of curls, the tips need to be trimmed to the growing moon. But the haircut on the waning moon disk will strengthen and restore the structure of the hair. Therefore, girls with weakened hair should cut their hair when the Moon “is losing weight,” that is, from the fifth to the 17th of November. Hair will grow slower, but their quality will change for the better.

The zodiacs of Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, Leo and Virgo are the most friendly to the procedure for cutting hair. From ancient times, it was considered at least mystical, at most dangerous. Therefore, you need to schedule a visit to haircuts for 4.5 (Taurus), 10, 11 (Leo), 12.13 (Virgo), 14, 15 (Libra), November 22, 23 (Capricorn).

Given the energy of the day, haircuts are favorable on the following days:

• 1 - will strengthen health, strengthen female intuition, help solve financial problems;

• 5 - can radically turn life around, achieve the incredible. If you don’t want to change anything, then you don’t need to get a haircut;

• 6 - makes it more attractive, strengthens the respiratory system, maintains the shape of the hair for a long time (due to the waning moon);

• 8 - give a good mood and charge positive;

• 9 - improve health;

• 10 - well affect the attitude of others;

• 13 - will attract positive energy;

• 16 - will make charismatic and charming;

• 17 - increase life expectancy;

• 18 - will make more confident;

• 20 - update the body;

• 21 - will increase the inflow of material goods;

• 23 - will increase creative activity;

• 24 - will help to recover;

• 25 - sharpen intuition;

• 27 - will protect against health problems;

• 29 - save vital energy;

• 30 - will bring additional profit.

Using the tips of the lunar calendar, a woman can not only find beauty, but also significantly affect her health, well-being, physical and mental well-being.

November 2017 haircut lunar calendar - bad haircut days

The days when the Moon passes through Cancer (8, 9th) and Pisces (there are no such days in November) are absolutely unsuitable for haircuts. In addition, shearing curls can harm the exchange of energy in the following days:

• 2 - will lead to depression;

• 3, 7, 19 - badly affect health;

• 11, 12 - can destroy relationships with others, leading to serious problems;

• 14, 15 - harm to psychological health;

• 22 - may not work at all;

• 26 - will attract negative;

• 28 - will have a bad effect on well-being.

Tip: a radical change in image in the form of a short haircut can turn the situation around 180 degrees. If everything is bad, you can try such an unusual way to make energy flow in the opposite direction: towards success and joy.

November 2017 haircut lunar calendar - conclusion

Do not be afraid to experiment with your appearance: a woman is simply obliged to change! Moreover, New Year's Eve is ahead, when you want to be special. A little training on the eve will not hurt. However, be sure to consider the influence of cosmic energies. What it is, no one really knows, but that lunar clues and warnings work - it's a fact!


Watch the video: Triplanetary by E. E. "Doc" Smith (July 2024).