The meaning of the name Arseny


Name Arseny (in a diminutive form - Arsen) comes from the Greek word "arsenius", translated into Russian means - courageous. Initially, the name was widespread in Byzantium, then it appeared in the everyday life of Russian people.

The patron saint - Arseny Komelsky - came from a noble family, but lived in a monastery, limiting himself in many ways and observing the fast. The saint was a hermit and far from the bustle of men he prayed for sinners, he often went to the forest, secluded with nature. Legend has it that wild beasts obeyed him and did no harm.

Arseny is a harmonious, beautiful and rare name. Gentle creature! It is amazing how the soft ending of a name can affect the karma and temperament of its owner. While the diminutive, solid in sound, the form - Arsen - can radically change the fate of the owner of the name, endowing it with more rigid character traits.

Arseny - character traits

In childhood, Arseny is docile, usually does not create trouble for parents. An obedient child studies well, practically does not conflict with anyone. He is friendly and ready to sincerely and disinterestedly help everyone, some unscrupulous peers use this quality unscrupulously.

Arseny is a sensitive, sentimental and vulnerable nature. He is hard going through deception, betrayal by his friends, closes in on himself, becomes irritable and locks himself in his own world of illusions. The boy has a vivid imagination, he is dreamy and loves animals. Often turns a kitten or puppy, which in his understanding becomes the best friend. It is to him that the child can “entrust” the most spiritual, the most secret.

Arseny grows a soft, good-natured person. One careless word can offend his vulnerable essence. Of course, outwardly he will not give himself away, but in his soul he will worry. Fortunately, Senya quickly forgets offenses.

It’s hard for Arseny to climb the career ladder, he needs to be constantly pushed, only then he will achieve high results. If Arseny happens to be the boss, then his subordinates are likely to sit on his neck. The ideal option for Arseny will be such professions as a doctor, artist, cook, architect, coach. Many representatives of the name devote their lives to the service of God.

Arseny - name compatibility

Shyness is a characteristic quality of the owner of a given name, it is not easy for him to approach a girl and get to know him. Even if Arseny does this, it is highly likely that in her eyes he will seem clumsy, unable to maintain a conversation. But Arseny quickly grinds and gets used to the society of the lady, revealing a romantic nature. Arseny is beautifully caring and sincerely in love. He is a good and faithful husband who helps his wife in everyday affairs, is able to provide for the family financially, values ​​her and carefully preserves.

In marriage, he will be lucky with Anastasia, Alexandra, Valentina, Galina, Barbara, Larisa, Lydia, Lyudmila, Maria, Nadezhda, Olga, Polina, Tamara and Tatyana.

Weak relationships can develop with Angelica, Veronica, Regina, Raisa, Julia and Ulyana.

Famous personalities with the name Arseny

- Meshchersky - artist;
- Tarkovsky - poet, prose writer;
- Sukhanov - hieromonk;
- Nesmelov - poet;
- Roginsky - a human rights activist, historian;
- Chanyshev is a theoretical philosopher.

Arseny - interesting facts about the name

- zodiacal correspondence - Pisces;
- the cosmic body is the moon;
- main character traits - receptivity, sincerity, daydreaming;
- colors - red, silver, steel, brown;
- stone talisman - jasper;
- animal - loon.


Sveta 04/14/2016
Such men need a certain woman. With a strong character. Able to achieve the goal. But, at the same time - a kind and loving nature. The woman Arseny should be soft to him, not demand from him any decisive turning steps.

Vikusya 04/14/2016
Such a person, and even more so a man, is very difficult in a simple human world. Arseniy needs to find his path, and go along it. May it be a service to God, or a creative orientation. It is in such areas, independent of the general opinion, that Arseny will find his happiness.

Blueberry 04/14/2016
Among the famous personalities, from among the Arsenievs, there really are all spiritual and creative people. It may well be that it is so. This name is not so common, and I am not familiar with any Arseny. But, subconsciously, I perceived them as spiritual people with high goals.

Zhenya 04/14/2016
Yes, the name Arseny is very soft, so compliant. But, I would not say that by the nature of Arsenia they are so malleable and kind. They may well resist the will of others, to achieve their goal. Maybe they do not strive for leadership, but as a loner they are very successful.

Nina 04/14/2016
Well, here ... And I had a completely different opinion about Arseny ... My friend Senya, has nothing to do with what was described. There is something completely different. Arseny is the leader. Arseny is a tough person. Arseny - can easily bend any person for himself ...


Watch the video: How to pronounce Arseny RussianRussia - (July 2024).