Miracles of kefir diet: for 7 days minus 10 kilograms. Is it possible to lose weight by 10 kg in 7 days, strictly adhering to the kefir diet?


Oh, how I want to lose weight quickly!

Of course, miracles do not happen ... and yet ... kefir diet for 7 days can provide weight loss of 5-10 kilograms (provided that the initial weight is significantly high).

Kefir seven-day period refers to the so-called mono-diets - nutrition systems, which featured one main product. How useful and safe it is to understand in order.

Kefir diet for 7 days minus 10 kilograms: nutrition principles

From the name of the diet, it is clear that the basis of the diet is kefir - a fermented milk product that is obtained by fermenting milk with fungi (yeast, lactic streptococci, acetic bacteria, acidophilus bacilli). The fat content of kefir varies from 0.5% to 8%. The diet uses kefir up to 2.5% fat.

There are several options for kefir diet. For those who are strong in spirit, a mono-diet on one kefir, water and herbal teas is offered. 1-2 liters of kefir, water and tea without restrictions are drunk per day. It is difficult to adhere to such a diet, therefore, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the body and general health.

To achieve a result of minus 10 kilograms in 7 days, a kefir diet will help with adding one or two low-calorie foods to the menu. This can be chicken breast, turkey meat, vegetables, apples, grapefruits, low-fat cottage cheese - the weight of the additional product should not exceed 600 gr. Thus, 1-2 liters of kefir and the volume of daily food are divided into several doses with equal time intervals.

Supplement your diet with the following products:

• white lean meat, beef or veal without fat;

• white fish;

• unsweetened fruits (apples, sour pears, tangerines, oranges, grapefruits, etc.);

• prunes, dried apricots;

• oat bran;

• Hercules, buckwheat, cooked in water;

• vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, broccoli, green beans, sauerkraut, etc.);

• cottage cheese up to 2% fat, natural yogurts without additives;

• herbal teas, mineral still water in unlimited quantities.

List of banned foods on the kefir seven-day diet:

• pork, fatty meat and meat products;

• fatty fish species - salmon, trout, salmon;

• bananas, grapes;

• bakery products;

• sugar and its products;

• black tea, coffee.

An approximate menu of kefir diet for 7 days, guaranteeing weight loss of 10 kilograms

Option number 1

Monday: 1.5 liters of kefir, 250 grams of boiled white meat.

Tuesday: 1.5 liters of kefir, 3 apples.

Wednesday: 1.5 liters of kefir, 250 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.

Thursday: 1.5 liters of kefir, 500 grams of fresh tomato and cucumbers;

Friday: 1, 5 liters of kefir, 250 grams of boiled white fish.

Saturday: 1.5 liters of kefir, 100 grams of prunes.

Sunday: 2 liters of kefir.

A dairy product should be chosen with a shelf life of no more than three days, fat content up to 2.5%.

Option number 2

Monday: 1 liter of kefir 2.5% fat, a pound of fresh fruit (excluding grapes and bananas).

Tuesday: 1 liter of kefir 1% fat, a pound of boiled lean beef.

Wednesday: 1 liter of kefir 2.5%, 0.5 kilograms of fresh vegetables (you can make salads and season them with lemon juice).

Thursday: 1 liter of kefir 1% and 500 grams of boiled pink salmon.

Friday: 1 liter of kefir with a fat content of 2.5%, 250 grams of fresh vegetables, 250 grams of fresh fruit.

Saturday: 1 liter of kefir 1%, boiled chicken breast (up to 500 grams per day).

Sunday: 2 liters of kefir 1% -2.5% fat.

Option number 3

Every day for a week, drink one and a half liters of low-fat (up to 2.5%) kefir and eat one of the following products with it:

• 1 kilogram of apples;

• 600 grams of boiled chicken;

• 600 grams of boiled cod;

• 1 kilogram of tomato and cucumbers (total weight, you can season with lemon juice);

• 600 grams of cottage cheese, fat content from 1% to 2%.

Important points of the kefir diet for 7 days

How to choose kefir?

In order for the diet to succeed, it is important to opt for a high-quality sour-milk product. Like most products, the production of kefir is regulated by state standards. For kefir GOST - P 52093-2003.

