Strawberry Jam with Whole Berries - Crack! The subtleties and secrets of fragrant strawberry jam with whole berries


They eat fresh strawberries, compotes and wines are cooked from it, jellies and syrups are made and, of course, they make aromatic jam. This berry is not only a delicious summer treat, but also a source of minerals, vitamins, organic acids, pectins and nutrients. Strawberries are famous for their zero fat and cholesterol content. Being a source of antioxidants, it helps fight many diseases and serves as a prophylactic. Strawberry jam consumption regulates blood pressure, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar, normalizes the nervous system, improves memory and boosts immunity. Jam is indispensable for colds and insomnia.

What is jam? It's simple: this is cooking berries with sugar. Preservation is a long process, so you should work a little and be patient, because jam does not like rush. But this does not mean at all that all cooking hours need not to lose sight of the pan. It is the insistence of goodies that takes the most time. Spent effort will be rewarded. Just imagine how pleasant it will be to enjoy a jar of homemade jam with whole berries of strawberries on a cold winter evening!

Strawberry jam with whole berries will serve as an ideal filling for pie, pastries and cake. Strawberry jam will perfectly complement cheesecakes, pancakes and pancakes. It will be tasty and just add the berry to the tea.

Whole Berry Strawberry Jam - General Cooking Principles

• To make jam, it is necessary, as already understood, strawberries and granulated sugar.

• For convenience, sorting berries, select a deep container. A pan, stewpan, basin, bowl, any enameled dishes and stainless steel dishes are perfect.

• Wash strawberries and free from green leaves. The berry must be carefully prepared for the canning process.

• One of the important features of jam making, which distinguishes it from jam and jam, is the whole form of berries. Therefore, strawberries should be washed under a small pressure of water, so that the berry retains its integrity. For convenience, this can be done in a colander.

• For jam, it is better to take medium-sized strawberries, since cooking large berries takes longer. The relationship between the size and taste of strawberries is also interesting: the middle berries are much sweeter.

• Avoid the presence of mint and soft strawberries, as jam from this berry will give a lot of excess liquid.

• The main thing in the preparation is not to overdo the jam so that it does not lose its vitamin value.

• Store jam in a dark, cold room. It can be a pantry, closet, or basement.

Classic strawberry jam with whole berries


• strawberries - 1000 g;

• granulated sugar - 1300 g.

Cooking method:

1. Strawberries must be peeled, washed, put in a deep saucepan, covered with sugar and left for 6-7 hours. After this time, strawberry juice should form in the bowl. If this does not happen, leave the strawberries for another hour at room temperature.

2. The pan with candied strawberries should be put on fire and brought to a boil, then boil for 5-7 minutes. Do not forget to remove the resulting foam. Turn off the gas and leave the pan to cool completely.

3. Once again we put on the fire and cook for 3-4 minutes. This action is repeated 2 more times.

4. The last time we cool the jam, put it in jars, previously sterilized, and tightly close.

Strawberry Jam with whole berries without boiling


• strawberries - 1 kg;

• sugar - 500 g;

• water - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the middle strawberries, wash and leave to dry.

2. We put water with sugar on a slow fire, boil, and then boil another 2-3 minutes.

3. Pour strawberries with hot syrup and leave for an hour and a half to let the juice flow.

4. We lay the berries, and put this syrup on the fire, boil for 3-4 minutes.

5. Pour on strawberries again and leave for an hour.

6. Repeat the action with syrup one more time, but boil for 5 minutes.

7. The berries are laid out on sterilized jars and pour them with syrup.

Strawberry Jam with Whole Berries with Chocolate


• strawberries - 1000g;

• milk chocolate - 150 g;

• sugar - 600 g;

• citric acid - 3 g.

Cooking method:

1. Mix granulated sugar and citric acid. Next, cover with fresh strawberries in a deep bowl.

2. Send a bowl to the gas and bring to a boil, cook over moderate heat for 5 minutes.

3. As soon as the cooking process is nearing the end, put grated milk chocolate on strawberries. Gently mix until it is completely dissolved, so that the berries retain their whole shape.

4. Send hot jam to sterilized jars, tightly close and turn the lid down. Cover with a towel or warm blanket.

Strawberry Jam with Whole Berries "Strawberry in Own Juice"


• strawberries - 1000 g;

• sugar - 1200 g.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the strawberries and peel them off. Stack the berries in an enameled bowl.

2. Pour strawberries with sugar, without interfering, so as not to turn it into a mushy look. Sugar should completely cover the strawberries.

3. Leave in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. If the strawberries do not let juice in well, put on the smallest fire and bring to a boil with a wooden spoon. Leave the strawberries until the next morning. This procedure should be carried out for 3 days. The more times you do this, the harder the strawberry will be. We emphasize that it is necessary to boil once a day, after which let the jam cool completely.

