Cooking for dinner a wonderful roll of chicken - doubly delicious. Chicken fillet rolls - easier pizza


What our housewives just do not compose from such an affordable and tender meat as chicken breast!

Ham and meatballs, chops and all kinds of goulash and fry.

The popularity of this product has come relatively recently, and the menu has already been enriched with dozens of dishes, for every taste and culinary experience.

Prepare chicken and diet and very spicy, spicy food.

Served with complex side dishes, deep-fried, or even simply - on skewers.

Well, how could you not try this supple and susceptible to spices not cook in the form of a roll?

Chicken fillet rolls - basic principles of preparation

• Making a delicious chicken fillet roll is essentially a simple task. There are many options and each is original in its own way.

• Chicken fillet for rolls are scrolled in a meat grinder, cut into pieces, spread out, and then beat off.

• Before cutting, the meat is stripped of the remnants of chicken fat, excess films. Rinse thoroughly and dry slightly.

• Fillets are prepared both large and small rolls. They are fried, baked or boiled, and then browned in the oven or stewed in wine.

• Chicken fillet itself is rather dry. Therefore, rolls are filled with various fillings or combine meat with other products and vegetables, and then form a roll.

• Chicken rolls can be served served as separate dishes. They are also served with side dishes, complemented by sauces or gravy.

Chicken fillet roll - "Festive"


• fresh chicken breast fillet - 400 gr.;

• 400 grams of lean veal (pulp);

• two raw chicken eggs;

• one red bell pepper;

• half a can of olives (pitted);

• 75 ml of mild ketchup;

• couple table. tablespoons of milk;

• for decoration fresh leafy greens;

• vegetable oil for greasing roasting pan and frying omelet.

Cooking method:

1. Mix raw eggs with milk. Do not whisk, it is better to blast with a fork. To taste, add fine salt and bake an omelet in a pan from the egg mixture.

2. Wash both types of meat, pat dry with a towel. Without cutting into pieces, beat off each type of meat with a large rectangular layer.

3. Rub the salt and spices into the meat. Rub with refined oil.

4. Put the beaten chicken fillet on the beef layer. Put an omelet on it. Place chopped pulp of bell pepper and olives on top.

5. Roll meat with vegetables roll. Tighten with twine and generously coat with ketchup.

6. Transfer the roll to an oil-moistened roasting pan and put it in a well-heated oven.

7. Bake for one hour, with stable heating at 180 degrees.

8. To get an excellent golden crust, 10 minutes before cooking, increase the heating of the oven.

9. Cut the cooled roll into pieces and decorate, asymmetrically, sprigs of fresh herbs.

Chicken fillet mini rolls with citrus sauce


• 600 grams of chicken breast;

• two small oranges;

• three tangerines;

• 50 ml of wine vinegar.


• oranges - 3 pcs.;

• one lemon;

• large clove of garlic.

Cooking method:

1. Wash pieces of meat, cut off the remaining fat and excess films. Dry with paper towels. Spread along the fibers into 2-3 parts. Each should be at least 1 cm thick.

2. Each piece of meat is only slightly beaten with a hammer. Sprinkle with salt, if desired, and if available, add a pinch of cardamom, pepper. Sprinkle with vinegar and transfer to a bowl. Leave to stand for a quarter of an hour.

3. Peeled citrus fruits into slices. Remove gently the coarse top film.

4. Put two orange and tangerine slices on each chop. Wrap with a roll and chop with a toothpick. You can drag the rolls with twine.

5. In a large skillet, heat vegetable oil. Transfer cooked rolls to it and fry. To make the meat evenly fry, periodically turn the rolls.

6. Remove the finished mini rolls from the pan. In order not to get cold, cover the dishes with products with a towel.

7. Dip oranges with lemon with boiling water. Cut in half and squeeze the juice. Chop the garlic finely with a knife. Put in the pan on which the rolls were fried and warm at low temperature for 30 seconds.

8. Add strained citrus juice. Bring to a boil quickly, reduce heat and simmer until thick. Salt and pepper the finished sauce to taste.

9. From the rolls, remove the toothpicks, cut each in half and pour over the prepared citrus sauce.

Cheese omelette chicken roll


• chicken fillet - 550 grams;

• fresh champignons - 350 grams;

• eggs - 3 pcs.;

• hard, any grade, cheese - 80 grams;

• head of juicy onions;

• a tablespoon of sour cream.

Cooking method:

1. Whisk eggs with sour cream with a whisk. Add the grated cheese. Put salt to taste, a pinch of finely ground oregano, ground pepper and mix.

2. Slightly grease the baking sheet with vegetable fat and pour the egg and cheese mixture onto it. Bake the omelet at 180 degrees, 5-7 minutes. Remove the roasting pan, but do not turn off the oven.

3. Wash the mushrooms, dry. Mushrooms and onions cut into pieces and quickly fry in a small amount of rast. oil until tender.

4. Finely chop the washed, dried chicken fillet. Mix the meat with mushrooms and onions.

5. Salt the cooked filling lightly, add ground pepper and mix well again.

6. Put the filling on a layer of omelet with a thin layer. Carefully wrap the roll and place the seam down on the frypot.

7. Sprinkle the top with sesame seeds and bake, without lowering the temperature for 20 minutes.

8. Remove the roll from the oven and slice it into hot portions.

Chicken roll appetizer


• whole fresh chicken;

• 150-200 gr. chicken skins;

• egg;

• a small carrot;

• canned peas - 1/3 cans (half a glass);

• 50 grams of boiled ham;

• large onion head;

• three cloves of garlic.

