Cucumber diet - a detailed description and useful tips. Cucumber diet reviews and sample recipes.


There are no ugly women, there are only self-doubt. Each man has his own tastes and passions. Some people like thin people, and others like chubby ones. However, in any case, it never hurts to adjust your forms, as they say: “Remove the barrel and cheeks a little” to be even more seductive for your lover.

Cucumber Diet - Description and General Principles

Cucumbers contain large amounts of fiber and water (95%). If you eat about 2 kilograms of cucumbers per day, it actually turns out that you will drink 1.9 liters of water. There is satiety, but there are no extra calories.

Cucumber juice, entering the body, releases excess water from the tissues, thereby relieving us of edema. It has a slight diuretic and laxative effect, so extra pounds begin to "melt" from the first days of such a diet.

Cucumber diet - what foods can be eaten

The basis of the cucumber diet is - olive oil, fruits, vegetables and protein products of animal origin. Olive oil normalizes the gallbladder, which begins to "resent" during strict diets. Light protein foods include poultry meat (without fat and skin), eggs, beef, veal, rabbit meat and any fish (only steamed or boiled).

We can say about cereals, pasta and potatoes that one small portion (no more than 250 g) of boiled cereals (whole grain only), pasta or boiled potatoes is allowed to be eaten per day. But! Only until 12.00 and separately from other products, and even more so - from meat.

As for the cucumbers themselves, they need to be eaten directly with the skin from one and a half to three kilograms per day, and not only greenhouse, but young ground. Cucumbers can be eaten throughout the day. If they will have a strong diuretic effect on you, then you need to purchase vitamins in the pharmacy, which include a lot of magnesium and potassium, so as not to harm the heart.

It will be just great if you add a lot of leafy salads and greens to your menu, such as green basil, parsley, fresh cilantro, young garlic, green onion, arugula, oak leaf lettuce, chicory and corn. With "Chinese cabbage" you need to be careful, because in large quantities it causes intestinal colic. You need to season greens with a salt-free sauce consisting of ready-made mustard, lemon juice and olive oil.

It must be remembered that it is possible to take allowed foods only until 17.00, and then only cucumbers. To make it easier to survive in the evening "hungry cramps", it is advisable to have a solid protein dinner at 5 o’clock.

Cucumber diet - which foods should not be consumed

It is necessary to exclude the use of salt in any form - in a salt shaker, smoked meats, semi-finished products, sausage ... As an exception: a little dried kelp or natural soy sauce. They can slightly add salt to your food.

Sugar is also banned and there is no need to explain why. It is imperative to minimize simple carbohydrates, i.e., pure white rice and bread, since a gram of carbohydrates is able to retain about 4 g of water in tissues.

Food should be taken often, not less than 5-6 times a day.

Cucumber Diet - Menu Examples

Diet seven days №1

First day

For breakfast - two cucumbers and a small slice of rye bread.
For lunch - vegetable soup (radish, carrots and cucumber). Vegetables must not be fried! An Apple.
For an afternoon snack - an orange.
For dinner - a salad, which includes, in fact, the cucumber itself, herbs and olive oil.

Second day

For breakfast - one cucumber and a small slice of rye bread.
For lunch - salad (radish + cucumber), 50 g of boiled beef.
For an afternoon snack - an apple.
For dinner - salad (cucumber + greens + olive oil).

The third day

For breakfast - two cucumbers and rye bread (a small piece).
For lunch - any lean whole cereal porridge (200 g), a piece of boiled fish (100 g) and one cucumber.
For an afternoon snack - one cucumber.
For dinner - salad (cucumber + greens + olive oil).

Fourth day

For breakfast - cucumber (1 pc.) And rye bread (1 slice).
For lunch - hard cheese (20 g), cucumber (1 pc.) And any porridge from whole grain cereals (100 g).
For a snack - a pear.
For dinner - salad (cucumber + greens + olive oil).

Fifth day

For breakfast - two cucumbers and one slice of black rye bread;
For lunch - salad (cabbage + cucumber + radish + carrot) and orange.
For an afternoon snack - an apple.
For dinner - hard cheese (20 g) and salad (cucumber + greens + olive oil).

