Bergamot: useful properties and main contraindications. Why you should use bergamot, benefits and medicinal properties


The refreshing and alluring notes of bergamot are familiar to every person.

This aroma makes the taste of tea more intense, often used among perfumers and aromatherapists.

However, far from all know that bergamot is nothing but citrus obtained by crossing a bitter orange and lemon.

A pear-shaped fruit with a sour taste nourishes the body with important vitamins and minerals. Bergamot, the beneficial properties of which are not in doubt, is recommended for both adults and children.

Bergamot composition and beneficial properties

The composition of citrus is enriched with valuable substances, due to which its beneficial properties and taste are determined.

The composition contains:

• B vitamins, soothing the nervous system;

• vitamins A, E, C, folic acid;

• unsaturated and saturated fatty acids;

• iron, copper, phosphorus, zinc, manganese and other minerals.

Bergamot, whose benefits to the human body is invaluable, in addition to medicinal properties is also characterized by dietary. There are only 36 Kcal per 100 grams of citrus.

Bergamot: beneficial properties for the human body

It is practically impossible to find bergamot for sale in the form of fruit, however there is an opportunity to buy tea based on this product or essential oil, to take the opportunity to "squeeze the maximum benefit" for yourself.

Why does the body need bergamot (the benefits of citrus)

1. Fruit effectively fights viral infections and colds. It was proved that its use contributes to expectoration of sputum, fever decreases. In addition, immunity is strengthened.

2. A drink based on bergamot improves skin elasticity. Also, its regular use narrows the pores, which reduces the intensity of the sebaceous glands. It is especially important to drink such tea in the summer.

3. Bergamot favorably affects the condition of the scalp and hair, strengthens the structure of curls, makes them more obedient and soft.

4. What else is bergamot used for? Useful properties also apply to the nervous system. Citrus relieves fatigue and anxiety, eliminates stress and depression, and improves mood.

5. Regular use of bergamot helps to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which speeds up the metabolism and improves the digestive process. As a result, the person’s predisposition to overweight is reduced.

Bergamot: the benefits of citrus in various applications

Bergamot has a huge number of useful properties, so I use it in various fields - medicine, cosmetology, cooking and others.

1. There were once no antibiotics and pills. It was at that time that ancestors used citrus as an antiseptic. A balm was prepared from it, which perfectly coped with inflammation and skin infections. If a person had a serious wound, the fetus was simply cut into two parts and applied to the damaged area of ​​the skin with flesh.

2. Tea with bergamot, the beneficial properties of which are unknown to many, is recommended for adults and children with colds and viral diseases. It tones up, stimulates digestive processes, lowers fever and helps the body fight infections.

3. Bergamot essential oil is often added to shampoos and other cosmetics for hair and body care. It soothes the skin, regulates the sebaceous glands, which reduces sweating.

4. Often used citrus oil in combination with other aromas in the perfume industry. The gentle, slightly sour aroma of bergamot organically fits into any composition.

5. Inhalation of citrus oil is recommended by psychologists to people who have problems with thinking and sociability. After inhaling the aroma of the fetus, the concentration of attention increases, nerve cells calm down.

6. To maintain good spirits for the whole day, it is recommended to take a shower in the morning with soap or shower gel, which contains bergamot.

7. Bergamot can be found in most biological supplements designed to enhance immunity.

Important! If the nursing mother does not have individual intolerance to the fetus, if it is recommended to drink tea with bergamot in order to enhance lactation. It is preliminary recommended to consult with your doctor in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Bergamot in cooking: a recipe for delicious homemade marmalade

In cooking, as a separate ingredient, the fruit is not used so often because it tastes a little bitter, slightly sour. However, in some countries, citrus is very popular. Candied fruits are cooked in it or delicious marmalade is cooked. The recipe is not complicated, every housewife will be able to cope with it.

The following ingredients will be required:

• 1.2 liters of pure water;

• bergamot - 5 fruits (peel is removed from them and rubbed on a fine grater);

• 1 large lemon;

• 1 kg of sugar.


1. Grated peel is poured with cold water, covered with a lid. She needs to be allowed to infuse for three days, while the water changes daily.

2. After 3 days, crusts must be boiled, drain the liquid, pour the remaining mass with sugar.

3. The contents are placed on a slow fire, cooked in the same way as jam.

4. At the very end, lemon juice is squeezed, the mass is poured into molds and sent to the refrigerator. On the next day, you can already try delicious and healthy marmalade.

If the bergamot fruits could not be found for sale, they can be easily grown at home, since citrus is very unpretentious, tolerates any weather and is not afraid of direct sunlight. The plant will delight the interior with its attractive appearance, and the fruits themselves can then be used to make tea or marmalade.

The main contraindications to the use of the product

Bergamot, whose beneficial properties positively affect the general condition of the body, has its contraindications, like any other citrus.

1. Strong tea based on citrus is strictly forbidden to drink at night for people who have trouble sleeping. It is advisable to drink the drink in the morning.

2. The use of bergamot in any form is prohibited in the presence of individual intolerance in humans to citrus.

3. Aromatherapy is not recommended for children who have not reached the age of 12 years. Then only after consultation with a doctor.

4. When using bergamot for cosmetic purposes, do not go out in the sun for several hours, otherwise pigmentation may appear on the skin.

5. During pregnancy and lactation, citrus should not be used too often, since an allergic reaction can develop in a child.

Bergamot - A very useful citrus, it has not so many contraindications, therefore it is not difficult to follow the basic rules of consumption. The fetus actually has a positive effect on the immune system, so if you are not allergic to citrus, you can drink delicious and aromatic tea daily, and arrange aromatherapy for the whole family at home once a week.


Watch the video: Dangers of Essential Oils: Top 10 Essential Oil Mistakes to Avoid. Dr. Josh Axe (July 2024).