Useful properties and possible harm of oatmeal, its calorie content. Oatmeal - the basis of delicious and healthy desserts


Oats began to be recognized as cereal culture in the second millennium BC.

His motherland is Mongolia.

From oats we get delicious and very healthy oatmeal.

Processing it into flour, cooking discovers approaches to new useful recipes.

Oatmeal: Composition and Uses

The beneficial properties of oatmeal lurk in its rich chemical composition. Per 100 g of product 369 kcal, including 13 grams of protein, 6.8 grams of fat and 64.9 grams of carbohydrates. Like oatmeal, oatmeal is quite high in calories and nutritious for the body.

The composition of oatmeal includes vitamins B1, B2, B6, B9, as well as vitamin E and PP. In addition, macronutrients:

• Potassium - 280 mg;

• Sodium - 21 mg;

• Calcium - 56 mg;

• Phosphorus - 350 mg;

• Magnesium - 110 mg;

• Sulfur - 81 mg.

The use of oatmeal is determined by the trace elements included in it:

• Iron - 3.6 mg;

• Zinc - 1, 09 mg;

• Fluorine - 90 mcg;

• Manganese - 0.76 mcg;

• Copper - 370 mcg.

Oatmeal is added to various dough, in order to give the baking more crisp and crumbly texture. But the most popular healthy oatmeal dishes are cookies, jelly and crepes. With the addition of fruits, honey, nuts, jam and cottage cheese, these desserts become very tasty for both adults and children. In addition, the oatmeal underlying the preparation is very useful for the body, increasing its immunity and ensuring good liver function.

Oatmeal has been successfully used in cosmetology for oily skin and aging skin.

Oatmeal: a recipe for a delicious and healthy jelly

Cooking a delicious jelly from healthy oatmeal is easy. To do this, you need to perform only a few simple steps:

1. put stewed fruit at the rate of 1.3 liters of water and 500 grams of any berries (pitted), add 100 grams of sugar, a pinch of cinnamon and other favorite spices,

2. 4 tablespoons of oatmeal, pour 200 g of water and mix well,

3. pour the oatmeal mixture into the boiling compote and allow it to boil well, stirring occasionally,

4. Remove the jelly from the heat and allow to cool completely.

The cooling jelly does not need to be mixed, trying to speed up the process. It is gradually cooling, the oatmeal finally dissolves, and the jelly becomes thick. This dessert is laid with a spoon and it is delicious to combine with ice cream.

Oatmeal: what are the benefits for the body?

Oatmeal is good for all body systems. It has little starch and a high content of soluble and insoluble fiber. This makes oatmeal foods dietetic even for diabetics. Soluble fiber effectively reduces blood sugar, and its insoluble fraction perfectly cleanses the intestines from toxins and all kinds of accumulations, while nourishing it with useful elements.

With liver diseases, including with hepatitis, oatmeal for its useful properties is prescribed as a supporting diet in the process of drug treatment. A simple meal of oatmeal supports the liver in its healthy state.

Oatmeal is healthy for heart health and the entire cardiovascular system. Once in the body, it relieves it of bad cholesterol, lowering the risk of blood clots and normalizing blood pressure. In addition, the high content of B vitamins positively affects the state of the nervous system and, therefore, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart.

In a period of intensive growth, as well as in sports, oatmeal itself and flour from it are indispensable products. The high fiber and protein content of the cereal provides good muscle growth and an excellent charge of energy.

Oatmeal: what are the health risks?

In itself, seed oats are not allergenic and healthy. However, oatmeal can be harmful to health, taking into account one peculiarity. Oatmeal flour contains a small amount of gluten. And if a person has intolerance to this component, then this is quite enough to completely and permanently abandon oatmeal dishes in order to exclude harm to health.

It is worth remembering that per 100 grams of oatmeal accounts for 369 kcal. In this case, you should take into account the high content of carbohydrates. Even with a large inclusion of fiber, products from oatmeal can harm a figure prone to fullness and, even more so, to obesity. It is probably not worth completely abandoning oat desserts, but it is definitely necessary to take control of their use.

Oatmeal for children: benefits and harms

To charge a child with energy for the whole day, it is most useful for him to serve oatmeal for breakfast. The first oatmeal complementary foods can be introduced into the baby’s diet before he turns one year old. With artificial feeding from 6 months, and from 8 months with natural nutrition. Using a coffee grinder or a blender, you can grind oatmeal into flour, from which the porridge is cooked.

