July 5: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on July 5th.


Holidays July 5

Methodius and Cyril Day in the Czech Republic

Every year on July 5, the Czech Republic honors the memory of two Equal-to-the-Apostles saints - the brothers Methodius and Cyril. In the Czech Republic, this holiday has the status of a state church. In a different way, the inhabitants of the country call it Slavic Writing Day. Today, all Czech churches conduct solemn services in honor of the Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers, who became famous for creating the Slavic alphabet, thereby laying the foundation for the development of Slavic writing. In addition, the brothers translated many books from the Greek language and contributed to the widespread dissemination of Christianity. In the Orthodox and Catholic churches Methodius and Cyril are saints.

The brothers were from the town of Soluni (in the modern interpretation - Thessaloniki). Methodius was the eldest, and Cyril (in the world of Constantine) - the younger brother. The life of the saints consisted of frequent and difficult trials and hard work. As a result, Cyril at the age of 42 became very ill and soon died. Methodius survived his brother only sixteen years. Having endured all litigation and deprivation of fate, he continued to conduct a great work - to translate the holy books into the Slavic language.

July 5 on the folk calendar

Evseev day

On July 5, the folk calendar commemorates Bishop Eusebius of Samosata, who lived in the fourth century. The saint became famous as an ardent defender of the Orthodox faith, approved at a meeting of the First Ecumenical Council, held in Nicaea. For his convictions, Eusebius was subjected to constant persecution by the henchmen of the emperor Constantius. According to legend, once the ruler found out that Eusebius was keeping a certain document, adopted and signed at a meeting of the council, and ordered him to be returned, to which the bishop refused.

After the death of Constance, the throne was headed by the emperor Julian, and since then even more difficult times began for Christians, since the new ruler declared real persecution of representatives of this denomination. But even then, Eusebius did not plan to complete his mission, turning more and more people to Christianity and teaching priests for empty cloisters. With the death of Julian and the advent of the pious Jovian on the throne, the persecution of Christians ceased. In this peaceful time, Eusebius invited Archbishop Meletius to organize a Council in Antioch, which was to officially confirm and promulgate the Orthodox creed adopted by the meeting of the Ecumenical Council several decades earlier.

It should be said that Eusebius died very ridiculously: a tile from a roof fell on his head. Although most researchers are inclined to believe that she was thrown off by a woman - a resident of Dolikhina. According to legend, dying, the saint asked not to punish the guilty and forgive them. In Russia, the name day of Eusebius was called the day of meeting. They paid close attention to the people and the weather. If it rained today - it promised a good harvest of bread. The golden month, sparkling in the night sky on the eve of Euseev day, portended the same thing.

Historical events of July 5

July 5, 1439 - Date of signing of the Union of Florence

The Union of Florence, signed at a meeting of the Seventeenth Ecumenical Council in Florence by Pope Eugene, Byzantine Emperor Paleologue and thirty-three Orthodox hierarchs, was the Act on the Unification of Churches (Catholic and Orthodox) under the leadership of Rome. With the help of a union, Rome hoped to strengthen the papal power, which was shaken by a split. The document was also signed by all the Greek bishops who were at the meeting and the Russian Metropolitan Isidore (for this he was deposed by Prince Vasily the Second). Despite the fact that many Greeks initially agreed to the terms of the union, upon their return to Constantinople they refused it, citing the fact that they were forcibly forced to take part in the signing of the document. All Uniates were proclaimed heretics. The discontent of Christianity grew, and in 1443 adherents of the union were excommunicated in the Jerusalem Cathedral. Seven years later, she finally lost her strength.

July 5, 1841 - Opening of the world's first travel agency

On this day, Thomas Cook, an activist against the spread of drunkenness in England and a Baptist preacher, first organized a group “non-alcoholic” tourist trip. One of the British railway companies provided him with a train specially designated for a good purpose, routing through a picturesque area between Leicester and Loughborough - cities located in the county of Leicestershire. About 600 "travelers of sobriety" plunged into the train and set off to meet adventures. Soon, Cook's group tourist trips began with periodic regularity. Any resident of England could take part in them, even with very limited financial resources, because the price of such a trip was extremely low, and the purpose of these trips was very useful - to instill a sober lifestyle. Thus, Thomas Cook laid the foundation for the development of world tourism, the first activity of which was carried out through the agency "Thomas Cook and Son", which was affiliated around the world. By the way, one of his first clients was Mark Twain.

July 5, 1946 - In Paris, the fashion designer Louis Riar was first introduced to a female bikini swimsuit

On the date indicated by us, the first model “dressed almost nothing” appeared on the catwalk of Paris. This "outfit" has become a painful slap in the face of a society that is not used to such an extravagant style. Therefore, it immediately christened it a "bikini", in honor of the atoll, where a few days earlier the US military conducted atomic bomb tests. Probably, the newly introduced model caused an emotional outburst in society, commensurate with a nuclear explosion. Bikini was immediately banned at many resorts in the world. This continued until the mid-twentieth century. The case was changed by the sensational film "And God Created a Woman", where frank Bridget Bardot played a major role. Feeling boldly pacing in frames in a bikini, she was able to crush all stereotypes and prejudice towards a two-piece swimsuit.

Born on July 5

Jack Broughton (1704 - 1789) - British boxer athlete who introduced the first rules of battle. For more than twelve years, Broughton held the status of the best boxer in England. He also organized his own sports school of boxing. The British call him the founder of British boxing.

Pavel Pestel (1793 - 1826) - the Decembrist, who organized and dominated the Southern Society. He is the author of "Russian Truth" - a kind of "prelude" to the republican constitution.

Phineas Barnum (1810 - 1891 gg.) - The founder of the American circus under the modest name of "The greatest show on Earth." His performances gathered a multi-million audience. To impress the audience even more, Barnum involved people with physical disabilities and abnormal development. So, the show was attended by Siamese twins, a dwarf with a height of less than 70 centimeters and other extraordinary personalities. Another star of the performances was a very kind and responsive Jumbo elephant, which had a mass of 6.5 tons.

John Northrop (1891 - 1987) - an outstanding American biochemist, awarded the Nobel Prize "for obtaining pure viral proteins."

Sergey Obraztsov (1901 - 1992) - founder of the famous Puppet Theater and its director. People's Artist of the USSR, an active fighter with the homelessness of homeless animals.

July 5th Birthday

Celebrate: Zina, Galaction, Zinon, Gennady, Julian, Ulyana, Carolina, Eusebius, Anton.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (July 2024).