Canned salads are the best recipes. How to cook canned salads correctly and tasty.


Canned salads - general principles and methods of preparation

The modern pace of life teaches us to save time, in this case, those who distribute things in advance win. Salad preservation is a process for those who want to solve two problems at once - long-term storage of vegetables and fruits and preparation of products for quick consumption. Just a little effort in the summer season, and in winter and spring you will be provided with delicious delicious ready-made salads that will perfectly complement the main table or become an independent dish, just to have a bite.

Now you will not surprise anyone with a Bulgarian store salad, which at one time was a terrible shortage, but the recipes from the treasured jars are overgrown with new details and variations, and today the store salad, even the most delicious and expensive, can not be compared with homemade pickled pepper from your own garden.

Salad is truly universal food. With the advent of preservation - that is, special processing of food products, which negates the vital activity of many microorganisms that can spoil food, we got the opportunity to indulge ourselves with vegetable salads of our own preparation all year round.

Most of the recipes consist of the most common and affordable dishes: tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, carrots and cucumbers. Almost all recipes of canned salads are reduced to cutting pieces of the same size, stacked in jars in layers or mixed, and filled with marinade with vegetable oil. There are few people who don’t like these goodies, so we roll up our sleeves and go into battle!

Canned Salads - Product Preparation

Canned salads can be divided into tomato, eggplant, salads from beets, cucumbers and peppers, but assortments are most common. Almost all of them are prepared according to the same principle, only the number of ingredients is different, but the names please. In addition to vegetables, you must stock up on spices - this is garlic, hot pepper and various herbs - dill, parsley.

To prepare salads, strong, firm, even slightly unripe vegetables are taken. The fresher the vegetables, the better the canned food, and the longer they are stored. Of course, it is best to collect vegetables from the garden. But if you do not have this notorious garden, you can successfully use the market option, you only need to choose those products that have not been in the open sun for a long time in a torn state.

Canned Salads - The Best Recipes

Recipe 1: canned salad "Ten"

A summer abundance of vegetables needs to be used. This very popular appetizer of vegetables is simply prepared: after all, how convenient it is to measure vegetables individually - no kilograms, weights, or other difficulties.

Ingredients: Tomatoes, peppers, carrots, eggplant (10 each), garlic (1 head), hot pepper (1 pc), sugar (1 tablespoon), salt (1 tablespoon), vegetable oil 1 cup.

Cooking method

We clean large eggplants, and simply cut small ones into cubes, cut tomatoes into large pieces. Peppers peeled from seeds are cut into large slices, bitter peppers are cut very finely. Carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater or cut into strips. Garlic is finely chopped. Prepared vegetables are mixed in a pan with the rest of the ingredients, and brought to a boil over high heat. Stew for 1.5 hours, put in sterilized jars and roll up. Turn over and leave to cool.

Recipe 2: Preserved Rainbow Assorted Salad

The assortment really turns out to be rainbow, in a transparent marinade, multi-colored vegetables look very elegant and appetizing. This is a wonderful decoration of the festive table or a great snack for dinner with your family, in general, a separate ready-made dish for any feast.

Ingredients: cucumbers (2 kg), tomatoes (kg), multi-colored bell pepper (1 kg), zucchini (1 kg), squash (1 kg), bay leaf, black pepper, dill, celery, parsley, citric acid (4 tbsp. )

Cooking method:

At the bottom of the cans, greens are laid out, on top 5 peas of pepper and a couple of bay leaves. Next, the layers are vegetables in the following order: cucumbers, squash, peppers, zucchini and tomatoes on top. Each layer is laid with greenery. Marinade is made from 1.5 liters of water and citric acid. Boil and cool to 60 degrees, pour vegetables, covering them with marinade, but not topping to the top. Pasteurize 25 minutes, roll up.

Recipe 3: Canned Tomatoes with Cucumbers

Of course, if you take the pink giant tomato variety, the salad will turn out to be more refined, but you can also take ordinary cream. In winter, this salad tastes better than from winter tomatoes, just drain the pickle and add a little fresh chopped onion.

For marinade:
Water (1 liter), salt (2 tablespoons without top), sugar (4 tablespoons without top), vinegar (4 teaspoons). Bay leaf. Black pepper peas are laid out in each jar.
tomatoes, cucumbers, salt, vinegar, allspice and black pepper, bay leaf.

Cooking method:

Tomatoes and cucumbers are taken in a ratio of 5: 1. Try to take strong and slightly unripe vegetables. We cut the cucumbers into circles, and the tomatoes into slices, without stirring and without injuring them once again. Distribute in liter cans. Pour the juice into a saucepan and boil, diluting with water. Marinade: add salt, sugar, vinegar, bring to a boil and pour jars on the shoulders. In each jar add 4 peas of black pepper, 1-2 peas of allspice. We sterilize for 8-10 minutes.

Recipe 4: Canned Tatar Salad

Tomato juice is used as a sauce in this Tatar salad. Of course, it is better to get it at home from ripe red tomatoes. Some housewives call this salad "Tatar song". He really is like a song. Try it - you won’t regret it.

Ingredients: Eggplant (4-5 kg), garlic (2 heads), onions (2 heads), carrots (2 pcs), apple (2 pcs), sweet red pepper (2 pcs), tomato juice (2 liters), vegetable oil ( 2 cups), vinegar (1 cup), half a cup of salt.

Cooking method:

Cut the eggplants into small cubes, chop the garlic, onion, carrots, grate the apple on a coarse grater, finely chop the pepper. Mix tomato juice and vegetable oil, warm and add onion, carrots, apple and pepper to the sauce. Boil. Add eggplant and cook for 45 minutes. The finished "song" fits into liter jars, rolls and cools. On cold winter evenings, you will remember the summer warmth with this salad, cooked with great love!

Canned Salads - Useful Tips from Experienced Cookers

The first thing you need in preparing for canning is to stock up with a seaming machine and tongs, as well as prepare a set of kitchen utensils - an enameled bucket and bowls, large pans, measuring containers, a colander, grater, meat grinder, and metal lids. You can use new cans with lids - spins. Also take care of spices and salt. You will need: black pepper, bay leaf, allspice, greens. Cans are checked for chippings and cracks, washed, sterilized and dried. To increase the boiling time, a little salt can be added to the water. When removing the jar, place it only on a dry surface, otherwise it may burst.


Watch the video: How to Use Canned Sardines From a Michelin Star Chef! CHOW-TO (June 2024).