December 1: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


December 1 marks the day of victory of the squadron of Admiral P.S. Nakhimov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Sinop in 1853. This battle was one of the first in the Crimean War, and the victory of the Russian squadron over the Turks became devastating. In Russia, several days of military glory are celebrated at once; these days, victories in the battles that became decisive for the course of the history of the state are recalled.

Proclaimed by WHO in 1988, this day serves as a reminder of the importance of tackling the HIV / AIDS epidemic. On December 1, actions are traditionally held aimed at expanding public knowledge about the disease, debunking myths about it, and promoting the prevention and treatment of this disease.

This professional holiday received official status in 2000, as a tribute to the employees of the prosecutor's office of Ukraine for their contribution to the protection of human rights, the formation of Ukraine as a rule of law, strengthening the rule of law.

On this day in 1918, Iceland was proclaimed an independent state. Earlier, from 1380, it was under the control of Denmark. Throughout the 19th century, the liberation movement for the independence of Iceland gradually gained strength, whose representatives demanded to overthrow the Danish government. In 1874, they achieved limited autonomy and the adoption of a constitution, and in 1918, the independent state of Iceland appeared on the world map.

From the end of the 16th century, Portugal was in the grip of the Spanish Empire, or rather King Philip II. The country was becoming increasingly impoverished, suffering from the Inquisition and persecution of non-Christian population. This could not continue for a long time, and in 1637 a wave of popular uprisings swept across Portugal, whose leaders began to put forward demands for independence. The struggle was long and difficult, but soon Madrid had no choice but to recall the governor and recognize the independence of Portugal.

This holiday has been celebrated since 1918 - on December 1, an agreement was signed between the Kingdom of Romania and the representatives of Transylvania and Banat to unite into one state. The main goal was the joint efforts to revive Romania, which was badly damaged during the First World War.

Plato and Roman. Signposts of winter.

This day is dedicated to the memory of the great martyrs Plato and Roman, who lived in the IV century. Although they did not preach the Christian faith together, they recall them on the same day - December 1.

The omen saysthat the weather on this day can determine the nature of the coming winter, and in detail, by month: morning heat promises warm December, if it gets frosty at lunchtime, January will be harsh, but by the evening temperature we judged how fast winter would leave us . At night you can raise your head and look at the month - if a circle is visible around it, then frost will come very soon. In honor of this day, there is the following saying: "Plato and Roman show winter to us - what is this day, winter will be like that."

1800 - the city of Washington is named the capital of the United States of America.

Washington was built from scratch and was originally founded as a capital city. The American government made this decision in order to avoid disputes and rivalries between existing cities. Congress was transferred there from Philadelphia, and on December 1, 1800, a ceremony was held to declare Washington the capital.

1887 - the world saw the first novel about Sherlock Holmes.

The name of Sherlock Holmes has long been a household name, both adults and children are read books about his adventures. The first novel by Arthur Conan Doyle with the participation of this character, "Study in Scarlet", was published on December 1, in 1887. Illustrations for the first edition were painted by the father of the writer, Charles Doyle.

1891 - James Naismith invented a basketball game.

Basketball is a game that millions adore. Professional basketball competitions gather a huge number of fans, and the names of the stars of the game are familiar to every boy. However, few people know that this is not just a folk game, but the author’s idea - on December 1, teacher James Naismith decided to diversify his physical education classes in college, and, having tied two baskets to the gym railing, he suggested that students throw as many balls as possible into the opponent’s basket.

1913 - installation of the first conveyor assembly line at the Ford Motor Company factory.

On this day, an event occurred that forever changed the approach to mass production. Henry Ford sought to increase the number of cars produced and increase productivity, not even knowing how much the world would change his idea - assembly line assembly. Now it is used everywhere, from food enterprises to huge engineering plants.

1990 - The construction of the Channel Tunnel was completed.

The construction of the Eurotunnel, passing under the water column and connecting Great Britain with continental Europe, can be called one of the most ambitious and ambitious construction projects of the twentieth century. It was on December 1, 1990, that two crews of tunnels digging a tunnel from the French and British sides met halfway and united the parts of the tunnel into a whole. Since then, Britain can be reached from France in less than three hours by train.

1991 - the first presidential election and referendum on Independence in Ukraine.

On December 1, 1991, a historic event for Ukraine happened - the first round of the first presidential election was held. On the same day, a general referendum was held, to which only one question was raised: "Do you confirm the Act of Declaration of Independence of Ukraine?" Over 90% of the population eventually answered the question in the affirmative. In the presidential election, Leonid Kravchuk won.

Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky (1792 -1856), Russian mathematician, creator of non-Euclidean geometry.
One of the greatest Russian scientists and educators, Nikolai Lobachevsky devoted more than 40 years to teaching. He was an extremely versatile scientist, had deep knowledge in the field of mathematics, physics, astronomy. Lobachevsky’s groundbreaking geometry textbook, in which he departed from the then Euclidean canons, wasn’t accepted in his homeland during the life of the scientist, but was later translated into many languages ​​and is highly praised by the international community.

Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov (1896 - 1974), Soviet commander, Marshal of the Soviet Union.
One of the most famous commanders of the Second World War, Zhukov gained the greatest fame for the victory at Stalingrad - it was this defeat that ultimately became fundamental to the victory of the Soviet troops over the Nazi army. He also participated in operations to lift the blockade of Leningrad, in the Moscow and Kursk battles. It was Marshal Zhukov, on behalf of the High Command of the Red Army, who accepted the surrender of Germany on May 8, 1945.

Vsevolod Mikhailovich Bobrov (1922 - 1979), Soviet football player, hockey player, football and hockey coach.
The legendary athlete who earned fame on the football field in matches for Dynamo Moscow. However, his talents were not limited to football - Bobrov became the only participant in the Olympics in the world who was honored to be the captain of both the football and hockey teams. Injuries forced him to leave football and in the early 50s, Bobrov completely concentrated on hockey, where he could achieve even greater success. The coaching career of Vsevolod Bobrov was also remarkable - under his leadership, the USSR national hockey team won twice in the world championship.

Woody Allen (1935), American filmmaker, writer, actor, producer.
Legendary director, four times Oscar winner. His filmography is incredibly extensive and includes such classic films as "Annie Hall", "Shadows and Fog", "Bullets over Broadway", "Everything you always wanted to know about sex, but were afraid to ask." Recognition received and literary works of Allen, collections of short stories and plays. Despite his venerable age, he continues to regularly make new films, act as a producer and actor, as well as participate in comedy shows.

Gennady Khazanov (1945), Soviet and Russian actor and conversational artist.
During his long career, Gennady Khazanov managed to try himself in many genres - a parody, clownery, reprise; however, he became famous thanks to his first character - a student at a culinary college. After that, the actor brought to life many more images, and also played in the theater and cinema. Since 1997, Khazanov has been the head of the Moscow Variety Theater.

Garik Sukachev (1959), Russian rock musician, leader of the Brigade-S and The Untouchables groups, actor, director, composer.
Equally known as an actor and a musician, Sukachev has released many albums (both solo and as part of the Brigade-S and The Untouchables groups, starred in a large number of films (Fatal Eggs, Sky in Diamonds, "Zhmurki"), repeatedly and successfully tried his hand at directing ("Midlife Crisis", "Holiday", "House of the Sun").

Namedays are celebrated today by Nicholas, Plato and Roman.


Watch the video: Days, Weeks And Months Of The Year 4k (July 2024).