People living surrounded by greenery feel happier


People living in green areas of cities feel much better than other residents, say British scientists. According to the results of their research, nearby parks, gardens and other green spaces favor not only the well-being of the townspeople, but also a higher degree of satisfaction with life.

Researchers at Exeter University have studied 10,000 individuals and more than 5,000 families. The choice fell on those who in 1991-2008 changed their place of residence. The following pattern was revealed: living in green areas, people noticed more satisfaction with their lives and fewer mental disorders.

Moreover, even a change in the income level of the study participants, their health, marital status, type of housing or place of employment did not change their attitude to life in general.

Interesting results were obtained when scientists tried to compare the effect of living in the "green space" with marriage. So, the effect of a successful marriage was only three times the effect of a green environment. Compared with the effect that successful employment has on a person, the effect of the influence of the green environment is one tenth.

Scientists believe that the results of their work may be useful to urban planners planning the development of the city. Local governments, in developing public health strategies, can also use them.


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