Mannik on kefir in a slow cooker - baked simply, eaten quickly! Recipes of different manna on kefir in a slow cooker


If not everyone loves semolina, then hardly anyone will refuse a pie from this cereal! Fragrant and rosy mannika will decorate any table and cheer up.

In order not to spend a lot of time on its preparation, we will use a slow cooker.

In it, the manna will not burn, it will bake and it will turn out exactly the way it should!

Mannik on kefir in a slow cooker - general principles of preparation

The dough for manna is kneading liquid, fluid. By consistency, it resembles a thick sour cream. If the prescription eggs need to be beaten to foam, then the dough will be light, airy, with small bubbles. Baking from it turns soft, lush.

The main ingredients of the test:

• Semolina. Mortgaged alone, but can be combined with flour, ground nuts and other bulk ingredients.

• Kefir. Usually they pour cereal in advance so that the semolina is swollen. Wonderfully yogurt copes with the role of kefir, you can take fermented baked milk or natural yogurt.

• Eggs. Present in almost any recipe. If you have them very large, then you can reduce the number. If the egg is small, then add one more.

• Sugar. It is also always present in the pie, as the pastries are sweet.

Often in manna add berries, a variety of fruits, including dried. There are lots of baking recipes that completely change the idea of ​​a modest cake. In a slow cooker, manna is prepared in the baking mode, on average, it takes from 50 to 70-80 minutes.

Simple mannik on kefir in a slow cooker without flour, without oil

The recipe for ordinary manna on kefir in a slow cooker. It can be easily prepared for family tea drinking, if you soak semolina in advance.


• semolina 200 grams;

• flour 250 grams;

• 200 grams of sugar;

• three eggs;

• 0.5 sachets of ripper.


1. We take kefir, it is better to use a drink at room temperature. Fill the grits, leave for an hour.

2. Throw eggs in a bowl. Pour sugar to them, beat until lush and thick foam, as for a biscuit.

3. Gently mix the swollen croup with the eggs, add the cultivator.

4. Pour vanilla into the dough, throw the grated zest.

5. We shift the magnificent dough into a saucepan from the multicooker, lubricate it in advance.

6. Set to bake for an hour. Cool a little in the bowl, then take out on a flat dish.

Mannik on kefir in a slow cooker with flour

The recipe for a more rich and tasty manna on kefir in a slow cooker. This cake is somewhat reminiscent of a biscuit. It can be greased with jam, jam, and glaze on top. The result is a gorgeous dessert.


• three eggs;

• a glass of semolina;

• a glass of flour;

• a glass of kefir;

• a glass of sugar;

• half a pack of oil;

• vanilla, cultivator.


1. The oil for this test can be used softened. But nothing will happen if it is melted and cooled. We act as conveniently and depending on the condition of the existing product. But do not forget to grease a slow cooker with a small piece.

2. Kefir pour cereal. Let the main mixture swell for half an hour.

3. Mix the butter with sugar, transfer to the kefir mixture, stir.

4. The eggs are broken. If you want to get a more magnificent and porous cake, then you can beat them with half the prescription sugar to a dense foam. But you can just shake and pour into the dough.

5. Pour the cultivator to the flour, sift them together and pour into the dough.

6. Add vanilla, mix gently.

7. We transfer the dough for manna into the previously prepared cup.

8. Close the slow cooker, set the pastries, cook 60-70 minutes. If you want to brown the crust on the other side, then about fifteen minutes before the end of cooking, you can turn the cake over.

Mannik on kefir in a slow cooker with cottage cheese

A variant of cottage cheese manna, which is also cooked on kefir. This pastry has an unusual aroma and delicate taste. Cottage cheese should not be taken dry, let it be of medium humidity.


• cottage cheese 300 grams;

• a glass of semolina plus 2 tablespoons;

• three eggs;

• a bag of vanilla;

• 0.75 cups of sugar;

• a glass of kefir;

• 10 grams of oil;

• 0.5 pack of ripper.


1. Soak the cereal in kefir, pour the sugar too. Stir and forget about the trio for half an hour.

2. Grind the cottage cheese. If there are a lot of lumps in it, then you can use a sieve and wipe the product well. Add the eggs. You can throw a couple of spoons of sour cream in dry cottage cheese to add tenderness to the product.

3. Mix the swollen semolina and curd, put the ripper with vanilla.

4. Take a piece of oil, grease the slow cooker, sprinkle with semolina on top, which goes separately according to the recipe. It will take about two spoons.

5. We shift the curd dough into the prepared saucepan.

6. Level the layer with a spatula, the thickness should be uniform.

7. We bake mannik 60 minutes, using the appropriate mode.

Mannik on kefir in a slow cooker with corn flour

A variant of a yellowish manna on kefir in a slow cooker. The cake has not only a beautiful color, but also a very pleasant aroma. If there is no cornmeal, you can grind the corn grits on a coffee grinder, and then sift it.


