Shoulder joint pain: how serious can it be? Shoulder joint pain: the basics of treating injuries and other causes of pain


The shoulder joint can hurt not only in the elderly, but also in young people.

This symptom signals the development of dangerous diseases, so you should pay attention to its appearance on time.

Let us consider in more detail what needs to be done if the shoulder joint hurts, and what reasons contribute to its occurrence.

Shoulder joint pain: causes

Pain in the joint of the shoulder can occur due to the development of such diseases and conditions:

1. Shoulder injury. It includes:

• severe bruise;

• bone fracture;

• trauma resulting from a fall;

• shoulder injury with excessive load (may be with athletes);

• shoulder injury in the elderly, which provoked an intra-articular fracture.

2. Osteochondrosis can cause severe aching pain in the shoulder joints, which are given to the hands, neck and spine. Also, this disease often causes tingling and numbness of the hands.

3. Periarthritis of the shoulder blade occurs as a complication of cervical osteochondrosis. It is manifested by dull pain in the shoulders, arising regardless of the position of the body and physical activity. At the same time, painful sensations often occur precisely at night, gradually increasing their intensity. If this disease is not treated, then within a few months it will develop and cause severe pain. As a result, a person simply cannot normally move a sore shoulder.

4. Arthritis of the shoulder joint characterized by severe inflammation in the joint capsule, which can be caused by a variety of reasons (allergic reaction, infection, injury, etc.).

With arthritis of a person, acute, sometimes unbearable pain in the joint is disturbing. Swelling and fever may also occur.

5. Arthrosis is a joint disease that is more common in older people. Arthrosis of the shoulder joint causes acute pain with any movement of the arms and shoulder. Even more, this symptom intensifies after physical exertion. If you do not treat it, then over time, a person will lose joint mobility and will not be able to raise a sore arm up.

6. Tendinitis - This is a disease in which the tendon in the shoulder joint is very inflamed. Most often, it occurs due to excessive stress on the hands. Pain with tendinitis is usually aching and dull, but sometimes it can intensify and cause bouts of acute pain.

With advanced tendonitis, the mobility of the hand is significantly reduced. The disease requires immediate treatment.

7. Capsulitis - This is a rather rare, but very painful disease of the shoulder joint. The pain with it is localized not only in the shoulder, but also in the neck, as well as the arm.

8. Brachial neuritis can cause joint pain even when the joint itself seems to be in perfect order. Neuritis causes sharp bouts of acute pain, which can be aggravated by movement of the arm. This, in turn, causes severe inconvenience in humans.

9. Ligament structure disorder usually observed in people over the age of thirty-five. This condition develops due to acute deficiency of vitamin and calcium, which nourish the bones and tendons. At the same time, a person suffers from pain, especially during physical exertion.

10. Bursitis occurs due to excessive load on the shoulder joint. It is accompanied by various pain sensations of different intensity. With its untimely treatment, it can go into a chronic form.

11. Salt deposits may cause pain in the shoulder joint. In this case, it will be difficult for a person to raise his hands up and do physical work.

12. The development of oncological pathologies is one of the most dangerous conditions. They can be expressed in elevated body temperature, shoulder pain and general depletion of the body. This condition requires immediate diagnosis and treatment.

Also, shoulder pain is often inherent in athletes, especially bodybuilders (bodybuilders), who constantly injure and overload the shoulder with training (lifting the bar, etc.). As a result of such actions, their ligaments and tendons are stretched, which leads to joint instability and painful sensations.

Additional reasons due to which pain in the shoulder joint may occur are:

1. Inactive (sedentary) lifestyle.

2. Myocardial infarction can cause acute pain in the shoulder, especially when it is not treated on time.

3. Spinal curvature (scoliosis), which was not cured on time and caused complications on the shoulders.

4. Sciatica.

5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system (in this case, pain will only be given to the shoulder area).

6. Diseases of the liver.

7. Violations of the functions of the tendon of the subscapularis muscle (accompanied by acute pain with circular rotation of the shoulder).

8. The pathology of the suprasimal tendon is accompanied by pain when moving the arm.

Shoulder joint pain: diagnosis, treatment

With pain in the shoulder, you need to contact a traumatologist. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe such mandatory examinations:

• X-ray of the shoulder joint;

• ultrasound of the shoulder joint;

• CT;

• MRI of the shoulder joint.

The treatment of joint pain is prescribed depending on each specific diagnosis. Traditional therapy involves the intake of such groups of drugs:

1. The use of anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac).

2. Taking narcotic drugs (for severe pain) - Promedol, Fentanyl.

3. Local treatment with anti-inflammatory ointments and gels.

Also, if necessary, special intraarticular injections can be prescribed to the patient. The duration of such treatment is usually up to ten days.

As an adjunct therapy, the patient may be prescribed massage, physiotherapy, and therapeutic exercises.

It is recommended to wrap the inflamed shoulder and arm itself with an elastic bandage so that it improves blood circulation and relieves pain.

If the traditional drug treatment did not help get rid of the pain and inflammation in the shoulder joint, then the patient will undergo surgery. The most effective is endo prosthetics - replacing a conventional joint with an artificial prosthesis that is implanted under the muscles and skin. The recovery period after such an operation is from one month to six months. Doctors manage to maintain mobility in the joint, but after endo prosthetics, a person can no longer exert any load on the “new” joint.

Shoulder joint pain: treatment with folk methods

Treatment of a diseased joint with alternative methods is possible only as a complex therapy with medicines. The most effective recipes are:

1. Means from alcohol:

• take 3 tablespoons of lilac flowers and 1 spoon of chopped burdock root;

• mix them with 3 pods of hot pepper and pour 1 liter of alcohol;

• insist for three days and rub into a sore joint.

2. Homemade ointment:

• melt 200 g of lard;

• add there three teaspoons of St. John's wort grass;

• mix everything well and lubricate the affected shoulder daily with ointment.

3. Vinegar Remedy:

• mix 200 ml of vinegar and 100 ml of olive oil;

• add a pinch of hot pepper;

• soak gauze in the finished composition and apply a compress to the shoulder. Leave for two hours. Repeat the procedure daily.

4. Herbal remedy:

• mix 200 ml of fresh honey with saber grass and a spoon of horsetail;

• apply on the shoulder and leave for two hours. Repeat for a week.

When using recipes of traditional medicine, it is recommended to consult your doctor, as for some diseases it is contraindicated to apply warming compresses.

Shoulder joint pain: prevention

In order to prevent the occurrence of pain in the shoulder joint, it is necessary to adhere to such recommendations:

1. Lead an active lifestyle. Fitness, yoga, swimming, cycling or running are perfect for this. It is also important that classes are regular (1-2 times a week).

2. Eat a balanced diet. The diet should include foods rich in protein, calcium and fiber.

3. Do not overload the joints of the shoulders (do not lift weights, do not carry weighty things for a long time).

4. Pay attention to joint pain in time.

5. To treat injuries and bruises of the joint, so that in the future they could not give complications in the form of arthritis or other diseases.


Watch the video: 3 Gentle Stretches to Reduce Shoulder Pain (July 2024).