Vision drops: possible causes and symptoms of diseases. What to do if the child's vision drops: is it necessary to wear glasses


The initial stages of many eye diseases and dystrophic processes in the retina often pass unnoticed.

Visual impairment is a serious symptom and a reason for consultation with a doctor.

A neglected problem can lead to surgery and even blindness.

Vision drops in a child - reasons

The arsenal of modern ophthalmologists allows you to identify eye diseases in children and get accurate data from the first days of life. Causes of congenital diseases are: birth trauma, prematurity, anatomical features of the structure of the eye, heredity. Such children need constant monitoring by doctors and parents.

Acquired diseases are not always diagnosed on time.

Adults should be alert for symptoms:

  • complaints of discomfort in the eyes: itching, burning;

  • the child brings objects close to his face, squints;

  • headaches, fatigue.

Myopia (myopia)- The most common visual impairment in children. About 55% of modern schoolchildren suffer from it. The sooner it appears in a child, the more difficult it is to cure it in the future. At risk are always children whose parents suffer from myopia.

The first dangerous period for the manifestation of myopia occurs when the child goes to school. The load on the eyes increases, study is accompanied by stress and fears.

Compound the situation:

  • Passion for TV, computer, gadgets;

  • incorrect posture;

  • unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins;

  • sedentary lifestyle;

  • poorly organized workplace.

For prophylaxis myopia, parents need to strictly limit the time spent at the computer and gadgets. Be sure to teach your child to keep his head and back straight, to encourage sports. A huge role is played by nutrition, obtaining a sufficient amount of vitamins, especially during intensive growth. Indeed, adolescence accounts for the second period of the outbreak of the disease.

When planning a work area for a student, several rules must be considered.

1. The optimal height of the desktop is equal to the height of the child, divided in half and minus 5 centimeters.

2. The distance from the eyes to the notebook should be equal to the length of the hand from the elbow to the tip of the fingers.

3. The desk or table should be placed near the window, it is better to place additional lighting on the left for the right-hander and vice versa.

Adult Vision Falls - Causes

The factors that affect the deterioration of vision in an adult are many, the main ones:

  • serious illnesses;

  • high eye strain;

  • age-related changes.

Compound the situation:bad habits (affect the blood vessels), injuries and bruises of the spine, malnutrition, stress. Diabetes mellitus, osteochondrosis, hypertension, endocrine pathologies are accompanied by loss of vision. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor for their timely identification.

A negative effect on the eyes has a long work at the computer. A person in normal condition blinks an average of 18 times per minute. This process moisturizes the cornea. When the user looks at the screen for a long time, he has a dry eye syndrome. Due to rare blinking, the mucous membrane is dried. As a result, there are: burning, redness, pain. This is fraught with chronic conjunctivitis, inflammation of the cornea, and loss of vision.

Radiation of the blue part of the spectrum of a certain wavelength also has a negative effect on visual cells. Help to cope with problems: safety glasses, breaks in work, eye drops, humidification.

After 45 years, almost everyone is concerned farsightedness. The eye muscles weaken, tissue elasticity is lost, the lens becomes dense. Vessels become fragile over time, clogged with atherosclerotic plaques. The intraocular pressure rises, as the balance between the influx of fluid that feeds the optical medium and its outflow is disturbed. Excess fluid presses on the optic nerve, atrophy occurs. As a result, the glaucoma process begins.

After 40, every sixth person shows signs of clouding of the lens. The launched process leads subsequently to cataracts. Therefore, it is important to consult with the appearance of: loss of vision, headaches, flies, double vision, photophobia and other symptoms, consult a doctor.

Vision drops - what to do? Do I have to wear glasses?

Ophthalmologists unequivocally answer positively to this question in cases of myopia and farsightedness. Vision correction with glasses gives not only maximum comfort and the ability to clearly see the world. The main task is to prevent the progression of the disease. Indeed, for example, increasing myopia is fraught with stretching of the lining of the eye, rupture and exfoliation of the retina.

If a person is uncomfortable, he begins to strain his eyes, squint - an additional load arises, which leads to greater loss of vision. It is important to contact a good specialist and choose the right glasses. Wearing them does not prevent a comprehensive treatment of the disease.

Vision drops - what to do? Gymnastics for the eyes

Various techniques necessarily include eye exercises. Both opponents and supporters of vision correction with glasses recognize the effectiveness of training eye muscles. The set of exercises is preferably repeated twice during the day.

During gymnastics, the head should remain motionless, the muscles of the face are relaxed. Starting position - look directly. Each exercise should be performed 8-10 times in each direction.

1. Look up, then down.

2. Keep your eyes as far left as possible, then right.

3. Introduce mentally the dial. Keep your eyes in a circle, clockwise, without cutting corners. Repeat in the opposite direction.

4. Raise your head, gaze directed upward. Repeat the movements of the previous exercise.

5. Perform exercises 1-4 with eyes closed.

6. Introduce a bow tie. Describe this outline with your eyes. Movements to perform: diagonally from the bottom up, then down, again diagonally from the bottom up and down.

7. Eyes to describe the figure eight.

After the complex is completed, you need to relax your eyes, easily blink, without tension.

Vision drops - what to do? Folk remedies

At home, with loss of vision, take fresh juice from: carrots, chicory, parsley and celery. These components must be taken in equal amounts.

It has a beneficial effect tincture of calendula and calamus. The herb is taken in equal proportions and poured with half a liter of vodka. Store in a dark place for at least 12 days. Take one teaspoon before meals.

Young nettle used in juices, decoctions, salads. Blueberries are also good for the eyes in any form: dried, fresh, frozen. Sprouted wheat sprouts have a known positive effect.

People over 40 should pay special attention to nutrition.

For eye health, you need to eat more cholesterol-releasing foods. Carotenoids: lutein and zeaxanthin keep the retina from age-related degeneration. They are found in kiwi, sweet pepper, carrots, lettuce, spinach, herbs. Also very helpful with vision loss are:

  • yam rich in rhodopsin (the main visual pigment) and vitamin A;

  • flaxseed, sea fish, contain omega-3 fatty acids;

  • eggs (the yolk contains lutein, protein helps it to be better absorbed);

  • nuts.

Massage Relieves stress and fatigue. Simple tricks can be mastered independently. The main thing is to prevent discomfort and pain. The middle and index fingers are easily massaged: the interbrow point, the line of eyebrows, points under the eyes, on the temple and earlobes. These movements improve blood circulation.

The solution to the problem must be approached comprehensively.

Preliminary consultation with a doctor is required.

Gymnastics, proper nutrition, compliance with the regime, sparing loads will certainly have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole and on visual acuity.
