Mom's nutrition in the first days after childbirth: which foods are available and which are not. Proper nutrition of mother in the first days after childbirth


Mom and her child are a single organism.

Everything that a woman consumes is transmitted to the child along with milk.

For this reason, it is very important to monitor the foods used.

Mom's nutrition in the first days after childbirth should consist of vitamins and useful trace elements, exclude allergens.

After all, do not forget that the body of a newborn is still very weak and its reaction to food can be unpredictable.

Mom's nutrition in the first days after childbirth: dietary principles

The most important thing in organizing a daily diet is to get milk safe for the child. It is important to follow the basic rules so that the baby is healthy and does not receive a food allergy.

1. When breastfeeding, in no case should you drink alcohol, smoking is strictly prohibited.

2. If you want fruits, they must be sorted by color. It is desirable to exclude yellow ones in the first month after giving birth, red ones are strictly forbidden, the most useful and safe ones are green ones.

3. In the first days after birth, fish and meat can only be eaten in boiled form, low-fat varieties.

4. Cereals are very beneficial as they promote lactation.

5. For milk to flow evenly, you need to eat in moderate portions every 3-4 hours.

Mom's nutrition in the first days after birth should be as dietary as possible.

Drinking Compliance

The first day after labor, the fair sex needs to focus on restoring the water balance. For this reason, it is recommended to drink at least 2.5 liters of liquid. It can be not only water, but also kefir or herbal tea.

In the following days, the amount of water consumed must be reduced, as this will lead to a decrease in the fat content of breast milk, and the baby will not be full. Instead, kefir and special lactational teas, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, are recommended. On average, the female body needs about 1.5 liters of water per day.

What products after childbirth are possible and which are not

What is the question of interest to all new mothers? It is about products. Namely, how to eat, so as not to harm the health of your child. Those who eat everything in a row make a big mistake. An unorganized diet can lead to a strong food allergy in the baby, which will provoke unpleasant consequences.

A new mother is recommended to consult a doctor in order to properly build her menu.

What products after childbirth can: names and methods of processing dishes for nursing mothers

1. Low-fat meat of poultry or livestock. This category includes rabbit, beef, chicken (but without skin), turkey. In the first month after the birth of the baby, a woman is recommended to eat dishes from the listed species of poultry and livestock once every 2-3 days. You can’t fry and bake, because for this you need oil - just cook or bake. With this method of heat treatment, the product retains useful nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the children's body.

2. Dairy products. They are recommended to be used every day, but carefully approach the choice. For example, cottage cheese and yoghurts should be with a minimum shelf life (homemade). Ryazhenka and kefir are necessarily fresh. Dairy products with sweeteners are not desirable, as they lead to gas formation in the baby. If a woman wants variety, you can make homemade cottage cheese pancakes for yourself. However, it is recommended to fry them with a minimal addition of oil.

3. Cereals in the first days after childbirth can do absolutely everything - this is the safest food for newly made mothers and their children. The main thing is to cook porridge in water, not milk, with a minimal addition of spices and sweeteners.

4. The eggs contain protein, which is useful for the microflora of the body. After childbirth in the first days it is recommended to eat one quail testicle. Chicken is also possible, but once a week.

5. Vegetables. Vegetables are allowed stewed. For example, it will be useful stew of potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower and broccoli, carrots. A dish is prepared on the water without adding oil or frying. You need to be careful with raw vegetables. For example, a cucumber is possible, but only without the skin.

6. Fish - it contains phosphorus and other useful trace elements. This product must be included in the diet of a woman in the first days after childbirth, when she needs to recover. Preference is given to pike perch, cod, pollock - low-fat varieties.

7. Fruits need to be very careful, especially in the first few days after giving birth. In no case should you eat them on an empty stomach, only after 2-3 hours have passed after breakfast. Apples are allowed, but without peel. You can both fresh and baked. Citruses, kiwi and bananas in the first days after birth are not desirable, they are introduced into the diet a little later.

8. In moderation, nuts will be beneficial. They enrich the body with vitamins and promote lactation.

9. Black and white bread is allowed in dried form.

10. Pasta is allowed, but without egg additives.

What products after childbirth can not

In the first few days and the first month after childbirth, it is important for a woman to understand that she cannot afford to eat whatever she wants. All food consumed is transmitted to the baby through milk, so you need to be extremely careful with the diet. You need to know what foods after childbirth are impossible, so that the baby does not have allergies, not foods and colic.