Cooking method:

1. Without peeling, wash the carrots and boil in a peel until cooked. Cool well and only then remove the peel.

2. Boil a hard-boiled egg and cool by lowering it in a sufficient volume of cold water, clean.

3. Rinse the fillet, strip off the remaining chicken fat and chop. Pass through the "thin" grill of the meat grinder.

4. Cut the ham and boiled carrots into one-dimensional straws. Onions and garlic - medium-sized cubes.

5. Add salt to chicken, pepper to your taste. Add onion with garlic and knead thoroughly, you can beat the minced meat on a chopping board.

6. Rinse the skins well. If they have any feathers left, remove them with tweezers.

7. Spread the cling film and lightly moisten it with water. Expand the chicken skins and lay them on the film. Try to arrange so that there are no gaps between the skins.

8. On top of the skin, lay the chicken minced meat evenly. On it - ham, peas and carrots. In the center, make a “path” from eggs chopped into large slices.

9. Roll everything up and tie it tightly with culinary thread. The film should remain on the roll.

10. Put the roll in boiling water and boil after boiling for 30 minutes. remove the film and bake at 200 degrees until golden brown in a hot oven.

Stewed Mini Fillet Chicken Rolls with Wine


• kilogram of chicken;

• pieces of canned pineapple - 50 gr.;

• 60 gr. canned champignons;

• 100 gr. boiled sausage, without lard;

• Russian cheese - 200 gr.;

• two eggs;

• 100 gr. wheat flour;

• not sour red wine - 150 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse and rinse the fillets with running water. Dry each fillet and cut lengthwise into three parts. Knock off the meat with a hammer and grate with salt and pepper.

2. Finely grate cheese. Cut the sausage into strips, mushrooms into small pieces.

3. On each chopped piece of fillet, put some cheese crumbs, champignons, sausage and slices of pineapple. Carefully so that the filling does not get enough sleep, wrap the rolls.

4. Beat the eggs with a pinch of salt and pepper. Roll the rolls well in flour. Dip in an egg mash and dip in a pan with calcined vegetable oil. Fry on each side until light brown.

5. Then transfer the rolls to the stewpan. Add wine and bring to a boil.

6. Reduce heat and simmer until wine is completely evaporated.

7. Finished rolls cut into wide circles. Put on a plate and decorate with fresh herbs.

Chicken roll in puff pastry - "Gulliver"


• 2.5 kg chilled chicken fillet;

• a pound of puff pastry;

• fresh champignons - 100 gr.;

• two onions;

• 1 carrot;

• celery stalk;

• shaped strips of bacon - 15 pcs .;

• white bread crumbs - 100 gr.;

• three raw eggs.

Cooking method:

1. Dry the washed chicken meat a little, and cut each fillet across into three pieces. Tie each piece in several places with a thread, forming meat cubes.

2. Warm the oil well in the pan and brown the meat on each side. Time - no more than three minutes per side. Cool and remove the threads.

3. Grate the carrots with a coarse grater. Chop onions, celery, champignons lightly with a sharp knife, being careful not to chop. Sauté vegetables with mushrooms in vegetable oil until tender. Remove the pan from the heat and transfer its contents to a bowl.

4. Add two eggs, a pinch of salt and ground pepper to vegetables with mushrooms. Pour bread crumbs and mix well.

5. Gently roll soft puff pastry without damaging the structure. Put strips of bacon on it with a continuous cloth. On top, flatten half the cooked toppings. Do not cover the entire layer, leave free space at the edges.

6. Center the pieces of the fried filet in the center. Cover the pieces of meat with the remaining filling and wrap the free edges of the bacon on it. Wrap the dough and fasten the edges together.

7. Put the roll for an hour and a half in the refrigerator. Then grease with an egg and bake at 200 degrees. The time is 50 minutes.

Chicken fillet roll with prunes in sour sauce


• kilo chicken;

• one chicken egg;

• two tablespoons of flour;

• 50 ml of pasteurized milk;

• "Seasoning for minced meat."

To the filling:

• pitted prunes - 8 pcs .;

• pepper of sweet red pepper;

• two hard-boiled eggs;

• 50 gr. hard fresh cheese.

In the sauce:

• four tablespoons of sour jam (lemon, plum, pineapple);

• a couple of garlic cloves;

• a spoon of table vinegar;

• table. a spoonful of thick tomato;

• 100 ml of vegetable oil;

• spices and spices (aromatic, mild) - in a reasonable amount.

Cooking method:

1. Grind the chicken fillet with a large hole grinder. Beat the egg with milk, salt and flour. Add the mixture to the minced meat and knead well.

2. Season the minced meat and mix well again.

3. For the sauce, mix the tomato paste with jam. Add vinegar, crushed garlic, butter. Season to taste with spices and spices and mix well.

4. Cut the flesh of sweet pepper into strips, prunes soaked in water - in small slices. Eggs - large straws. Mix well all the crushed ingredients.

5. Moisten the cling film with water, smooth and cover with a layer of minced meat. Form it in a rectangular layer. Sprinkle the minced meat with grated cheese, put the filling on top of it. Carefully, using a film, roll a roll and move it seam down on a baking sheet.

6. In several places, pierce the semi-finished product with a fork and place the frypot in a hot oven.

7. Cook for 45-50 minutes, being careful not to open the door and soaking 220 degrees in the oven.

8. For 10 minutes before the end, grease the entire product with sauce.

9. The roll is served only in chilled, previously sliced ​​portioned portions.

Chicken Breast Roll - Tips and Tricks

• Before cooking rolls of chopped chicken, marinate the chicken for a while.

• If you cook the marinade on the basis of dry sour wine, the roll will be more tender. Since it is acidic dry wines that soften the fibers of meat.

• Marinades with red tart wines will saturate chicken meat with unique flavors.

• Do not wrap the chicken breast rolls with the filling too tight; they can turn around when cooked.

• Formed meat rolls with the same purpose, pierce in several places with the tip of a knife or fork.
