What is the horse dreaming about


What a horse dreams about - according to Miller’s dream book

Galloping on a pure white horse is an auspicious sign promising strong friendships; if the horse is dirty, those people whom you trust envy you. Spotted horses dream for profit; to see a herd of healthy, strong horses - to achieve goals, the dream is also of the same importance, where you cross the river on a horse. See the dead horse or kill her - soon you will receive sad news. If in a dream the stallion throws you off - wait for the obstacles on the way to the goal.

To clean or wash an animal — to test it, to climb it uphill — means that you will have to work hard to realize what you have planned. Watching horses grazing in the meadow is a good omen that guarantees the trust of colleagues, superiors or partners. Buying a horse in a dream broadcasts that you started a risky business, which can fail at any time.

What a horse dreams about - according to Wangi’s dream book

The white horse symbolizes well-being, finding happiness, changing the black stripe in life to white. A dark colored animal has the opposite meaning. Purebreds foreshadow the resolution of conflicts in the family and at work. If the horse kicked you - expect trials that can be aggravated by illnesses, an extinct herd speaks of the onset of difficult times for mankind, only by rallying can people overcome the crisis.

Thin, gaunt horses are the harbingers of a hungry year. And well-fed, smooth and satisfied prophesy the abundance of the crop. Falling off a horse is a bad sign that foreshadows an accident. The infuriated stallion symbolizes the obstinate character. To curb him is to promotion. Also, such a dream can predict arrogance and arrogance - money and power will ruin your character.

What a horse dreams about - according to Freud’s dream book

The image of a horse that came in a dream symbolizes the female gender, indicates the ideal of a sexual partner built in the subconscious. A stately horse suggests that you are looking for the perfect companion, so often be disappointed in life. Riding betrays a desire to have children, and a sick animal portrays a hidden fear for loved ones.

What a horse dreams about - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

If you look after a sick horse, tests are waiting for you. If the animal does not survive, your rash acts will cost a close circle. Riding a horse means smoothly and steadily gaining authority, which will strengthen the position in society. Harnessing a horse - to the loss of a loved one, climbing a high mountain - to gain power. Seeing a horse with a long mane and tail to the ground portends resentment.

What a horse dreams about - according to Loff's dream book

To admire horses means to find family happiness, for lonely hearts such a dream predicts a meeting with a life partner. Participation in horse racing promises unexpected joy and guarantees exciting emotions in reality. A wounded or sick stallion dreams of bad news.

What does the horse dream about - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

- white, clean - gaining hope, fast wedding (for girls);
- climb a horse - reach a high position;
- get off - sleep has the opposite meaning;
- a horse in the house - to get married;
- bareback - forbidden fruit, sinful love affair, condemnation.

What a horse dreams about - according to Hasse's dream book

Frightened horses running in different directions, see - unfortunately. A horse standing on its hind legs symbolizes protection, patronage. To breed horses - to profit, well-being. A thin horse foreshadows the hard work that ultimately exhausts you.

Why - dreaming of a horse in the dream book of Meneghetti

The image of a horse is the personification of the feminine and related sexuality and responsibility. For a girl, this image symbolizes her secret desires, and for a man, she evokes associations with her mother or any other woman. A general picture of sleep can be compiled by analyzing thoroughly all the details of a dream.

What a horse dreams about - according to Longo's dream book

A lonely horse symbolizes a certain alienation from society, a herd is exactly the environment in which you develop and live. A lot of horses say that you perfectly join any company and adapt to the ensuing circumstances. If you admire the horses, it means that you are happy with life, everything in it suits you. Running away from the herd is a sign that you are looking for solitude, you want to live alone, away from the annoying civilization.


Gambit 06/30/2016
What a horse dreams about - from Konnikov's dream book: You miss the stable. Get there faster.


Watch the video: My Horse Dreaming! (June 2024).