Homemade potato pancakes with minced meat - faster than you think. Rosy pancakes with minced meat, cheese and vegetables


Draniki is a wonderful example of a simple and affordable meal, which, with minimal diligence and with little additions, can change almost beyond recognition. One of the favorite ways is to cook them not by themselves, but use meat and vegetable additives. Thus, very hearty dishes are obtained.

Draniki with minced meat - general principles of cooking

• Potato pancakes are made from grated or minced raw potatoes. It is recommended to rub the potato with the smallest grater, and if you use a meat grinder, then use the smallest grate.

• The chopped potatoes are slightly added and left for a while so that it gives as much juice as possible. Then lightly squeeze and mix with eggs and other products recommended in the recipe.

• Stuffing is used as a filling and put in potato pancakes during frying or wrapped in ready-made products. When baking in pots, the meat mass is layered with potato cakes. Stuffing can be anything: pork, beef or chicken. It is used both raw and fried. Fried or salted mushrooms, hard cheese or sautéed onions are often added to the meat mass. It is necessarily salted and seasoned with spices to your taste.

• Minced potato pancakes can be fried in a pan or baked in an oven on a baking sheet or in small tins. Often, first cooked ordinary pancakes in a pan. Then they wrap the stuffing from minced meat in them and bake in a small roasting pan, in a specially prepared filling.

Draniki with minced meat - "Belarusian Sorcerers"


• seven medium potatoes;

• 150 gr. home-mixed minced meat (pork, beef);

• two tablespoons of flour;

• half a teaspoon of hops-suneli;

• dried, chopped basil - 0.5 tsp;

• half a head of white onion.

Cooking method:

1. Put the minced meat in a small deep container and add finely chopped onions to it. You can rub it with an average grater.

2. Add to the mass of hops-suneli, pour the basil and half a spoonful of table salt. Shuffle everything as it should, and set aside.

3. Using the smallest grater, grind the potatoes, immediately pour two eggs into it. Pour in the sifted flour, a quarter of a spoonful of fine salt and mix well.

4. In a thick-walled pan, heat the refined oil. Pouring the potato mass with a spoon, put small oval cakes in butter and lightly crush them with a spoon.

5. On the cakes, immediately put a little minced meat, and again the potato mass on it. The meat should be completely covered with potatoes.

6. Once the bottom of the products is well browned, turn them over to the other side and fry them well too.

Draniki with minced meat and cheese in the oven, in molds


• 900 gr. raw potatoes;

• 200 gr. any stuffing;

• one egg;

• cheese, varieties "Dutch", or a mixture of any hard cheeses - 120 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Grind raw potatoes on a fine grater, and slightly pressing them with your hands, put on a sieve.

2. After waiting a quarter of an hour, transfer the grated potatoes to a bowl and add small cheese crumbs to it.

3. Slightly salt and break the egg here, mix. Add, if desired, some "For potato dishes" spices,

4. Mince meat with pepper or spices, salt and knead well.

5. Lubricate the muffin baking dishes with vegetable oil and place a little prepared potatoes, a small spoon of minced meat on their bottom and cover it again with potatoes.

6. Arrange the filled tins on a large baking sheet and cover all at once with a large sheet of foil. Place the baking tray in the oven at 180 degrees for a quarter of an hour.

7. Remove the almost finished dish, remove the foil and return to the oven for another 10 minutes.

8. Remove the hot potato pancakes from the pan and serve immediately with sour cream.

Fried potato pancakes with minced poultry and salted mushrooms - Russian Burrito


• nine raw potatoes;

• 200 grams of chicken legs;

• one egg;

• hard "Russian" cheese - 100 gr.;

• two onions;

• a tablespoon of sour cream 15% fat;

• 200 gr. salty milk mushrooms or saffron milk mushrooms.

Cooking method:

1. Chop the chicken with a heavy knife to the state of minced meat, chop the onion head in small slices. Rinse the breasts with cold water, dry them and chop them in the same way as onions.

2. On a small fire in vegetable oil, lightly sauté chopped onions. Once its slices are soft, add the mushrooms and minced meat. Stir, bring the filling to readiness under the lid. Chilled mix the filling with grated cheese.

3. Blend in mashed potatoes the remaining onion, cut into small slices.

4. Mix onion mashed potatoes with grated potatoes and mix everything with sour cream. Sour cream can not be added, but then the potato mass will darken, and potato pancakes will not turn out golden. Pepper to your taste, add salt and let stand for six minutes.

