Rose jam: how to cook pink jam


Rose Jam - General Description

Roses are everywhere grown for landscaping megacities and towns, personal plots and health centers, parks and gardens. The rose garden is called the best decorative composition. But, every plant on our planet stores in itself not only decorative appeal, but also carries certain properties - cosmetic, gastronomic or healing. And the rose is no exception to this rule.

Rose is a famous plant that has been used in everyday life since ancient times. The chronicles of civilizations confirm that since ancient times rose oil, extracts and petals were used for bathing, preparing skin lotions and other cosmetics, making tea, and were also consumed.

Today it is customary to make jam from roses. It treats tonsillitis and bronchitis in adults and children, is considered a useful remedy for stomach ulcers and gastritis, and helps with bleeding gums and stomatitis. Jam from rose petals relieves chronic fatigue, helps to cope with vegetovascular dystonia, insomnia and irritability.

This dish strengthens the nervous system and is prescribed after suffering serious illnesses and vitamin deficiencies. Yes, just a rose jam is fragrant and very tasty. In addition, it is useful for sweet rolls and baklava.

Rose jam - cooking utensils

To remove pollen from the petals, sieves, sieves and colanders are used. Leaving roses to be sugared is customary in porcelain or enameled dishes. Cookware is prepared, as for cooking any other jam, compote or syrup. Banks made to roll up metal caps hermetically.

Rose jam - preparing petals

For pink jam, a special variety of roses is required - pink and small in size. In addition to the tea rose, the petals of freshly blossomed buds of red roses and rose hips are used in cooking. It is important not to be late with the collection of petals, as the flowering hour is very short. It is recommended to pluck the petals in the early morning, then the jam will have a special taste and delicate aroma.

If there is a small bush of tea rose, and a sufficient number of roses at a time is difficult to collect, they can be harvested as they bloom for 3 to 4 days, placed in a plastic bag and tightly tied so that the aroma does not evaporate. Raw materials must be stored in the refrigerator.

When a sufficient number of roses is gathered, the petals should be separated: for this, all the petals are gathered together with one hand, and the sepals are twisted and torn off with the other. The resulting small bunch of petals should be slightly rotated on the table to eliminate excess pestles-stamens. Then the petals are sent to a colander, hair sieve or sieve, sieved and freed from pollen.

Rose jam - recipe 1

It is recommended to take the petals of fragrant red Pancake week rose - 200 grams, 2 cups of water, 1 kilogram of sugar, 1 teaspoon of tartaric acid. Traditionally, stamens should be removed and a white hard part trimmed with scissors. Then liquid syrup is prepared from water and sugar, and the petals drop there. The jam should be cooked until the syrup is cooked in a high flame, after which it is necessary to add tartaric acid and boil for a few more minutes.

Rose jam - recipe 2

To make jam according to this recipe, you need half a kilogram of rose petals, one and a half kilograms of sugar, 1 cup of water, half a lemon. From single roses, you need to remove the petals and remove the white particles, chop them finely, mix with 0.5 kilograms of granulated sugar and insist in this form for two days. From a kilogram of sugar and water you need to boil the syrup with the addition of lemon juice. Lower the candied rose petals in hot syrup. Jam is cooked until cooked on a slow flame.

Rose jam - recipe 3

According to the recipe, you should take a kilogram of tea rose petals, 6 kilograms of sugar, 8 grams of citric acid. The white part of the petals is cut with scissors, dried petals are removed, pollen is separated. Thus prepared petals are washed in frosty water, sent to the pelvis and filled with water. For 1 kilogram of petals, it is necessary to take 2 liters of water. Then the mass is brought to a boil and cooked within 5 minutes. Then the petals are filled with sugar and boiled until tender.

Rose jam - tips from experienced chefs

As with cooking syrup, in the jam you can add the petals of simple bright red roses, but only a handful, and no more, since they are coarse and remain harsh in the jam. But a handful will not be noticeable, but this will give the jam a more saturated color.

Experienced chefs recommend trying petals on the clove when cooking pink jam, if necessary, boil them longer. But you should not be zealous, because with prolonged cooking vitamins are lost and the color deteriorates.

To preserve the natural color of the petals and to avoid sugar content, it is recommended to add citric acid to the jam during the cooking period. Ready jam can be separated directly into syrup and petals, which can be put as a filling in confectionery, or make liquor from them.


Watch the video: ROSE PETAL JAM RECIPE (July 2024).