Mingrelian Khachapuri - tasting better with double cheese! The best recipes of the famous megrelian khachapuri


Mingrelian Khachapuri differs from other types in the second layer of cheese.

It covers products from above, fry until rosy color and full of unique aroma.

Megrelian Khachapuri - General Cooking Principles

There are a lot of test options for Megrelian khachapuri. Appetizing flat cakes with filling are prepared from yeast, kefir and even puff pastry. In the latter version, it is very convenient that you can always purchase a finished product. If you use homemade dough, then prepare closed tortillas with filling. Then they are greased and sprinkled with a layer of cheese. If the dough is puff ready, then it is not necessary to make round cakes, you can choose another shape that reduces the number of scraps of dough.

For the filling, different types of cheese and curd products are used. But the leader is the Suluguni. With him, baking is simply incomparable. This cheese is also ideal for sprinkling on top. If there is no suluguni, then you can take another product, but only one that melts well.

Khachapuri with double cheese is baked only in the oven. They do not make a small temperature, they immediately set it at 200 degrees, since they are prepared quickly enough.

Megrelian Khachapuri with Double Cheese (Suluguni)

The dough is prepared from a mixture of kefir with sour cream. Equal proportions are indicated, but if something is missing, then you can add a second product more. Dough without yeast.


• 125 g sour cream;

• 125 g of kefir;

• 0.5 tsp salts;

• 300 g flour;

• 80 g butter;

• 0.5 tsp soda;

• 1 tsp Sahara.

For the filling you will need Suluguni cheese (0.2-0.3 kg), one egg for lubrication.


1. The undoubted advantage of this recipe is the dough. Since it is cooked without yeast, it does not need to stand. We mix kefir and soda, wait until they react.

2. Melt the butter, cool a little and add to the kefir. Now you can fill up the rest and stir. Flour is indicated in an approximate amount. The dough should be made for modeling, but not plasticine, but soft and lush.

3. Close the dough, let it stand, while preparing the filling.

4. Suluguni just need to be rubbed with small chips.

5. We take out the dough, roll out a small cake.

6. Put in the center most of the cheese, leave a little for sprinkling.

7. Raise the edges of the cakes, pinch everything together.

8. Now the bun with the filling needs to be turned over and rolled out the cake. We do this carefully so as not to break through the layer. If suddenly the dough is a little steep and poorly stretched, you can leave the bun for five minutes, let it rest. The thickness of the khachapuri should be about a centimeter.

9. It is desirable to cover the baking sheet, but you can simply lubricate it. Transfer the cake.

10. Grease with an egg, sprinkle with Suluguni, previously set aside. The layer should not be thick, it is enough to dust the top.

11. Bake at 190 degrees. The temperature in the oven is approximately 200 degrees. As soon as the product is browned, the top cheese is fried, removed.

Mingrelian Khachapuri made from yeast dough

A variant of khachapuri, which is prepared from yeast dough. It starts on ordinary water, but you can also take milk or whey, it will be even tastier.


• 350 g of suluguni;

• 250 ml of water;

• 1 tablespoon of sugar;

• 5 g of yeast;

• 40 ml of oil;

• egg;

• 1 tsp without a tuber of salt.


1. As expected, for a yeast dough we use a warm liquid, regardless of its type. Dissolve the yeast, sugar can be poured immediately. Let stand so that the grains disperse.

2. Now add the salt, pour the vegetable or melted butter, put the flour. We knead the dough with enthusiasm, it should become homogeneous, soft.

3. Cover it with a napkin, let it stand for 1.5 hours.

4. We rub the suluguni, set aside a couple of spoons to sprinkle the pastries on top.

5. Immediately beat the egg. If you want to get a golden crust, then you can use only the yolk, for flowability add half a spoonful of milk or the same amount of water, mix well.

6. The dough should come up and increase. We get it out of the bowl.

7. Put the lump on a powdery table, make a cake, pack the filling.

8. Roll out a new cake, now with the filling. Transfer to a baking sheet.

9. Grease with egg, sprinkle with laid cheese.

10. It remains only to bake. We send it to a cabinet warmed up to two hundred degrees, we are waiting for the appearance of a delicious crust.

Megrelian Khachapuri from puff pastry with feta cheese and suluguni

A simplified Megrelian khachapuri recipe. The dough can be taken as yeast or regular. In any case, baking with cheese is simply amazing.


• 400 g of dough;

• 150 g of suluguni cheese;

• 200 g of feta cheese;

• 1 egg.


1. From puff pastry you can make round khachapuri, that is, a classic shape. But why do we need waste and scrap? It is better to cook a rectangular cake. We get out the dough, let it go.

