Salt lamp recovery: benefits and features of using the device. Side effects from a salt lamp, harm to ionization


A salt lamp is an ordinary lamp with an electric bulb placed inside a rock salt lamp.

When the bulb begins to heat up, it also warms up the salt, contributing to the release of ions with a negative charge into the surrounding space.

Such an air ionizer has many benefits and has virtually no shortcomings.

Salt lamp: the benefits of using the device at home

With the method of air ionization, a salt lamp is capable of treating, first of all, diseases of the respiratory tract and organs, increasing the body tone, energy charge, working capacity, improving the functioning of the brain, and increasing the body's natural resistance to various infections and diseases.

The treatment and preventive opportunities of the salt lamp are much greater. It can be used to treat:

1. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels, for example, hypertension, angina pectoris, cerebrovascular accident, thrombophlebitis. The lamp has an anticoagulant effect on the body, in which ions with a negative charge positively affect the blood microcirculation. As a result, a slowdown in the formation of cholesterol plaques and stabilization of blood pressure.

2. Rheumatism - you can get rid of the constantly present pain in the joints arising from movements and pressure. This improves sleep and appetite.

3. Respiratory diseases - influenza, bronchitis, sinusitis, acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis. The protective layer of the lung alveoli is stabilized, which prevents the formation of swelling, inflammation, and hemorrhage. The vital capacity of the lungs themselves is also increasing. The body's defenses significantly increase, as does its tone, physical activity.

4. Diseases of the digestive system - these include an ulcer of the duodenum and stomach, gastritis. There is an activation of secretory cells located in the stomach, cramps, dyspeptic manifestations, painful sensations go away. Due to the acceleration of the process of cell regeneration, the state of the gastrointestinal mucosa improves.

5. Allergic manifestations, including allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, any kind of allergy manifestation. When air is ionized in a room, a salt lamp will reduce the concentration of allergens and dust in it. Also, the lamp is able to relieve skin rashes, dermatitis, urticaria, eliminate wheezing and facilitate the manifestation of asthmatic attacks.

6. Female diseases - problems with the regularity of the cycle of menstruation, hypolactation. There is an improvement in blood circulation in the pelvic organs and at the same time glands of internal secretion.

7. Diseases of the nervous system - stress, irritability, neurosis, sleep problems, fatigue, depression, neuralgia. The lamp exerts an anti-stress effect on the body by normalizing the ion exchange of calcium in the cells of the body.

8. Skin diseases, including damage to the integument, trauma, burns, inflammatory processes, fractures. Having an antibacterial effect, the salt lamp perfectly disinfects the surface of the body, relieving pain and significantly accelerating the rehabilitation process, especially in the postoperative period.

The translucent salts on the lamp have a crystalline structure, so the light through them lays soft and pleasant. You can choose a specific one from several shades that will beneficially affect the nervous system and improve the quality of sleep.

Contraindications to the use of a salt lamp: harm from the ionization procedure

Salt lamp is a device famous for its positive effect on the body and has virtually no side effects. Of the possible disadvantages, one can single out only the impossibility of using the unit by people with individual intolerance, which is very rare. In most cases, the body's reaction to the salt lamp is more than positive.

But with initial use, you should carefully monitor the health status and emerging changes. If they suddenly turn out to be negative, unpleasant, then the ionization procedure should be stopped and consult a doctor.

According to many years of experience using salt lamps, there are no other contraindications. But before use it will be useful to study the reviews of people who have already tried this method for the body.

Much depends on the place of production of the lamps. Instruments from Pakistan attract radiation faster than others; Artyomovsk lamps are capable of emitting lime that is difficult to remove from the lungs.

Varieties of salt lamps: the benefits of each color

The size of the lamp is able to increase the radius of the positive effect, the shape of the lamp does not at all affect the quality of its work. But the color of the lamp plays an important role. Each of the possible carries a certain basic function:

• a white lampshade purifies the air most efficiently and disinfects the room;

• the yellow ceiling gives dim light, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas, and also improves the functioning of the liver and gall bladder;

• orange color relieves stress, relieves feelings of fear, heals nervous disorders, improves the overall psychological state;

• bright red tones better than others affect the state of the cardiovascular system, improving bioenergy;

• Brown shades help achieve inner harmony.

Rules for choosing and using a salt lamp with benefit

Salt lamps differ in size and configuration. Usually salt blocks for lampshades are manually processed. Therefore, choose a salt lamp based on some recommendations:

• The standard exposure radius of the luminaire is approximately 3 meters. Therefore, for spacious rooms, you need to purchase either several lamps or large-sized appliances;

• the most favorable place for the location of the lamps is the head of the bed, effectively place the lamp in rooms with a large number of electrical appliances;

• luminaires have an additional nightlight function, so it can be used in those rooms where it is necessary to make safe movement in the dark.

The salt lamp is a soft ionizer, so you can leave it on when it is on.

The average duration of operation of the device at maximum load is 10 years. The device is suitable for placement in absolutely any room, but subject to a remote location from moisture sources, for example, sinks, stoves in the kitchen, aquarium, humidifier. Therefore, do not place the lamp in the bathroom.

The lamp does not require special care - with a dry cloth or vacuum cleaner periodically clean its surface from accumulated dust.

For anyone who seeks to maintain a healthy lifestyle, such an acquisition as a salt lamp will become very relevant.


Watch the video: Put Himalayan Salt Lamp In Your Bedroom And This Will Happen (June 2024).