What is thyrotoxicosis of the thyroid gland? Signs of thyrotoxicosis of the thyroid gland, treatment, prevention


What is thyrotoxicosis of the thyroid gland? Signs of thyrotoxicosis of the thyroid gland, treatment, prevention

In the winter season, all the premises of public institutions require adequate heating. If the heating system works weaker than it should - everyone will be cold, if too active - people will feel hot and the work will stop. The role of such a heating boiler in the body is played by the thyroid gland.

Thyrotoxicosis is found in the practice of an endocrinologist everywhere. This is a violation of the thyroid gland, as a result of which the iron begins to produce excess hormones.

Drawing an analogy with heating, the boiler is too active. The word "toxicosis" was chosen more than successfully, because there are so many hormones that they poison the body.

Thyrotoxicosis (aka hyperthyroidism) is a serious disease that requires quick and effective correction.

Causes of thyroid toxicosis

Almost always the reason lies on the surface - there are problems with the endocrine system.

Among the immediate causes of thyrotoxicosis of the thyroid gland:

• Burdened heredity. A descendant inherits from the ancestors the features of the endocrine system. Although the disease itself is not inherited, a predisposition to the development of thyroid problems is inherited.

• Adverse environment. If the area is rich in iodine and its compounds, there is always a risk of thyroid pathology formation.

• The presence of diagnosed diseases of the gland. The cause of hyperthyroidism in the vast majority of cases is goiter or nodular lesion. In the presence of goiter, the thyroid gland grows and begins to produce excess hormones. The same synthesizing function is performed by nodes in the thyroid gland.

• Disorders of TSH production. TSH stimulates the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Failures sometimes occur and the pituitary gland (known as the "conductor" of the entire endocrine system) begins to produce too much thyroid-stimulating hormone. Unable to cope with the imaginary need for more active substances, the thyroid gland responds with proliferation of tissues, goiter is formed. Due to the additional tissue, new synthesizing cells develop.

• The presence of a history of autoimmune, infectious and other thyroid lesions. For example, thyroiditis Hashimoto and others.

• In extremely rare cases, hyperthyroidism is formed due to the fault of TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma.

• Benign and malignant thyroid tumors can also be responsible for hyperthyroidism.

The causes of thyrotoxicosis of the thyroid gland are numerous and are almost always associated with malfunctions of the organ itself.

The first symptoms of thyrotoxicosis of the thyroid gland

Hyperthyroidism is a serious illness. It leads to the development of symptoms from almost all organs and systems. Among the signs of thyroid toxicosis of the thyroid gland, there are:

• Mood disorders. It is observed among the first symptoms of thyrotoxicosis of the thyroid gland. "Emotional swing", a person experiences euphoria, then a sharp depression.

• Increased irritability.

• Violations of the psyche. It is quite possible the development of schizophrenic psychoses with productive symptoms (delirium, hallucinations and pseudo-hallucinations).

• Panic attacks.

• Insomnia.

• Artificial parkinsonism with muscle hypertonicity, tremor.

• Sinus arrhythmia, other disorders of the cardiovascular system, such as atrial flutter. These are dangerous signs of thyroid toxicosis.

• Sudden pressure surges. Usually tend to lower blood pressure.

• Tachycardia for no reason.

• The protrusion of the eyeballs, which has the medical name exophthalmos (this is the so-called "Bazedova disease").

• Decreased vision. As a result of atrophy of the optic nerve due to its compression. Over time, a complete loss of vision is likely.

• Diarrhea and constipation, abdominal pain, changes in appetite.

• Muscle weakness, decreased tone of the musculoskeletal system.

• Shortness of breath, suffocation as a result of a decrease in vital capacity of the lungs.

• In the genital area, the effects of decreased secretion of specific sex hormones predominate. Hence the decreased libido, impotence.

• Against the background of increased appetite, painful thinness is observed (weight loss).

Often these severe manifestations of the disease are observed in the complex. In older people, the intensity of the symptoms can be so low that the patient is not aware of the existence of the process.

Diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis

To diagnose thyrotoxicosis, the doctor must have at least minimal experience. The patient's task is to go to a consultation with a specialist endocrinologist and clearly talk about their complaints. The doctor must be consulted even if there are only suspicions of health problems.

At the reception, the doctor will ask questions regarding the patient's condition. This is a medical history. Then comes the turn of palpation. An experienced doctor may suspect hyperthyroidism already at this stage.

Further diagnostic measures include instrumental and laboratory diagnostics.

Instrumental diagnostics involves:

• Ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland. It allows you to evaluate the structure of the organ, including detecting diffuse proliferation (goiter), nodular formations, etc.

• Scintigraphy. A radioisotope study prescribed to assess the functional state of the gland.

• MRI / CT diagnostics. Appointed for visual assessment of the organ.

• Thyroid puncture. It is indicated for detected neoplasms of the thyroid gland. It is prescribed for the purpose of biopsy: taking biomaterial for histological examination.

Laboratory methods for examining the patient are designed to put an end to and clarify the situation. Assignments for hormones T3, T4, TTG. The purpose of a general blood test is also shown. In the clinical picture, inflammation (leukocytosis, increased ESR) predominates. As a rule, hormonal tests are usually enough.

Treatment of thyroid toxicosis

Treatment of thyroid toxicosis of the thyroid gland involves two main methods: conservative therapy and surgical intervention. Methods of the first type predominate, since for surgical treatment there are strictly defined indications:

• The presence of a thyroid neoplasm (both benign and malignant).

• The presence of diffuse goiter.

• The presence of TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma.

In all other cases, drug therapy is sufficient. The essence of the treatment is to eliminate the root cause of the onset of the pathological process, as well as to stop the symptoms.

Drug therapy includes:

• Drugs that suppress the production of thyroid-stimulating hormones (the so-called antithyroid drugs). This includes Tiamazole, Propylthiouracil, etc. These drugs are aimed at blocking thyroid cells. As a result, they cannot produce thyroid hormones.

• Preparations based on radioactive iodine. They are used for increased secretion of active substances. Their action is to destroy thyroid cells.

Both those and other drugs are extremely dangerous with uncontrolled use. For this reason, only a doctor should prescribe them and only after a thorough diagnosis.

Myths about thyrotoxicosis

1) Thyrotoxicosis is good, because the more thyroid hormones circulate in the blood, the higher the metabolism and activity of the body.

This is a dangerous fallacy. In fact, thyrotoxicosis destroys the body and causes a serious decrease in performance.

2) In this disease, iodine preparations are prescribed.

Iodine preparations are rarely used in practice. More often before surgery.

3) If you are treated with special drugs that suppress the production of thyroid hormones, there is a high risk of gaining weight.

Weight gain is possible, but there is no talk of obesity.

4) If a pregnant woman has thyrotoxicosis, an abortion is necessary.

A dangerous and stupid mistake. In fact, with proper therapy, a woman in labor has every chance of having a healthy baby.

5) If you remove the thyroid gland, children already will not work.

It is not true. Today, replacement therapy is carried out.

6) When resecting the thyroid gland, it is important to leave at least a small part of it.

Wrong. If the resection of the thyroid gland is incomplete, there is a high probability of relapse.

7) You can not be treated with radioactive iodine, hair will fall out and a person will not be able to have children.

In order. Hair from treatment with radioactive iodine does not fall out. Pregnancy can and should be planned, at least 6 months after the end of therapy.

These are the most egregious misconceptions.

Thyroid toxicosis prevention

There are no specialized methods for the prevention of thyrotoxicosis of the thyroid gland. However, with a few tips, you can reduce your risk to a minimum.

• Every six months, it is recommended to undergo preventive examinations.

• At the first suspicion of hyperthyroidism, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately.

• It is recommended to quit smoking and other bad habits.

• You need to eat balanced: a minimum of carbohydrates, a maximum of vitamins and minerals.

Both the first and second are especially true for people living in areas with high iodine concentrations.

Thyrotoxicosis is a complex disease. Her treatment is possible only under the supervision of a competent endocrinologist. Fortunately, today there are many effective treatment methods.


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