• 400 ml of kefir;

• 50 grams of semolina;

• 150 grams of corn flour;

• 120 grams of sugar;

• 3 eggs;

• 50 ml of milk;

• 100 ml of vegetable oil;

• 2 tsp cultivator;

• vanilla optional.


1. Dissolve semolina in kefir. Let us insist that the grains swell. The mass will become much thicker.

2. Beat the eggs, add sugar to them. The softness of a manna depends on how magnificently beat this mass.

3. Pour the eggs into the semolina mixture, then add the corn flour mixed with two small spoons of the cultivator to them.

4. Add milk and vegetable oil to the dough. We use an odorless sunflower product.

5. Stir, roll the vanilla, pour into the greased form from the multicooker.

6. Bake the corn manna 70 minutes. The pie will turn out quite lush and high, it is advisable to check the readiness for a dry stick.

Apple mannik on kefir in a slow cooker

Fresh apples are used for such a manna, you can take sour, unripe, in general, any fruits that are at home. The cake will be wonderful anyway.


• egg;

• a glass of semolina;

• two apples;

• a glass of kefir;

• a pinch of cinnamon;

• 7 grams of cultivator;

• 0.5 cups flour;

• a glass of sugar.


1. Mix cereal with kefir, leave aside. Preferably for an hour.

2. Break the eggs, throw the sugar, beat until foam and add flour to them.

3. Introduce the semolina mixture, put the cultivator, stir everything neatly.

4. Cut apples into slices, sprinkle with cinnamon, you can sprinkle with lemon juice to make the cake taste brighter. Many people prefer to add grated zest, which can also be done.

5. Stir the apples in the semolina dough, transfer to a container from the multicooker.

6. Turn on the baking.

7. Cook manic on one side for 50 minutes.

8. Take a basket from a double boiler, turn the cake over.

9. Cook on the second side for another ten minutes.

10. Take out the apple mannik immediately on a plate, optionally sprinkle with powder. It can be used both in warm and in a cooled form.

Mannik on kefir in a slow cooker with raisins

A variant of a very juicy and sweet cake, in which soaked raisins are added. The dough is slightly different from the classic one, prepared with margarine. If there is a desire, then you can replace it with oil, it will be even tastier.


• eggs 2 pieces;

• 80 grams of margarine;

• 150 ml of kefir;

• 50 ml sour cream;

• a glass of semolina;

• 2/3 glasses of sugar;

• 0.3 cups flour;

• soda, salt;

• 80 grams of raisins.


1. Rinse the raisins, pour the cold water and pour hot, leave to insist next to the dough, which is now kneading.

2. In a bowl, break the eggs, add a pinch of salt, throw sugar, you can add a bag of vanilla.

3. Submerge the mixer and beat the dough. But not up to fluffy foam. It is enough to bring the mass to uniformity and allow the grains to dissolve a little.

4. Add kefir, pour semolina, immediately put sour cream, soda and a third of a glass of flour. All is well stirred. Here you can also use a mixer. Immerse and whisk for a couple of minutes.

5. Set the dough aside, let the croup swell for about twenty minutes in the total mass.

6. Drain the water from the raisins, put it on a paper napkin and cover the second one from above. Dry in this way.

7. Pour the swollen grapes into the dough, stir.

8. We send the mass to the slow cooker, lubricated in advance with a drop of oil.

9. Level the layer, you can simply twist the cup a little in your hands.

10. Set to bake for an hour. Turning this cake is optional. Cool, chop, serve!

Mannik on kefir in a slow cooker - useful tips and tricks

• Many mannica recipes lack salt. But it is she who will make the crumb taste rich, full, so you can safely add a small pinch to the dough.

• If the semolina is collected in lumps and cobwebs can be seen in the croup, then most likely bugs got into it. In the old days, such cereals were roasted in the sun or dried in the oven. It’s better not to do this and just throw away the product.

• If you need to replace the cultivator with soda, do not forget to extinguish it. The easiest way is to pour the powder into acidic kefir, on which mannik is prepared.

• If the cake doesn’t want to pop out of the multicooker capacity, then there is no need to rush. Let it stand a little in it, damp, then it will pop out easier. But next time it will be better to lubricate the bowl or cover it with an oiled piece of parchment.

• If dried fruits are added to the manna: raisins, dried apricots, prunes, then they can be pre-soaked in warm water. This technique will increase the amount of filling, make manna more juicy and tasty.


Watch the video: Trim Healthy Mama RECIPE: Double-Fermented Kefir (July 2024).