According to the requirements for the product, about 2.8 grams of protein and from 0.5% to 8.9% fat should be per 100 grams. Earlier it was said that kefir sourdough is a kind of symbiosis of fungi. Throughout the shelf life of a fermented milk drink, CFU (the number of forming units) should not be less than 107, and with yeast yeast - less than 104.

Kefir with the prefix "bio" slightly different from ordinary. It uses other drugs for fermentation - bifidobacteria and acidophilus bacilli. It is generally accepted that they have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, as they are characterized by long life and resistance to rapid destruction.

A direct indicator of product quality is its expiration date. In order for the kefir diet for 7 days to effectively and safely lose 10 kilograms, you should choose kefir with a short shelf life. A long shelf life indicates that kefir was added components that prevent the development of beneficial microorganisms. Such a product, being open, spoils in just a few hours, even at subzero temperatures.

Serving Size, Frequency of Meals

First of all, kefir diet is a nutrition system aimed at weight loss. It will be most effective to use kefir and additional products 4-5 times a day, with an interval of no more than 3 hours. The size of one serving should be calculated individually. The main thing is to feel full, and not heaviness after eating, to know a sense of proportion and be able to stop in time.

An example of a meal schedule on a kefir diet:

7: 30-8: 00 - breakfast;

10: 30-11: 00 - a snack;

13: 30-14: 00 - lunch;

16: 30-17: 00 - a snack;

19: 30-20: 00 - a light dinner.

Dinner should be light, simple - a glass of kefir a couple of hours before bedtime would be an ideal option to end the day.

Drinking regimen during the kefir diet for 7 days

Achieving a result of minus 10 kilograms is possible only if you adhere to strict control of food and water intake.

On the day, in addition to the fermented milk product, in unlimited quantities, it is allowed to take herbal teas and pure still water. At the same time, the minimum norm of water is 2 liters per day.

Vitamins during the diet

Since the kefir diet provides for the use of a minimum number of products and its menu is diverse, the body needs additional support. In order not to undermine health and not suffer from the consequences of a diet, you should use vitamin-mineral complexes. They will enrich the body with useful elements, normalize metabolism, improve appearance, increase immunity and even accelerate the process of losing weight.

The following vitamins are essential:

• Vitamins A, E, C, D;

• Vitamins of group B;

• Magnesium, calcium, zinc;

• Omega-3.

Sports during the diet

Sports load during the diet is allowed, because sports are a bit of a metabolism engine. However, during the hard method of losing weight, sports should be gentle - aerobics, yoga, Pilates, swimming, light jogging in the fresh air.

You need to push for sports at the end of the diet - just then there will be forces to perform more complex training complexes that will help consolidate the result.

Way out of kefir diet

Kefir seven-day diet, the result of which will be at least minus 10 kilograms - a strict, fairly rigid system of nutrition.

The way out of it should be smooth, gradual. The diet lasts a week, which means that the exit from it should take from 7 to 10 days.

Products are introduced into the diet gradually, starting with simple food and increasing portions. You can switch to the usual diet after 14 days.

Cons kefir diet for 7 days. What can cause a sharp loss of 10 kilograms?

Thinking about how to lose weight faster, you should not forget about the dangers of a mono-diet. During any mono-diet, the necessary amount of useful elements does not enter the body, there is an excess of some substances and a lack of others. This can lead to serious consequences, especially terrible of which is a metabolic disorder.

Kefir diet for 7 days is contraindicated in the following cases:

• pregnancy, lactation;

• the presence of a tumor;

• renal failure;

• heart failure;

• gastritis;

• stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer;

• gallbladder disease;

• inflammation of the pancreas;

• increased acidity;

• an allergic reaction to a diet product.

Any change in diet, and even more so mono-diet, causes stress throughout the body. If fasting days (no more than two in a row) are beneficial, then prolonged adherence to an unbalanced diet entails many side effects.

An alternative to the kefir diet can be a nutrition system, designed not for 7 days, but for each day individually. Perhaps she will not help to see so quickly minus 10 kilograms on the scales, but she will protect her health, general condition and mood. One day of such a diet, you can use kefir, provided that its intake is comfortably tolerated by the body.
