Diet Protasova: a menu for every day for weight loss and recovery. We make a menu for every day of the Protasov diet: recipes


A low-calorie diet with a restriction of fats and fast carbohydrates gives an instant result. This is exactly what Protasov’s diet is, a menu for every day for which it’s easy to compose yourself. The food is quite varied, and most importantly, tasty and healthy.

Protasov diet products and daily menus

The basis of the diet at the first stage is made up of dairy products, fresh vegetables (except for potatoes), eggs and some fruits. The first stage lasts two weeks. Here's what you need to eat:

• any vegetables without restrictions, except for potatoes: cucumbers, peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, lettuce, radishes, radishes, beets, carrots, cabbage of all kinds, lemons, greens. An important nuance: vegetables must always be fresh;

• any fermented milk products with a fat content of not more than 5%, including cottage cheese, homemade cheese, yogurt;

• one egg per day;

• three sweet and sour apples per day.

In addition, you need to drink at least two liters of fluid per day. You can drink tea and coffee, but unsweetened and without the addition of milk. It is important to observe the ratio in the diet of vegetables and sour-milk foods: per 100 grams of vegetables should account for 40 grams of kefir, yogurt, low-fat cheese.

From the third week to the end of the fifth week, meat and fish are added to the menu for every day on the Protasov diet. Only low-fat meats are suitable: beef, veal, rabbit, poultry (without skin). Pork is undesirable, but in extreme cases, you can take lean flesh. You can eat any fish, but cook it without oil and fatty sauces.

Diet Protasova: menu for every day

At the start of the diet, you can diversify the sour-milk diet with homemade cheeses, adding spices to your liking. Having mastered the preparation of cheese, you will very quickly begin to love them more than purchased cheese products.

First and second week

The basis of nutrition in the first two weeks of the Protasov diet and the menu for every day are raw vegetables, cottage cheese-based dishes, yogurt and eggs. Duration - 4 days.


• Breakfast: cottage cheese pancakes without flour and sugar, a cup of biokefir or bifidok.

• Lunch: a large salad of finely chopped tomatoes, cucumbers with a handful of olives and a couple of slices of cheese. You can drink a cup of homemade tomato juice without adding sugar.

• Dinner: a cup of soft cottage cheese seasoned with kefir or yogurt with apple slices. At night you can drink fermented baked milk or drinking yogurt without additives.

Cheesecakes in protasovsky style


200 grams of not grained cottage cheese;

salt to taste;

a raw egg.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, mix with the egg and salt. Wet cheesecakes with wet hands, place on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Bake in the oven until the top of the syrniki is browned. Eat with yogurt.


• Breakfast: a cup of cottage cheese seasoned with yogurt. If desired, you can either add salt and finely chopped greens, or sweeten with stevia and put a flavor, for example, vanillin.

• Lunch: a large raw salad of fresh white cabbage, carrot straw and grated apple. You can add the chopped boiled egg directly to the salad or eat the egg separately.

• Dinner: tormentless baked cheesecakes and a cup of any sour-milk drink.

Homemade yogurt


• three liters of milk;

• half a liter of biokefir.

Boil milk, allow to cool to a temperature of 65 ° C. Pour in biokefir, stir. Wrap the container in a warm towel and leave to ferment for 8 hours.


• Breakfast: a salad of tomatoes, peppers, light cheese and kale with boiled egg and yogurt.

• Lunch: bell peppers stuffed with hot cottage cheese.

• Dinner: garlic salad of cucumbers, green onions, tomatoes, seasoned with sour cream or yogurt.

Spicy Stuffed Peppers


• one pepper;

• one tomato;

• one hundred grams of cottage cheese;

• clove of garlic;

• salt.

Chop the tomatoes very finely, chop the garlic with a knife. Mix cottage cheese, tomatoes and garlic, salt. Free bell pepper from partitions and seeds, stuff with cottage cheese, put in the refrigerator for half an hour. Slice the pepper into rings and eat.


• Breakfast: a cup of cottage cheese, drinking yogurt, boiled egg.

• Lunch: salad and fresh carrots and beets, seasoned with sour cream and grated garlic. A glass of homemade tomato juice.

• Dinner: carrot salad with apple, cottage cheese pancakes and a cup of biokefir.

Carrot salad


• large carrots;

• green apple;

• a teaspoon of lemon juice;

• salt;

• two tablespoons of yogurt.

Cut the apple into small cubes and sprinkle with lemon juice. Grate the carrots. Combine everything in a cup, salt, season with yogurt.


• Breakfast: scrambled eggs with herbs, for dessert, cottage cheese with apple and yogurt dressing.

• Lunch: tomatoes stuffed with hot pepper, optionally a glass of tomato juice or diluted tomato paste. Tomatoes stuffed with cottage cheese

• Dinner: cottage cheese pancakes, apple yogurt.

