Is it possible to nursing beets: arguments for and against. Is it possible for nursing beets: in what form and how to cook


The issue of nutrition for mothers is relevant during breastfeeding.

At the same time, everything is very individual.

If for one baby a small piece of beet eaten by the mother does not cause any reactions, then for another it can cause severe allergies.

It is worth a deeper understanding of the question whether it is possible to breastfeeding beets?

Is it possible to nursing beets: arguments for

Beets are one of the best vegetables in terms of benefits for humans. It contains a large number of useful minerals and vitamins.

The root crop is especially rich in iron. People prone to anemia and women after childbirth must eat beets in order to restore the necessary amount of substance in the body.

Iodine in beets is an excellent prevention of thyroid diseases in both mother and baby.

The contained vitamins of group B have a restorative effect on the baby, and the body of the mother prolongs youth and beauty.

After childbirth, most women suffer from stool problems due to cracks, sutures, or hemorrhoids. Beetroot also helps to solve this problem. In boiled form, it has a laxative effect. However, this does not mean that it will have the same effect on the baby's chair. Many mothers who use beetroot in boiled form noted that after this, babies get digestion and even pass unloved colic.

Another useful property of a vegetable is the elimination of harmful substances. This is especially important for mom during breastfeeding. The less harmful it will be in her body, the more benefit the milk will bring to the baby.

Often, nursing mothers have beets in doubt because of their rich brown color. It is believed that during lactation, only green products can be used, since red vegetables and fruits contain aggressive pigment. In this case, beets can be called an exception to this rule: its coloring pigments are absolutely harmless to the mother and baby and do not cause allergic reactions.

Even in ancient times, Hippocrates isolated beets from all existing vegetables and called it medicinal. Thanks to its beneficial properties, beets are a very valuable product during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Is it possible to nursing beets: arguments against

One of the limitations of the use of beets is associated with its type. Breastfeeding experts do not recommend eating raw beets. It, like all other raw foods, can contain pathogenic bacteria and harmful compounds. To exclude their entry into the body of mother and child, the root crop must undergo heat treatment. It should be noted that neither cooking nor baking does not affect the beneficial composition of beets. It retains all its properties.

It is also not recommended to eat a vegetable for nursing mothers who suffer from low blood pressure and have kidney diseases. One of the properties of the fetus is to lower the pressure. With hypotension (chronic low blood pressure), the use of beets can cause a number of additional problems.

With kidney disease, the use of beets is also not recommended (or there should be a minimum in the diet). It contains oxalic acid, which leads to the deposition of salts in the kidneys. Beetroot shows its properties after cooking. Once in the body of a woman, oxalic acid combines with the calcium present and settles in the kidneys and joints.

Limit the use of beets and those who suffer from increased acidity of the stomach. Beets can aggravate the situation, as it further increases acidity.

The benefits of beets for mother and child are undeniable, however, its quantity should be controlled. If the mother eats too much fruit (no matter in what form), this can cause digestive upset both in her and the baby. Everything needs a measure. One small piece of the root crop will be enough daily.

Is it possible for nursing beets: how to cook

Nursing mother can eat not only beets as an independent product, but also include them in various dishes.

Beetroot Salad

You will need:

● beets;

● prunes;

● walnuts;

● foil.


Beets are washed well, peeled and cut into rings.

On a small piece of foil, lay the beetroot ring, then prune and sprinkle with chopped walnuts on top.

The resulting sandwich is wrapped in foil and placed on a baking sheet in a preheated oven.

Betterbreads are baked until cooked (checked with a toothpick).

Beetroot Salad

You will need:

● beets;

● hard cheese;

● dried apricots;

● walnuts.

● salt to taste;

● spices to taste;

● nonfat cream.


Beets are well washed and boiled right in the peel.

While the beets are cooked, walnuts are soaked in hot water.

After readiness, the root crop cools and peels.

Beets and cheese are cut into small cubes.

Dried apricots and soaked walnuts are placed in a bowl.

The mixture is salted to taste, spices are added if desired.

The salad is seasoned with low-fat cream and mixed well.

Stuffed Beets

You will need:

● rice;

● raisins;

● 1 cup low-fat cream;

● 1 tsp Sahara;

● 0.5 tsp butter;

● ground cinnamon (on the tip of a knife).


Rice is washed and boiled until cooked (steamed with raisins).

In a separate bowl, cream, sugar, butter, cinnamon are mixed.

Beets are boiled until tender, peeled.

At the root, the middle is cut out (the bottom should remain).

Beets begin with rice and raisins and are poured with gravy.

The dish goes to the preheated oven for 15 minutes (at 180 degrees).

If the newly minted mother is worried about the question of whether it is possible to feed the beets and whether it will harm the baby, then she can not worry. A vegetable is not only possible, but also necessary, especially in the first time after childbirth, when the body is weak and requires replenishment of vitality and energy. But it should be remembered that it is necessary to introduce beets into the diet carefully, even despite the fact that it does not cause allergies. You need to start with two rings in the morning. If in the next day the condition of the baby has not changed, then gradually you can increase the number of beets in the diet.


Watch the video: How to Make Beetroot Juice. Super Healthy Beet Juice (June 2024).