August 25th: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on August 25th.


Holidays august 25

Miner's day

Russia and Ukraine agree on this issue - courageous and hardworking people celebrate their professional holiday on the same day, honoring the best miners and mining workers. The miners have officially celebrated their day since 1947, in honor of their work colleague Alexei Stakhanov, who gave up 14 working coal norms to the mountain for a shift; Mining areas - Karaganda, Donetsk, Kemerovo consider this day the most important of the year.

Soldier's Day in Brazil

The festival is celebrated at the beginning of the century in honor of Luis Alves de Lima, who was commander in chief in Brazil in the mid-19th century and, in addition, was declared the patron of the Brazilian army. The military campaign in Paraguay was successful, for which Alves received the title of Duke of Caxias. Two Brazilian cities bear the name of the Duke: Ducue De Caxias and Caxias Do Sul. The greatest Brazilian of his time devoted over 60 years of impeccable service to his country as a public manager and politician. In his honor, cadets of military schools carry a copy of the Kaksias checkers, a military parade is held in honor of the graduates of the academy.

Day of Armenian Lake Sevan

The Ministry of Nature Protection of Armenia included Sevan in the protection program. In events on this occasion, the lake is being cleaned up and attention is focused on the problem - the largest alpine lake in the Caucasus, which flows into 28 rivers, and the larger river Hrazdan flows out, needs protection. The tectonic basin and dam formed relatively recently, fresh water has a pleasant azure blue color, mineralization of 700 mg / l.

Day of the Martyrs of Anikita and Photius

Anikita and his nephew Photius lived in Nicodemia in the third century AD, preached Christianity. During persecution of Christians by the emperor Diolectian, special instruments of torture were installed on the square. Saint Anikita was tortured and thrown into the beasts for eating, however, the lion did not eat the man, but meekly obeyed him. The beginning of the earthquake killed many pagans under the destroyed city walls.

The executioner could not execute the saint, since he himself fell without feelings. Even wheeling and singeing with fire did not work - the wheel stopped and the fire went out. The cauldron of tin also did not help the torturers - the tin instantly cooled. The Lord showed idolaters how he guards his slave. A lot of torment was invented by the pagan emperor, but could not destroy the saints, after that many pagans believed in Christ.

Folk calendar August 25

Celebration in honor of Anikius and Photius - martyred by the pagan emperor in the 3rd century AD

Aniky opposed the instruments of torture and executions established on the square, by Emperor Diocletian. In Russia, this day is considered Fotey Povetenny - today they tidy up on povets, prepare and repair harrows and plows. We tidied up in the place where the horse equipment and various utensils were stored. If frost falls in the morning, we can expect that winter crops will rise well next year. A rainy day foretold a short and cool Indian summer. Warm and clear weather predicted mushroom pickers good prey.

Historical events of August 25

August 25, 325 g - The First Ecumenical Council ended in Anikey

In modern Iznik (formerly Anikeia), the Cathedral was convened by the Byzantine emperor Constantine. His goal was to decide on a dispute between Bishop Alexander and Arius. The whole Council proved Aria wrong for three days. Accusing Arius of blasphemy and denying the divinity of Christ, St. Nicholas hit Arias in the face and was temporarily banned from serving in the church. A miracle happened - in the hands of St. Spyridon a fire caught fire, then water poured and clay formed. The doctrine of Arius was rejected, the teachings and symbols of Christianity were approved, as well as the Easter holiday, which occurs after the spring equinox and Passover on the first Sunday after the first full moon.

August 25, 1479 - consecration of the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin

The Italian architect Aristotle Fioravanti, developed a plan for the cathedral, which should become the tomb of the Moscow metropolitans and patriarchs. The first serious action in the cathedral took place in 1547 - the "wedding to the kingdom" of Ivan IV (Grozny). In the future, the coronation of all autocrats joining the coronation should be carried out here. In 1625, the Persian Shah Abbas I sent a gift to the Russian Church of the Robe of the Lord. During the Patriotic War of 1812, the cathedral was sacked by French occupiers. Immediately after the departure of the French, the cathedral began to be restored. In Soviet times, the Moscow Kremlin Museum-Reserve was opened in the Assumption Cathedral.

August 25, 1930 - discovery of the Western shores of the Northern land on an expedition by ship Alexander Sedov

The first Soviet high-latitude expedition headed for Novaya Zemlya in July this year. The purpose of the expedition was the study of the Kara Sea. The expedition leaders, O. Schmidt and V. Wiese, organized a survey of nearby islands and construction work. After some time, the ship went further to the North, to explore the remote areas of the Arctic Ocean.

Several islands were discovered - Vise, Isachenko, Voronin, Schmidt, Domashny, a new polar station was established. Only four winterers were left to explore the Northern Earth for several months. After 81 degrees north latitude, the ship turned back. Having covered about 10,000 kilometers, grandiose data of scientific observations were obtained, and subsequently a map of Severnaya Zemlya was compiled.

Born on August 25

Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990) - American composer and conductor

For the first time Bernstein attracted the attention of spectators during the years of World War II - he replaced the venerable director in one of the concerts. He became a real sensation in the music world. His first play was performed under the direction of the author himself, who also performed as a conductor. Elemental temperament and enthusiasm captivated the audience, and in subsequent years, Bernstein gave hundreds of concerts throughout America and on other continents. The orchestra and piano pieces, as well as his conducting works, were equally successful with the public.

George Danelia (1930) - Russian scriptwriter and director, Honored Artist

A native of Tbilisi, Danelia left the profession of architect and graduated from the Higher Director's Courses at Mosfilm. While still a student, he created paintings that spectators and critics noticed - “Vasisualiy Lokhankin”, “Seryozha”. His serious work “Way to the pier” showed the director’s interpretation of the images of his heroes. Further work Danelia - the lyrical comedy "I walk in Moscow", "Afonya", "Absolutely lost", "Kin-dza-dza" and many others brought many awards and love of many admirers of his talent.

Claudia Schiffer (1970) - German and American models, at different intervals, the highest paid model in the world.

After Claudia starred for the cover of Elle Magazine, she was invited to work on commercials for Chanel, Guess Jeans, Revlon, and other well-known brands. Her fortune exceeds $ 55 million; according to the results of 1999, she was declared the most beautiful girl in the world (Paris Match magazine version). Claudia continues to work, since 1997, having signed a contract with the French company L'Oreal.

Name day 25 august

On this day, name days are celebrated: Alexander, Vyacheslav, Ivan, Ilya, Alexey, Arkady, German, Dmitry, Efim, Vasily, Vissarion, Leonid, Matvey, Mikhail, Nikolay, Pamfil, Peter, Sergey, Stepan, Fedor, Yakov.


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