Cinnamon Yogurt and Apple Drink


• green apple;

• a glass of yogurt;

• a pinch of cinnamon;

• half a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Grate the apple on a fine grater, mix with yogurt. Add lemon juice and cinnamon, mix.


• Breakfast: coleslaw with radish and apple, seasoned with natural yogurt, one boiled egg.

• Lunch: a large tomato salad with slices of homemade cheese.

• Dinner: baked cheesecakes with yogurt.

Cottage cheese


• three liters of milk;

• liter of kefir;

• a teaspoon of salt;

• optionally Provencal herbs or other aromatic additive.

The process takes several days. First of all, you need to separate kefir serum - it will act as a starter culture. To do this, bring kefir on a small fire to a boil, wait for the cottage cheese to separate. Strain everything through a colander and double gauze. Greenish liquid - this is serum. It must be left for a day or two in the heat to acidify. Eat separated cottage cheese, it is very tasty. After two days, boil the milk, pour in the whey and cook for 6-7 minutes at a slow boil. Strain the separated mass, add salt to taste, add herbs, twist in gauze and hang over a cup so that all the glass liquid. Then form a cheese piece in the form of a head or tortillas, put the load on top and put it in the refrigerator for several hours.


• Breakfast: sliced ​​vegetables with herbs, boiled egg, homemade cheese and 5-6 olives.

• Lunch: cold cucumber soup, cheese with herbs, fermented baked milk.

• Dinner: cottage cheese pancakes or tomatoes stuffed with cottage cheese and garlic.

Spicy cold cucumber soup


• two cucumbers;

• a cup of drinking yogurt or kefir;

• a little dill and parsley;

• clove of garlic;

• salt.

Grate the cucumber on a coarse grater, add the chopped garlic and herbs, pour kefir.

Third, fourth and fifth weeks

Repeat the menu of the first and second weeks, adding a piece of meat or fish dish to any of the meals. The total amount of meat or fish per day is 300 grams. Better a daily portion in two divided doses.


• Breakfast: cheesecakes with yogurt.

• Lunch: chicken, baked in salt, with vegetable slices.

• Dinner: stuffed peppers, a piece of chicken from lunch.

Salt Baked Chicken

Remove the skin from the carcass, cut into pieces. Marinate in kefir. Preheat the oven. Pour a layer of salt on a baking sheet, spread the bird and bake at 250 ° C for 30-40 minutes.


• Breakfast: omelet with tomatoes, cheese.

• Lunch: vegetable slices and steamed chicken cutlets.

• Dinner: salad with chicken breast and egg under cream and mustard dressing.

Chicken Salad

Cut the boiled breast, chop the egg with a knife. Finely grate the carrots. Combine the components, salt. Mix sour cream and mustard, season salad.


• Breakfast: a cup of cottage cheese with yogurt and apple.

• Lunch: trout, baked in its own juice, with salad and cucumber.

• Dinner: a salad of slightly salted trout and vegetables

Salad with trout and vegetables

Trout cut into thin plates. Straw Bulgarian pepper, apple, cucumber, 2-3 radishes. Mix everything, season with lemon juice and yogurt.


• Breakfast: boiled egg, a slice of slightly salted trout.

• Lunch: cold tomato soup with garlic and kefir.

• Dinner: hearty shrimp salad.

Shrimp salad with vegetables

Combine julienne bell pepper, chopped boiled egg, slices of fresh tomato, ten shrimp. Salt, pour yogurt.


• Breakfast: homemade cheese, apple.

• Lunch: baked chicken wings with tomatoes and garlic cream sauce.

• Dinner: chicken cutlets with a side dish of fresh vegetables.

Cheese cutlets baked in the oven with cheese

Pass the chicken breast and a clove of garlic through a meat grinder, add a raw egg, salt and pepper. Form cutlets by putting a piece of cheese inside. Bake in the oven at 250 ° C until cooked.


• Breakfast: cheesecakes with yogurt.

• Lunch: Baked pink salmon in kefir with salad.

• Dinner: salad with tomatoes, salted pink salmon, olives and cottage cheese with lemon-garlic dressing.

Pink Salmon Kefir

Season a piece of steak with salt, pepper, put on a foil envelope, grease with kefir or yogurt. Bake until cooked without covering the foil.


• Breakfast: salad and fresh cabbage with bell pepper and boiled egg.

• Lunch: grilled beef steak with vegetables.

• Dinner: cottage cheese pancakes with sour cream.

When leaving the diet for a month, add a little carbohydrate food to the diet every week:

1. porridge of gray cereals in the water;

2. pears instead of apples;

3. dried fruits in porridge;

4. boiled, baked, grilled vegetables;

5. soups.

Gradually leaving the Protasov diet, make the menu for every day varied, but avoid overeating.


Watch the video: Диета ПРОТАСОВА Сегодня НАЧИНАЮЧто буду кушать (July 2024).