Do bananas relieve migraines more effectively than medications?


For twenty long years, Lisa Poyner suffered from severe migraine attacks. Traditional relief therapy did not bring. Ordinary bananas helped to get rid of the pain. Sensing an impending attack, Lisa immediately ate a banana. A woman tries to eat bananas regularly, but there is one caveat: it is necessary to eat a banana before the migraine reaches its fullest extent. It’s categorically impossible to lose time, otherwise a woman’s limbs become numb and disorientation occurs in space.

For the first time Lisa Poyner felt the agonizing effect of migraine when she was a teenager. After the birth of children, symptoms significantly increased. Doctors find it difficult to diagnose the exact cause of the pain, although the woman has undergone all the necessary examinations.

Without waiting for effective help from physicians, Lisa eventually revealed a certain regularity: the attacks began if she experienced a feeling of hunger, manifested when the level of sugar was low.

Bananas contain a significant amount of carbohydrates, so they maintain normal sugar, preventing nausea, headaches and other "charms" of migraine. In addition, bananas are extremely rich in magnesium, potassium and vitamins of groups B12, B6. That is why these fruits should be eaten during periods of mental and physical stress. It is not in vain that a banana is considered a fruit of “good mood,” because it contains tryptophan, which is transformed into serotonin, which improves well-being and helps to relax.


Watch the video: What foods can trigger a migraine ? Protect your health - Health Channel (June 2024).