The child is 2 years old


Child development at 2 years

So the day passed when, together with the baby, you blew out two candles on his birthday cake. This is not the helpless lump that you saw at the time of birth. Your child has grown up, learned a lot, his emotional, psychological and physical development has occurred. What did he manage to achieve? Firstly, his vocabulary has greatly enriched. He learned 100-200 new words. A child can communicate in simple sentences using adjectives (usually by 2.5 years or later).

The kid is emotionally balanced, usually located in a good mood. It will not be difficult for him to go down and climb the stairs. He briskly runs, jumps, steps over obstacles. The child correctly folds a pyramid of 4-5 rings, begins to distinguish objects by their quality - cold, hot, heavy, soft. It can independently partially remove clothes, for example, socks or tights, and dress with the support of adults.

Childcare at 2 years

While caring for the baby, parents monitor its health, safety, develop it, provide comfort. They continue to develop cultural and hygienic skills in the child. Increasingly, he himself must drink from a cup, eat with a spoon, ask for a pot. By two years, you need to completely move away from diapers or leave them only as a last resort - going on a visit, a long trip or a walk in the cold season.

The kid already knows that after the street, as well as before eating, you need to wash your hands. During meals, you should explain to the baby the rules of being at the table - that you can’t wave your hands, spill the contents of the plate, you need to be careful. It is still inconvenient for him to be at the common table, so the meal should take place in a special place - at the children's table or high chair.

Child nutrition at 2 years

By the age of two, the child’s body, all its organs, including digestion, undergo a number of changes. The function of the digestive system, liver, spleen, pancreas is improved. Intestinal microflora is stabilized, which helps to decompose fiber, synthesize useful elements, vitamins. Therefore, new dishes and products are introduced into the diet - vegetable salads, carrots, beets, legumes, cabbage soup, borscht on meat broth. The child has additional milk teeth, he is already able to chew food well. Therefore, it is not necessary to grind it. Boil well enough, you can optionally knead with a fork. No matter how much you want to pamper your baby, but such products as sausage, smoked meats, chocolate, cakes, muffins, it is too early to introduce food into two years. It should be limited to caramel, marshmallows, candy.

2-year regimen for a child’s day

The regimen of children visiting nurseries and being at home may differ in time of awakening and going to bed. Usually "home" children later lie down and later get up. Otherwise, their daily routines are similar. The baby's daily diet is divided into four feedings, at intervals of about four hours. If your child has a good appetite, you can leave him the fifth feeding in the form of a second breakfast or night owl (meal 1-1.5 before bedtime). On a day, the child needs two walks in the fresh air and two afternoon sleeps. Gradually, you can try to translate it into one day's sleep. If he became lethargic, capricious, his appetite decreased, the baby should be returned to the usual mode. After a day's sleep, you can enter water procedures - dousing your legs with cool water or rubbing your body with a damp towel. This will make the baby's body more seasoned and resistant to colds.

Lessons with a child at 2 years old

In two years, the child develops more and more surrounding space. He is interested in absolutely everything. Be sure to talk with him, explain, do not dismiss him, answer every question he has. You can take it for a walk in the park, watch how butterflies, bugs fly, birds sing, flowers grow, and show how beautiful it is. This way you develop aesthetic qualities in it. In the fall, pay his attention to how the leaves change their color, why they crumble. Young children love to collect chestnuts or acorns, so do not refuse them this pleasure.

Be sure to buy a child jigsaw puzzles and a designer with bright large details, tell me how to assemble a picture. You can buy cubes with the alphabet or numbers and letters on magnets to start getting to know them and gradually memorize them. Follow the child’s reaction so that he is interested in himself. Usually you can’t tear him away from an exciting occupation. Do not force him to do something through power. If the baby does not want something, is capricious, then he has not yet matured emotionally and psychologically. Better wait a couple of months for it to grow.

In two years, you can begin to learn how to distinguish and remember colors in a playful way. You need to choose toys of different colors, for example, yellow, red, green - plastic bears, bunnies, mice. And prepare squares or rectangles of the same colors (previously cut out of paper). First, play briefly with one toy, calling its color, then with another. Then, together with the baby, try to find a house for each toy, i.e. the same color as the toy. At first, the child will be confused, but then he will unmistakably begin to determine the colors, and pronounce their names. When a child has fully mastered some colors, they gradually begin to familiarize themselves with others.