2. For now, let's get stuffed. We rub the suluguni and set aside exactly half for sprinkling.

3. Brynza need to grind, add to suluguni. Stir.

4. Just beat the egg with a fork so that the yolk and protein merge together.

5. Expand the layer and evaluate its shape, figure out how the cake will look if you roll the sheet in half. Hence and dance. If the cake is narrow. Then roll out the rectangle in length. If it turns out short, then roll a little wide. Cut in half.

6. Transfer one part to the baking sheet, it will be the bottom.

7. We spread the cake with the egg, especially carefully process the edges.

8. Spread a layer of filling with feta cheese.

9. Cover with a second cake, pinch the edges.

10. Grease the surface with an egg, sprinkle with delayed shavings from suluguni.

11. The principle of baking is exactly the same: set at 200 degrees, we are waiting for the melting of the top cheese and brown crust.

Megrelian Khachapuri with cottage cheese and cheese

A variant of amazing filling for khachapuri, very tender and juicy. Cottage cheese will need fat, with a dry product it will turn out not so tasty. Cheese is used in any hard variety.


• 170 ml of water;

• 1 tsp yeast

• 1 tsp Sahara;

• 250 g flour;

• salt;

• 3 tablespoons of oil.

For the filling you will need 250 grams of heap and 120 grams of cheese, also prepare an egg for lubrication.


1. We heat the water, add to it all the ingredients of the dough, except flour. Let stand so that the products are dispersed, pour flour. Knead the dough, if necessary, then add more flour.

2. Put in a high bowl or in any saucepan, cover with linen cloth and leave for two hours.

3. Rub the cottage cheese with salt. The filling should be homogeneous.

4. Three cheese, half left. Throw the second part to the cottage cheese, stir.

5. We get the dough, which should already increase well in size.

6. Sprinkle the table with flour, roll the tortilla, wrap the filling and make the finish rolling. Transfer to a baking sheet.

7. Now the turn of the egg. Beat it and coat the cake well from all sides.

8. Sprinkle with grated and deferred cheese, bake until golden brown.

Megrelian Khachapuri with Yogurt

Yogurt dough is one of the most delicious. It is perfect for megrelian khachapuri. If there is no yogurt, then you can use tan, ayran, in extreme cases, kefir.


• 2 eggs;

• 1 cup yogurt;

• 50 g of oil;

• salt;

• 2 cups of flour;

• 0.5 tsp soda.

For the filling, 200 g of cottage cheese and 200 g of cheese.


1. In the yogurt put salt and soda, stir.

2. Add butter, necessarily melted, but not hot, stir.

3. Put one whole egg, and from the second only protein. The yolk will be used to lubricate the surface of the formed khachapuri.

4. Add the flour, knead.

5. Grate the cheese, put it back a little on topping. Stir the remaining shavings with cottage cheese, put salt to taste.

6. From the dough we form the usual tortilla with the filling. How to do this is described in the recipes above. You can make some small cakes.

7. The yolk, which was postponed earlier, is mixed with a teaspoon of water.

8. Grease the cake, sprinkle with cheese.

9. It remains only to bake! The temperature is again 200, you should not do lower.

Megrelian portioned khachapuri with cheese

Another version of baking, which is prepared from puff pastry. These products are portioned, it is convenient to take them with you. You can take any cheese in the filling.


• 400 g of dough;

• 250 g of cheese in the filling;

• 1 egg;

• 50 g of cheese for sprinkling.


1. Puff pastry needs to be rolled out to a thickness of three millimeters.

2. Divide it in half, lay it on top of each other and cut it into squares. But you can make khachapuri and another form. We measure so as to avoid scraps.

3. Cooking the filling, just rub the cheese.

4. Beat the recipe egg, do it without any additives.

5. Cheese for sprinkling must also be grated. It must be hard and melt well.

6. Remove the upper squares, take a brush, lower the flat cakes completely miss the egg.

7. We spread the cheese filling.

8. We return back the squares removed earlier. We lay out so that all sides coincide, we press the edges with our fingers.

9. Grease the formed khachapuri on top, sprinkle with a second cheese.

10. It remains only to transfer to a baking sheet and bake.

Megrelian Khachapuri - Useful Tips and Tricks

• So that a beautiful crust appears on the khachapuri, it is important to use good cheese to sprinkle, which melts and fries. You can save on the filling by adding cottage cheese, feta cheese and other similar products to it.

• No yogurt? You can use any sour-milk drink. A good dough is obtained on whey. If there is nothing at all, then even sour sour cream, diluted with boiled, but not hot water, will do.

• After adding soda to kefir, let the mixture stand for a while so that the reaction passes. As soon as the mass settles, the foam ceases to be produced, the remaining ingredients are added.


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