Capital Salad - the best recipes. How to cook tasty and tasty Stolichny salad.


Capital salad - general principles and methods of preparation

Stolichny salad can be safely called the pride of the Soviet hostesses, it was prepared for all festive events, even today, with a large number of exotic salads, one can often hear that the table is poor and incomplete if it does not have the traditional Stolichniy salad ...

Capital salad - product preparation

The main preparation of products for the Stolichniy salad consists in boiling vegetables. Carrots and potatoes are thoroughly washed and put in a pan with salted water, after the vegetables are cooked, they are cooled and cut into cubes.

The preparation of the rest of the ingredients for the salad depends on the composition of the dish, because today there are quite a large number of cooking options for everyone's favorite hearty and nutritious salad with mayonnaise.

Recipe 1: Classic Capital Salad

Chicken and vegetables, dressed with mayonnaise, acquire a great taste, somewhat reminiscent of the taste of the beloved "pea salad".

- 200 grams of chicken;
- 2 potatoes;
- 1 egg;
- 1 carrot;
- 1 pickled cucumber;
- 50 grams of canned peas;
- 100 grams of crab sticks or crab meat;
- 100 grams of mayonnaise (can be mixed with sour cream 50x50);
- salt.

Cooking method

The main ingredients of the salad - chicken, potatoes and eggs, must be boiled, cooled and cut into small cubes. We cut the cucumber into pieces of the same size as the other components of the salad, do the same with crab sticks or crab meat. Add the peas and mix all the ingredients. Salad should be salted and seasoned with mayonnaise. This recipe is designed for 4 servings.

Recipe 2: Capital Salad with Fish

Stolichniy salad with fish is a traditional recipe from the Soviet era, when it was difficult to find anything other than fish in stores. Prepare such a dish and remember the times of shortage, by the way, the dish turns out to be very tasty.

- 200 grams of boiled fish;
- 4 potatoes;
- 2 eggs;
- 1 apple;
- 2-3 tomatoes;
- 100 grams of gherkins (you can use ordinary canned cucumbers);
- 100 grams of green salad;
- 150 grams of mayonnaise;
- a little ketchup;
- 50 grams of olives (for decoration);
- shrimp (for decoration);
- 50 grams of red caviar (for decoration);
- salt.

Cooking method

Boiled fish should be cleaned of bones and cut into small pieces. Boil potatoes and cut into small cubes. Gherkins should be cut into circles (if instead of gherkins pickled cucumbers, cut them into cubes equal in size to the pieces of potatoes). Eggs must be boiled and crushed very finely.
All ingredients should be seasoned with mayonnaise, add a little ketchup and salt.
For decoration, use lettuce, boiled eggs, red caviar, shrimp and olives, how to use them, each housewife decides for herself, most importantly, so that fantasy does not fail.

Recipe 3: Capital Salad with Cabbage and Smoked Sausage

Salad "Capital" can be very simple and, at the same time, original, we offer an interesting recipe.

- 150 grams of fresh white cabbage (you can use Beijing or blue cabbage);
- 100 grams of canned peas;
- 1 onion;
- 100 grams of smoked sausage;
- 100 grams of mayonnaise;
- ground black pepper;
- salt.

Cooking method

Finely chop the cabbage, chop the smoked sausage into strips, and cut the onion in half rings. Mix the salad ingredients, add salt, black pepper and mayonnaise. In the event that the dish is made from white cabbage, let the salad stand for a while at room temperature before serving, so that the vegetable is saturated with mayonnaise.

Recipe 4: Capital's Salad with Apple and Cooked Sausage

Do you think apple and boiled sausage are not compatible products? You are mistaken! Try to make Stolichniy salad with such ingredients and make sure that you were mistaken before.

- 300 grams of boiled sausage;
- ½ large apple;
- 1 onion;
- 100 grams of mayonnaise;
- salt.

Cooking method

It is difficult to find a dish that is easier to prepare than this salad. Grate the apple on a coarse grater, cut the sausage into strips, onion in half rings. Mix the ingredients, dress the salad with mayonnaise and salt.

Recipe 5: Capital Salad with Turkey and Tomatoes

If you have meat such as turkey, you can very well prepare a “Capital” salad with tomatoes. This dish has an excellent taste.

- 200 grams of turkey meat;
- 2 potatoes;
- 1 egg;
- 1 tomato;
- green salad (for decoration);
- olives (for decoration);
- 50 grams of mayonnaise;
- salt.

Cooking method

Cut the boiled bird into small pieces, do the same with boiled potatoes, eggs and fresh tomatoes. Season the salad with mayonnaise (you can 50x50 with sour cream). Decorate the dish with optional products.

Capital salad - useful tips from experienced chefs

Boil vegetables in salted water, they must be of high quality.
To prepare this salad, you can use special grinders or slices, but only the hands of the hostess will be able to repeat the masterpieces of Soviet cooking.


Watch the video: Chicken russian salad Olivier salad Salata de boeuf cu pui (June 2024).