4. During the last boil, we begin to put the jam in jars while it is still hot. The lids must be tightly closed and the cans turned upside down. If the lid is loose or defective, the jam will come out and you will see it. Cover with a thick towel and wait for it to cool completely.

Homemade thick strawberry jam with whole berries


• strawberries - 1 kg;

• granulated sugar - 1000 g;

• half a glass of water.

Cooking method:

1. Cover strawberries with half the sand prescribed in the recipe. Note that the syrup will begin to cook only when the berries give juice.

2. The remaining granulated sugar is added to the water. Add strawberry juice to the sugar mixture and mix thoroughly. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly. Let the syrup boil for a bit, after which we send the berries there. Bring to a boil again. There is an old rule: cook in 2 sets. But the second time we cook for at least 5 minutes. Remove the foam and wait for the jam to cool. If the syrup or jam does not spread, then it is ready.

3. Sugar should be poured into the bottom of the cans, put the jam in and pour sugar on top again.

Strawberry Jam with whole berries in a pan


• a glass of strawberries;

• half a glass of sugar;

• citric acid - 2 g.

Cooking method:

1. Pour a glass of strawberries into a pre-heated wide pan. Pour sand here. Stir constantly and wait for the strawberry-sugar mass to become more uniform.

2. As soon as the sugar begins to dissolve, and the strawberries start juice, cut off for 5-7 minutes. Constantly stir and increase the fire.

3. Add a little citric acid, it will enhance the color of the jam and preserve the attractive appearance of the berries.

4. Pour the resulting jam into warm, sterilized jars.

French Strawberry Jam with Whole Berries


• strawberries - 2 kg;

• granulated sugar - 1400 g;

• half a lemon;

• orange.

Cooking method:

1. On the eve of cooking, pour strawberries in sugar in a flat bowl without stirring. Leave it to infuse overnight at room temperature so that it generously gives away its aromatic juice.

2. We survive lemon juice, do not put lemon zest in jam. We also vigorously survive the orange. The presence of lemon will make the berries more dense. If the orange pulp gets into the bowl during the spin cycle, do not be discouraged, this will not harm the jam.

3. Send the juice to the berries. Gently lift the strawberries with a silicone spatula so that it is easier to pick up sugar and the berry is not damaged.

4. In a cooking bowl over medium heat, heat the mass. Help sugar dissolve by pushing the spatula in zigzag movements. Adjust the heat so that there is no intense boiling. After 5 minutes, remove from gas.

5. Using a slotted spoon, carefully spread the hot berries from the pelvis.

6. After extracting the berries, light the fire again and boil the syrup to make the jam thick. Adjust the cooking time yourself. If you want to make the jam thicker, then leave to cook for a longer time. Check the readiness of the syrup as follows: on a saucer with a white bottom, drip a tablespoon of jam. If it spreads, it means that the syrup is slightly boiled. If the syrup stretches from a spoon in the form of a thread, this indicates the extreme degree of boiling of the syrup, when it can turn into sugar. If a drop stands and does not drip - the syrup is boiled.

7. As soon as the syrup is respected, with the help of a spatula we return the berries back, since they are not yet fully cooked. We forget about the shoulder blade, take the edges of the cooking basin with our hands and stir the berries in hot syrup in circular motions.

8. We return to the fire and detect 15 minutes.

9. Pour hot jam into the banks and roll up.

Strawberry Jam with Whole Berries - Tips and Tricks

• To avoid getting candied jam, add a drop of citric acid.

• Let the strawberries brew better in the refrigerator, this is where the berries hold their shape better.

• Cooking fire should not be strong or weak. With the appearance of foam, reduce the gas. Do not forget to remove the foam and make sure that the jam does not run away.

• Be sure to sterilize the jars in which the jam will be packed in order to destroy all harmful bacteria. This can be done, for example, in the oven at a temperature of 130-140 degrees for 30 minutes. Banks should be completely dried. Do not forget to sterilize and covers.

• Vinegar, added to jam, will not allow sweets to thicken.

• To check the readiness of jam, gourmets use the following method: pour a tablespoon of jam on a saucer, leave for 3-4 minutes, draw with a spoon, outlining a straight line. If the line does not disappear immediately, the jam is ready.

The amazing taste of homemade strawberry jam with whole berries will win your heart. Its delicious aroma will spread throughout the room and bring the warmth of summer days. Delicate whole berries from homemade jam, without a doubt, a worthy decoration of any cake and pastry. Please yourself and your loved ones!


Watch the video: Candied Fruits Recipe. ASMR Cracking Eating Sounds. Let's Eat (June 2024).