Kids love to listen to fairy tales, you will have to tell or re-read them many times. Be patient. Tales and books teach a child to be kind, brave, fair - they show this with examples available for understanding. Let your baby survive the exciting moment once again, regretting the offended bunny, mouse or rejoicing that he managed to drive away the sly fox or defeat the evil wolf.

So that the child does not distort words and learns to speak correctly, you can memorize and repeat simple sentences-pure words with him. First you need to learn them, speak slowly, then gradually speed up the pace. You can start with the simplest ones, for example, "os-os-os - on the table coconut", "as-as-as-as - sweet pineapple." Then complicate a little: "Mow, braid, while the dew. Down with the dew and we go home", "Do not have a mustache, do not clean, but a mustache." In more complex versions, hard-to-pronounce sounds are present - "w", "w", "p", "h". For example, "ro-ro-ro - there is a bucket on the floor" or "a hedgehog is needed for dinner."

To develop auditory perception, you can play such a game with your baby. Take 6 or 8 empty yellowish containers from Kindersurprise or matchboxes. Boxes can be pasted over with plain colored paper. Make 3 or 4 pairs, pouring into each pair an equal amount of different bulk solids so that the sound matches. For example, buckwheat, sugar, put beans or beads. Give one such set (3-4 containers) to the child, and leave the other for himself. An adult takes any boxes, shakes them, and the baby must shake all its containers to select the correct box, similar in sound.

Games and toys for children in 2 years

At this age, the child not only wants to play toys, but also take an active part in the "adult" life. Therefore, he can be given a little freedom of action. Allow rearrange chairs, shift books on a shelf, clean up the closet. It can even be left for a while in a room alone. Remembering to ensure safety: hide all dangerous objects, matches, needles, medicines, if they are located in the reach zone.

At two years old, the child is rather assiduous. Especially without getting tired, he can do one thing for half an hour. Therefore, he will get a lot of pleasure if you give him a felt-tip pen or pencil and allow him to draw. You can show him how to draw the simplest figures, circles and squiggles. First, helping with his hand, and then give him the opportunity to display them on his own. Kids are very fond of finger paints, it is easy and fun to draw with them. But in two years you can try to give him a brush. Let the child move it on paper, mixing paints and enjoying the process. Gradually, he will begin to paint quite meaningful "pictures."

To entertain the baby, you can make the most simple applications. Cut different shapes out of paper. Then soak them in a basin of water and stick them on a door or tiled wall. The kid can do these actions on his own, and you will have free time for his affairs. If you are preparing dinner in the kitchen, put the child nearby so that he is in front of your eyes, and at the same time, “at work”, does not distract you.

Medical observation at 2 years

The kid in two years has already grown stronger, he does not need such close medical supervision, as in the first year of life. He visits the local pediatrician as necessary, so that mom can get the necessary advice, during illness or before the appointment of vaccinations. If the baby attends a nursery, medical supervision is carried out directly at the place in the kindergarten. According to indications, examinations by narrow specialists can be prescribed - a psychologist, speech therapist, TB specialist, endocrinologist, etc. Once a year, babies need to undergo a mandatory medical examination at an otolaryngologist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, neurologist and therapist. And also in time to do the necessary vaccinations and revaccinate.

Useful Tips for Parents

Two years is such an age in a child when his development occurs at a rapid pace. It changes and grows up almost before our eyes. Do not miss this moment. Play with your baby, read books, talk, learn new words, let's listen to music. Do not be afraid to overload the child, at this time there is not much information for him. The main thing is that your classes with him be for him a joy and a hunt, present them in the form of a game. Make sure that he has enough time to rest, do not forget about daytime sleep. You can begin to attract the child to help in household chores feasible for him. For example, wipe the dust, feed the budgie or kitty, collect crumbs from the table. Suppose that at this stage he does not succeed and you have to redo a lot for him, most importantly, instill in him a love of work and give some more positive emotions. After all, he loves to help adults, feeling himself great. Even if he spilled something during cleaning or sprinkled, do not scold him, cheer him up and praise him for his efforts. In general, he should not be scolded if he doesn’t succeed (in a game or training), so as not to intimidate and discourage.


Watch the video: Two Year Old Child Development Stages & Milestones. Help Me Grow MN (May 2024).