Sergey Lazarev threw a tantrum


Now Sergey Lazarev travels around the country with concerts. The singer has previously complained about the state of domestic roads. The reason for his last dissatisfaction was a trip in an ordinary train.

Obviously, the singer cannot adapt in any way to moving. The conditions of the VIP class are more familiar to Sergey, and the usual transport of the Russian countryside cannot satisfy his high requirements. Everything that he thinks about the back streets of our vast country, and in particular about the low quality of passenger traffic, Sergey posted on the network. However, most of the fans not only did not support him, but, on the contrary, having decided that he was very arrogant, expressed directly all their thoughts on this matter. “We all ride and nothing,” commented on the artist’s microblog with such phrases. Naturally, the singer did not really like that even the fans did not want to support him.

As a result, Sergey provoked a conflict on the blog and created a tantrum. The artist claims that he traveled on different trains, but called the usual compartment of a simple train "sransky". Addressing visitors to his blog, he said: "If you eat everything that you slip, sit and be silent in your bedbug - these are your problems!". After which he noted that he considers it necessary to express his opinion and does not need anyone's support.


Watch the video: Sergey Lazarev presents his video "Idealniy Mir" on RUTV English subtitles (June 2024).