5. After this, strain the juice released from the potato and mix the potatoes with the spattered egg.

6. At medium temperature, heat the pan with vegetable fat poured into it. Put the potato mass in it in a large circle, almost in the whole pan. Gently smooth and fry on both sides. Do not fry. As soon as the bottom is seized, turn over and lightly fry the other side.

7. On a half-finished cake, put the mushroom filling and wrap the free part of the product on it. Fry both sides until a golden blush forms. Cover the pan with a lid to get a more beautiful crust.

Hearty pancakes with minced meat under cheese in the oven


• pork and beef, low-fat mincemeat - 100 gr.;

• two tablespoons of flour;

• cheese, grades "Kostroma" - 100 gr., Or any other, non-sharp;

• one large egg;

• one small onion;

• sour cream, medium fat - 1 tbsp. l .;

• five large potatoes.

Cooking method:

1. Grind the peeled potatoes with a meat grinder, and mix with onion grated on a coarse grater.

2. Introduce sour cream, beat the egg, add flour and add a little finely ground salt. To your taste pepper or lightly flavor the mixture with your favorite spices, knead with a spoon.

3. Put the minced meat in a pan and pour some vegetable oil into it. With medium heat, fry the chopped meat until cooked.

4. In a clean thick-walled pan, pour a little oil, it is better to take refined. Put it on moderate heat and heat well.

5. In hot oil, prying with a spoon, put grated potatoes in the form of small oval cakes and gently press them to the pan. Then, with a teaspoon on the flat cakes, put a little fried minced meat, and on top again the potato mass. Fry under the lid on both sides.

6. When all the potato pancakes are ready, transfer them to an oiled frypot with small sides and pour in it some meat broth or drinking water.

7. Top up with cheese chopped on a coarse grater and put in the oven. Cooking time at 200 degrees, 7 minutes. Cheese should melt well, but not crust.

A quick dinner of potato pancakes with minced meat


• a pound of potatoes;

• 100 gr. sour cream 20% fat;

• onion - 1 head;

• minced pork chopped meat - 300 gr .;

• garlic;

• flour - 50 gr.;

• one egg;

• refined oil;

• mild hard cheese - 200-250 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Mix chopped fine grater potatoes with coarsely grated onions and garlic squeezed on the press. Add a raw egg, a little salt, ground pepper and mix thoroughly. When the potato mass becomes completely homogeneous, put it in a well-heated vegetable oil with a spoon, in the form of small circles, and fry them until brown on both sides.

2. Season the minced meat and lightly add salt.

3. Put three prepared cakes in oiled clay pots. On them put one spoonful of minced meat and the same amount of sour cream and again put three pancakes, and on them minced meat and sour cream.

4. Put the filled pots on a wire rack in a preheated oven and bake for 15 minutes.

5. Remove and add grated cheese to each pot in equal amounts and return it to the oven.

6. As soon as the cheese starts to leak, serve.

Draniki with minced meat in sour cream filling under cheese


• 5 large potatoes;

• two raw eggs;

• four tablespoons of flour;

• 300 gr. minced meat;

• 200 gr. small champignons;

• cheese, varieties "Russian" - 300 gr.;

• half a glass of pasteurized milk;

• 450 gr. oily sour cream.

Cooking method:

1. Mix grated potatoes with eggs and flour. Break the eggs into the mixture, season with ground pepper, slightly salt and stir well.

2. Spoon the grated potatoes into the hot oil, fry thin flat cakes the size of a palm.

3. Once they are all ready, cover with a dense clean rag and set aside for a while.

4. The washed mushrooms are cut into small slices, chop the onions in small pieces and divide it in half. Fry the first part with mushrooms, and the other with minced meat, then combine and salt.

5. Cut the cheese into thin slices, but not all, about half.

6. Wrap the filling in draniki, in the middle of which place a block of cheese. Thoroughly lay the products in a small frypot and pour them whipped with milk and flour sour cream.

7. Top grate the cheese and put in the oven for a quarter of an hour, which you should preheat to 200 degrees.

Draniki with minced meat - cooking tricks and useful tips

• The potato dough will be thicker if the crushed potatoes are slightly squeezed and left on a sieve for a quarter of an hour so that all residual liquid comes off.

• In most recipes, as a thickener for grated potatoes, it is advised to put flour, but still it is better to replace it with potato starch. The crust of cakes in this case will be more crispy and fried.

• So that the potato "dough" does not darken, after squeezing the potatoes, immediately combine it with milk or sour cream.

• Pancakes are fried only in well-warmed butter; the cakes laid out in cold fat will spread.


Watch the video: How to Make Potato Pancakes - Classic Potato Pancakes Recipe (June 2024).