Porridge, jelly, cookies and other treats from oatmeal are very useful for the child's body. Especially with the addition of fruits, berries, nuts and honey. Breakfast in English provides:

• healthy formation of the cardiovascular system and normal heart function;

• development of a strong musculoskeletal and muscular apparatus;

• health and resilience of the nervous system;

• optimal blood pressure for the body;

• harmonious physical development and strong immunity;

• good work of the gastrointestinal tract;

• beautiful and clean skin.

For all its usefulness, oatmeal can still cause harm to the health of the child. The whole reason lies in gluten, which, alas, not every organism can absorb. Up to 6 months of age, the baby's digestive system does not yet produce enzymes that can break down gluten. In light of this, it turns into a component of oatmeal, causing harm, provoking intoxication of the body.

This dislike of the body for gluten can persist in children up to a year. Therefore, porridge from oatmeal should be introduced into the diet gradually, each time observing the reaction of the child's body. It also happens that even after a year and at an older age, the child still retains intolerance to this product. In this case, oatmeal dishes should be discarded, avoiding harm to health.

Oatmeal: a recipe for first oatmeal with benefits for children's health

For the very first lure, infants should use rice or corn flour. They do not contain gluten and are better absorbed by the emerging organism. But when, finally, the moment of the first oatmeal comes, you should prepare 5% porridge from healthy oatmeal:

1. Bring 100 ml of water to a boil,

2. add 1 teaspoon of oatmeal,

3. stirring, bring to a boil again and cook for another 5 minutes over low heat.

When over time the baby gets used to the new dish, you can switch to 10% oatmeal porridge (2 teaspoons per 100 ml of water). With full confidence that the child’s body has learned to absorb the beneficial properties of oatmeal without the slightest undesirable manifestations, you can start adding milk and a spoonful of butter to the porridge.

Oatmeal: beneficial properties in cosmetology

Oatmeal with its beneficial properties is ideal for skin care of any type. It carefully removes dead skin cells and promotes the formation of new ones. Oatmeal masks penetrate deep into the pores, nourishing the skin with vitamins and useful elements to the deepest layers. Such care will help to give the skin a haze, make its surface smooth, and tone fresh and healthy. Penetrating into the pores, oatmeal will return the skin's ability to retain the optimal amount of moisture in the cells, which will help smooth out fine wrinkles. Exfoliating old particles, oat masks also eliminate age spots and lighten freckles.

To obtain a certain effect, oatmeal must be mixed with the necessary additives:

For dry skin prone to irritation and wrinkles (including skin around the eyes) - honey, vegetable oil, yolk, St. John's wort broth, vitamins A and E in drops (no more than 10 drops of each drug), milk, strong tea;

For oily skin with age spots - kefir, egg white, lemon.

All components can be alternated and arranged as desired. They need to be mixed gradually, so that in the end a mask is obtained by consistency similar to gruel. A mask is applied to the clean, slightly steamed skin of the face and, having stood for 15 to 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

The benefits of oatmeal masks are immediately noticeable. After the first procedure, the skin becomes smooth, velvety and matte. It is clearly visible that the pores have become clean, and all peeling has disappeared. Flabby skin looks more toned, and with regular procedures, oatmeal masks will restore its former elasticity and noticeably lighten.

Oat flour: what is the difference between the beneficial properties of oat flour?

Oatmeal differs from oatmeal in the grinding method and in the raw material itself. Oatmeal is ground from pre-processed oatmeal, which is already free from oat flakes. Oatmeal is crushed in a special mortar, and use whole oats, which can be pre-fried.

The beneficial properties of oatmeal are higher than that of oatmeal. Most of the useful components are located in that shell of grains, which is removed when processing oats and turning it into oatmeal.

The calorie content of oat oatmeal is less than that of flour - 120 kcal per 100 g of product. It is included in the diet if you want to lose weight. Oatmeal gives a feeling of rapid satiety, rapidly increasing its volume in the stomach. And at the same time it nourishes the body with useful elements and vitamins.


Watch the video: What Happens To Body When You Eat Oatmeal Every Day! (June 2024).