Sixth day

For breakfast - cucumber (in the amount of 1 piece) and a slice of black rye bread.
For lunch - vegetable soup (carrot, radish and cucumber) + egg + pear. Do not fry vegetables!
For an afternoon snack - mandarin.
For dinner - salad (cucumber + greens + olive oil).

Seventh day

For breakfast - a slice of black rye bread and two cucumbers.
For lunch - vegetable soup (carrot, radish and cucumber) + apple. Do not fry vegetables!
For a mid-morning snack - a cucumber (1 piece).
For dinner - salad (cucumber + greens + olive oil).

Do not forget that cucumbers can be eaten all day and in the evening.

Seven-day cucumber diet number 2

Its basis is the daily use of cucumber salad: chop a kilogram of cucumbers, add a lot of greens and season with low-fat sour cream or yogurt. Stir and divide into three receptions.

So, an approximate menu for every day:

- for breakfast - a cup of tea or coffee without sugar (naturally);
- for the second breakfast - cucumber salad + 50 g bread (coarse grinding);
- for lunch - cucumber salad + 50 g bread (coarse grinding);
- for dinner - cucumber salad + 50 g bread (coarse grinding), 1 table can be added to the evening salad. lies. olive oil;
- before going to bed - two oranges or one apple (banana, pear), you can prepare a mixture of fruits (100 kcal).

The simultaneous administration of multivitamins is recommended. You can repeat this diet only after a month and a half, not earlier.

Weight loss - from 4 to 5 kilograms per week.

Five-day cucumber diet

For breakfast - a salad consisting of cucumbers and fresh herbs, seasoned with low-fat sour cream or unsweetened yogurt (preferably home-made) + a slice of whole-grain rye bread.
For lunch - boiled chicken fillet (150 g) and salad (cucumbers + Chinese cabbage).
For a mid-morning snack - salad (cucumbers + boiled eggs + low-fat sour cream) and a slice of rye bread.
For dinner - salad (tomatoes + cucumbers + bell pepper + lemon juice + olive oil).

Repeat the menu every day. You can change the types of meat or replace them with fish. Drink water and green tea - as much as you want. Do not forget about an unlimited number of cucumbers.

Weight loss with such a diet is from 2 to 4 kg in five days.

Cucumber Diet - Useful Tips and Reviews

You can sit on any kind of diet only after consultation and permission of the doctor. Restrictions in food and its monotony can cause both the appearance of new and exacerbation of old chronic diseases. Do not forget about it!

Here are some reviews of women who were on one of the cucumber diets:

Anastasia, 37 years: “It is preferable to start eating this diet at the very end of spring - the body really missed the vegetables and gratefully responds to their intake, even in such large quantities. Tip - wait until the cucumbers grown in the open air appear, as in March, they’re too overdosed with nitrates. "

Victoria, 25 years old: “Because of the laxative and diuretic effects of cucumbers, I often had to run to the toilet. This should be taken into account by those who go to work. I took all the products with me to the office.”


Nastya 09.21.2016
I can eat cucumbers with kilograms. Well, let's see!

Lala 04.04.2016
That year I spent only 4 days on a cucumber diet and dropped 5 kilograms! Well, what else does a beautiful girl need ?!)) Now again, before the summer, I decided to throw off a couple of kilos, here I clarify the menu and all the other nuances. I recommend, of course, to everyone this wonderful diet!

Katya 04.04.2016
I eat eggs and something else that is not heavy and greasy. And I'm just so good! In general, I feel excellent, easy, cheerful. Very pleased with the cucumber diet, it is tasty and effective. I won’t even try any other diets, and my weight normalizes with this.

Ayia 04/04/2016
And for me - on the contrary. Weight is lost very actively. For six days - 4 kg. I think this is normal. And hunger does not bother at all, you just don’t need to get hung up on it! Do something, walk, chat ... In general - do not sit near the refrigerator as a victim.

Marmalade 04.04.2016
I don’t know what is wrong with me! Today is the third day on the diet, and the result is 0! What could it be? I usually lean on the Japanese diet, but I wanted to try something new ... I’ll probably have to go to the Japanese again ... I’ll hold on to the cucumber for a couple of days ...


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