Female opinion: good in restaurants, but better at home


It is sometimes difficult for a modern woman to combine work and life and the fair sex more and more often turn to governesses, housekeepers for help, and increasingly prefer to eat in restaurants rather than cook on their own. What do women from Russia think about this and how often do they go to restaurants to find out the information portal "Women's Opinion".

38.9% of the women surveyed said they were used to eating at home and never visited restaurants. Joint dinners with their families are for them a long-established ritual, a tradition that they sacredly honor. "And nothing improves the taste of home-made dishes like studying prices in a restaurant," they joke.

Several times a year, 34.7% of women participating in the survey visit restaurants. For them, this happens only in extreme cases on any significant dates, corporate parties, etc. "I have the opportunity to go to restaurants, but I prefer to dine at a large, cozy table with my husband and children in a comfortable home environment," they say.

33.7% of respondents eat out several times a month. But at the same time they stipulate that most often the places where they are are cafes and eateries, and not expensive restaurants. In order to have a good time, try delicious dishes and socialize with close friends.

Almost the same result was obtained by women who eat in restaurants several times a week (2.5%) and who can be found daily in these institutions (2.8%). It should be noted that those who answered like this are either single ladies who do not want to cook for themselves, or business women for whom the restaurant is a meeting with business partners, colleagues and proteges.

The restaurant business in Russia is gaining momentum, but the results of a survey conducted by the Women's Opinion portal eloquently indicate that most women still value family traditions and do not want to go to restaurants.

The survey involved 1880 people from 119 cities of Russia aged 20 to 45 years.


Watch the video: 20 Things to Avoid to Become a Real Lady (June 2024).