The list of prohibited foods includes the following:

• coffee, carbonated and alcoholic drinks;

• chocolate;

• sausages;

• sauces (ketchup, mayonnaise);

• grapes;

• juices;

• canned food and pickles;

• semi-finished products.

The listed products are recommended to be excluded from the diet in the first month after birth. Then they can be introduced gradually, do not abuse the amount, monitor the reaction of the baby.

Sample menu for the first 7 days of natural birth

1. Day 1, 2. Chicken broth (secondary), oatmeal in water with a small amount of vegetable oil are allowed. You can also have a snack with a few slices of hard cheese.

2. Day 3, 4, 5, 6. Recommended vegetable broth, baked apples, porridge on the water.

3. Day 7. You can start to introduce a little new products. For example, eat a piece of boiled fish or 100 grams of cottage cheese.

Sample menu for the first 7 days after cesarean section

1. Day 1. The first day after cesarean section, the woman is forced to be in the intensive care unit. Unfortunately, the child at this time is given artificial milk (pharmacy mixtures). This does not mean that a newly mum can afford a varied diet. She is only allowed to drink water with lemon.

2. Day 2. If the surgery was completed without difficulty, on the second day the mother can already be transferred to the general ward. She can eat chicken stock and porridge cooked in water. The food should be fractional - in small portions every few hours.

3. Day 3. A little homemade low-fat cottage cheese is allowed, boiled chicken meat without skin. Food is the same as on the second day - fractional.

4. Day 4, 5, 6. The diet can be expanded to normalize the stool. You can enter the same products that are presented in the menu during natural childbirth during this period.

Nutrition in the first month after birth

1. The intestinal microflora of the child’s body begins to form already 21 days after its birth. During this period, it is allowed to add new products to the diet. For example, it can be low-fat pilaf or steam cutlets.

2. When introducing a new product, it is important to monitor the reaction of the baby. Doctors recommend that mothers keep a diary to write everything in it. This approach will help to normalize the diet in the first month after childbirth.

3. The process of introducing a new product

4. The baby can be given a new product in the morning and only a few grams. Next, you need to wait 24 hours to see the reaction of the child.

5. Particular attention is paid to feces. It should be noted whether mucus appeared in the stool or greens.

6. Pay attention to the skin. If the child has rashes on the face and other parts of the body, the product is temporarily excluded from the diet.

What can be included in the diet in the first month after childbirth

7. Vegetable and chicken broths - without cabbage, beans, fry.

8. Seasonal fruits - very carefully.

9. Freshly squeezed apple juice, you can try carrot.

10. Honey - on the tip of a spoon. If there is no allergic reaction, it is allowed to wet the nipple with honey.

11. Sweet tooth are allowed to treat themselves to marshmallows or vanilla wafers.

12. Fish and chicken cutlets. Steam is desirable, but in extreme cases you can fry them in a small amount of oil.

13. Baked fish. You need to add as little spices as possible, it is allowed to sprinkle it with lemon juice.

14. Tea with lemon, sweet yogurt can also be tasted.

Vitamins to watch out for

During labor, the female body experiences severe stress. It is for this reason that at first it is still very weak. If she does not regain her strength, she will not be able to give immunity to her child. It is for this reason that you must definitely eat those foods that contain important vitamins and minerals.

1. Vitamin C. He does not like strong heat treatment. You can get it from cauliflower and broth from rose hips.

2. Vitamins B1 and B2. Contained in cheese, chicken eggs and cottage cheese.

3. Vitamin PP. It can be obtained from chicken liver, wheat and buckwheat porridge.

4. Folic acid. Contained in large quantities in parsley and beef liver.

5. Vitamin A. Can be obtained from butter by adding a small amount to butter.

6. Beta carotene. The main source is carrots. Also, vitamin is found in parsley.

Mom’s nutrition in the first days after childbirth does not always allow the body to get all the necessary substances to recover and give the baby immunity. In this case, it is recommended to drink pharmacy complexes of vitamins, the same ones that a woman took during pregnancy.


Breastfeeding plays an important role not only for the baby, but also for the mother, because it is an excellent prevention for breasts.

Also, in order for the baby to be healthy, it is necessary to maintain not only the diet, but also get enough sleep, not be nervous.

Knowing what foods after childbirth are possible and which cannot be, what to eat in the first days after a cesarean section or when a baby is naturally born, you can correctly build your daily menu and protect the child from allergies and colic.
